This study was carried out to investigate the correlation of ovarian follicular characteristics in vaginal ultrasonography with serum estradiol level in human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF & ET) program hyperstimulated by using of pure follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin(hMG).
The results were as follows:
1) Total amount of FSH and hMG administered in the process of hyperstimulation were 300IU and 772±157.5IU respectively. And the number of follicles which were more than 12mm in diameter in vaginal ultrasonography on the day before the aspiration were 6.0±3.7.
2) The greatest number of follicles which were more than 10mm in diameter were 7.4±3.8 on the day after administration of hCG. The serum estradiol level was increased according to the increase in number of follicles of more than 10mm diameter(r=0.9632)
3) The largest diameter of dominant follicles were 19.9±2.3mm which happened on the day after administration of hCG. The serum estradiol level was increased according to the increase in diameter of dominant follicle(r= 0.9791).
4) The total number of oocytes aspirated was 180 from 35 hyperstimulated cycle, which was equivalent to 5.1±3.9per cycle. Of these, the number of mature oocytes was 4.1±3.8per cycle. The ferilization rate of mature oocytes and cleavage rate of Proombryos were 75.6% and 53.7% respectively.
In conclusion, ovarian follicular characteristics in vaginal ultrasonography had strong postive correlation with serum estradiol level in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation process. So. therefore, vaginal ultrasonography would be an important parameter to be able to replace serum estradiol test in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer program.