β-glucuronidase Activity in Urine of Human with Trematodes
Published Online: Jul 24, 2015
The author studied the β-glucuronidase activity in the urine of 46 males and 19 females with trematodes such as Clonorchis sinensis, Stellantchasmus falcatus, metagonimus yokogawai, paragonimus westermani, Heterophyes heterophyes.
Specific activity of β-glucuronidase was analyzed statistically by sex, age, intensity of infection and mixed infection.
The results obtained in this studies were summarized as follows.
In the 41-50 years of age groups of males, β-glucuronidase activity in the urine was elevated the highest with 1.56U/ml, 1.21U/ml of females and 1.49U/ml of male in the 30-40 years of age groups, but activity of β-glucuronidase in the urine according to age and sex was not statistical significance.
It was gradually increased β-glucuronidase activity in urine of males and females according to number of mixed infection of trematodes species(p<0.01). β-glucuronidase activity in urine of males and females according to intensity of trematodes infection appeared 0.92U/ml in the simple infection, 1.14U/ml in the medium infection and 1.54U/ml in the heavy infection, respectively(p<0.01).
On the basis of results, it was suggested that β-glucuronidase activity in the human urine was significantly increased in the intensity of infection and mixed infection groups than that of normal groups.
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