The Ewha Medical Journal
Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
Case Report
A Case of Granuloma Annulare on the Ear Helices
Joung Hyun Shin, Jin Hyung Kim, Hee Soo Lee, Seung Lee Soe, Hae Young Choi, Ki Bum Myung
Published Online: Sep 30, 1998
Granuloma annulare is a chronic, benigh, degenerative dermatosis, usually developes on the dorsum of hand or foot. A case is reported of localized granuloma annulare on the both ear helices of a 21-year-old male with no history of precipitating causes, including trauma, insect bite, diabetes mellitus, or rheumatoid arthritis. The histology was typical palisading granulomas. Auricular granuloma annulare is rare. A brief review of the pathogenesis and literature is presented.
Keywords: Granuloma annulare; Ear; Trauma