Urolithiasis is common but one the most important disease in the field of urology. Recently the incidence of urolithiasis is increasing according to the improvement of living standards in Korea. Althought the etiology and pathogenesis of urolithiasis are interactions of a very complex process ans has not yet been clearly established, it is believed that diet containing calcium, a one of the stone forming-components, such as milk may play a principle role in the stone formation.
We carried out epidemiologic study to determine the relationship between urilithiasis and dietary pattern changes to westernized food in Korean people. Comparision study was carried out between 1970s and 1980s.
The following results were obtained :
1) The yearly personal consumption of rice was not much changed in 1970s but in 1980s it continued to decrease. The yearly barley consumption continued to decrease after late 1970s, declining to level below 2kg in 1987.
2) The yearly personal comsumption of meat was not much changed upto mid 1970s but after 1977 it continueed to increase, showing 2.7 times increase in 1989 compared to that of 1977.
3) The yearly personal consumption of milk and dairy products was markedly increased ; 8.4 times in 1970s and 3.6 times in 1980s. In 1989 it increased 35.2 times compared to that of 1970.
4) Changes in the ratio of patients with urolithiasis to the total patients admitted to urologic department was not remarkable, but yearly, number of patients with urolithiasis continued to increase, especially from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. In 1970s the urolithiasis prevalence was highest in the regious such as Pusan, Kyungbook, Honam but in 1980s it changed its stage to Seoul.
5) Age distribution revealed under the age of 20, no specific changes were noted in both 1970s and 1980s. In 1970s urolithiasis patients over the age of 40 revealed high increase rate 3.4 times, but in 1980s age group over 40 only showed 1.6 times increase. to the surprise, age group between 20-40 showed 1.4 times increase, indicating not much differences between both age groups in patient numbers of increase rate.
6) Sex prevalence was greater in famale than male in both 1970s and 1980s.
7) Locational prevalence of urolithiasis showed increased rate of renal stone in both 1970s and 1980s. But that of bladder stone was not remarkable.
8) Seasonal prevalence revealed highest prevalence rate in summber and lowest in winter.
9) Through analysis of following factors ; higher living standards due to ecnomic growith, increased milk and meat concumption due to change in dietary pattern to westernized food, decrease carbohydrates such as rice and barley, we can conclude that dietary change is closely related to urolithiasis and its correlation is more significant in 1980s than 1970s.