Intrafamilial Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus: The Impartant Role of Infection between Spouses
Published Online: Jul 24, 2015
To determine the possibility of for sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus, we report a study on 26 cases of type C liver disease that were evaluated in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Ewha Womans University(Mok-dong hospital) over a period of 22 months from January of 1994 to October of 1995. The results were as follows,
1) There were 1 acute hepatitis case, 19 chronic hepatitis cases, and 6 liver cirrhosis cases.
2) The positive rate of anti-HCV of spouse was 3.8%. The positive rate was not significant compared to control group(total age adjusted prevalence).
3) The positive rate of anti-HCV of spouse was not significantly related with duration of mar-riage or severity of disease.
Intrafamilial spread of HCV by sexual transmission is one of the route for transmission of disease. But these result suggested it was uncommon route of transmission of hepatitis C.