A Study on the Effect of Nevus Flammeus Treatment by Flashlamp Pumped Pulsed Dye Laser
Published Online: Jul 24, 2015
Ninety patients(average age 18 years 10 months) with nevus flammeus were treated with the flashlamp pumped pulsed dye laser(Candela Laser Corp., Wayland, Mass., SPTL-1). With an average of 3 treatments, more than 75% lightening was achieved in 36 patients(40.0%), 50% to 75% lightening in 42 patients(46.7%), 25% to 50% lightening in 6 patients(6.7%), and less than 25% lightening in 6 patients(6.7 %), The percentage of lightening was increased as the number of treatments increased. The overall more than 50% lightening was achieved in 7 patients(l00%) of pink lesion treated, in 44 patients(89.8%) of red lesion treated, and in 27 patients(79.4%) of purple lesion treated.
There were complications such as cutaneous hyperpigmentations in 21 patients(23.3 %), hypopigmentations in 3 patients(3.3%). and atrophic scar in 1 patient(1.l%). All complications were transient and disappeared completely.