The Ewha Medical Journal
Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
Case Report
A Case of Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Min Jae Lee, Yoen Soon Lim, So Yun Cho, Hyung Chul Kang, Jeong Hee Hahm
Published Online: Jul 24, 2015
Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare aggressive tumor of uncertain origin. The tumor occurres most commonly in the head and neck region of the eldery.
The patient was a 62-year-old female with a reddish nonulcerative movable hard nodule on her left temple area for 2 months. Histopathologically, the tumor cells with large vesicular nuclei and scanty cytoplasm were arranged in trabecular and cord-like pattern in the dermis. The majority of the tumor cells were positive for neuron specific enolase, chromogranin and neurofilament.