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Volume 5(2); June 1982

Original Articles
Study on Dietary Intake of Cholesterol in the Korean
D.Y. Lee, N.E. Sung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):45-50.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.45

The accumulation of cholesterol in body has recently been known as one of the risk factor for hypertension, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, so we have been concerned with cholesterol content of foods and dietary intake of cholesterol. Accordingly, cholesterol amound taken by the Korean has investigated and the results are summarized as follows; 1. The annual research data shows that daily cholesterol intake of Korean has increased by the improvement of economic condition. 2. In the daily cholesterol intake amount by a person, the urban district was higher than the rural district. 3. It will be very possible that the amount of cholesterol taken per day is more than 300mg due to improvement of economic condition within a few years.

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Serplogic Study of Rubella Virus Antibody in Pregnant Women in Korea
Hae Kyung Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):51-59.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.51

Antibodies detection of Rubella virus was performed with sera from 75 pregnant women in Korea to understand its epidemiological pattern. Serologic methods used for this purpose were Hemagglutination Inhibition test(HI test) and Single Radial Hemolysis test(SRH test), simultaneously for each serum. A very high rate of positivity was disclosed as 76% by HI test and 78% by SRH test respectively in this population group. Comparative value of HI test and SRH test which were known to have advantages and disadvantages against each other was discussed therewith.


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  • Measurement of Serum Rubella Antibody Titers in Korean Children, Female Adolescents, and Pregnant Women
    Im‐Soon Lee, Chang‐Hwi Kim, Sang‐Jhoo Lee, Tai‐Ho Cho
    Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.1992; 18(4): 345.     CrossRef
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Clinical Study of Facial Melanosis
Sang Soo Park, Jeong Hee Hahm, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):61-67.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.61

Facial melanosis may be distinguished on the basis of etiology, associated morphologic changes, and distribution. Factors contributing to the development of such pigmentation are contact dermatitis, sun exposure, systemic hormonal alterations, and toxic substances. Among these facial disorders may be listed; melasma, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, Riehl's melanosis, and mercurial pigmentation. In order to compare facial melanosis, Ewha Womans University Hospital studied 1977 patients from July 1,1980 to June 30, 1981. The results were as follows: 1. The favorite site of melasma was cheek, malar prominences, and forehead in that order. Postinflammatiry hyperpigmentation occurred on the forehead, malar prominences, and the cheek in that order. Riehl's melano-sis developed on the face and mercurial pigmentation was on the cheek, malar prominences, and forehead. 2. The color of melasma was mostly brown, dark brown and subsequently light brown in that order. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was mostly dark brown, brown and subsequently light brown in that order. The color of Riehl's melanosis and mercurial pigmentation was dark brown. 3. In spring and summer seasons, melasma, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation and Riehl's melanosis were exacerbated by sunlight, but mercurial pigmentation was not affected by sunlight. 4. In all 19 cases (melasma 12 cases, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation 4 cases, Riehl's melanosis 2 cases, mercurial pigmentation 1 case) the C.B.C., urinalysis and liver function tests, were within normal limits. 5. In 19 cases biopsy specimens revealed an increase of melanin pigment and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration. In one case, the findings were similar to those of a tattoo biopsy and 2 cases showed free zone beneath the papillary body. Patients with facial melanosis, characteristically have a similar history, clinical and laboratory findings, and disease course.

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Clinical Study of Patellar Fractures
Chung Nam Kang
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):69-76.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.69

64 cases of patellar fractures, which were treated as the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University during the period from March 1970 to December 1981 has been analysed clinically. The following results were obtained. 1. In 64 cases of patellar fractures, 51 cases(79.7%) were male, and most common age group was 21-40 years old male, and than most common cause was traffic accident, and common mechanism of fracture were direct trauma with 44 cases. 2. Most common operative method were wiring in 26 cases(40.6%), and then partial patellectomy in 14 cases(21.9%) next. 3. The 18 cases treated by surgically in 48 hours from onset to time of operation, shows 1-2 weeks short in period of recovery time than late treated, and no evidence of complication. 4. The 64 cases of patellar fractures, treated by surgically 49 cases between by conservative 15 cases as indicated, were not found in differentiate time of recovery. 5. In conservative and surgical treatment, when the knee joint was immobilized in 10-15 degree flexion or full straight with cylinder cast in certain period of time, author experienced short recovery time of knee joint function in 10-15 degree flexion group after the discontinuence of the cast. 6. Author experienced more significant aid about function of knee that in 14 cases of partial patellectomy, remained more large fragment, and proximal pole than distal pole.

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Experimental Studies on Effect of Restoring on the Blood Supply in Ischaemic Skin Flaps
Han Joong Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):77-80.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.77

Skin flap necrosis can be a catastrophe in reconstructive surgery. In recent years many attempts have been made clinically and experimentally to improve the blood supply in ischaemic flaps and minimise or prevent completely the impending tissue necrosis. This present study investigates the role heparin in preventing ischaemic flap necrosis experimentally in rabbits.

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An Experimental Study for Sunscreening Effect of Several Sunscreen Agents
Joo Eun Jang, Hong Il Kook, Joo Hyun Byun
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1982;5(2):81-86.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1982.5.2.81

The change of the skin are acute reaction of erythema or sunburn, and/or prolonged and accumulated exposure commonly associated with degenerative changes, skin, aging, actinic keratosis and carcinoma after exposure to ultraviolet light. Topically applied protective agents are screen or barriers, absorb light of a particular wavelength or reflect it, which protect viable cells and has been used to decrease the risk of development, to prevent exacerbation of photodermatoses, pigmentary disorders, as melasma and freckles. The purpose of the study was to evaluate and comparative the several sunscreen agents available on the human skin of 40 healthy volunteers by indoor method and sunlight. The results were as follows: 1. In the development of minimal erythema doses, the average noted 4.8 minutes in ultraviolet light-B, 12.6 minutes in ultraviolet light-A, and 15.4 minutes in sunlight. 2. The sunprotective factors of 1.7% p-aminobenzoic acid, 0.3% benzophenone in cream were 12.1 in ultraviolet light-B, 8.2 in ultraviolet light-A, 6.3 in sunlight with highest effectiveness, and that of 5% p-amino-benzoic acid in oil were 1.6, 2.4, 1.3 with lowest effectiveness. 3. 1.7% p-aminobenzoic acid, 0.3% benzophenone in cream gave protection similar to that of 5% p-aminobenzoic acid in 70% ethylalcohol. 4. In the vehicle, the effectiveness of alcohol type agent is better than that of oil type of 5% p-aminobenzoic acid.

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