Chung Sook Ahn | 3 Articles |
To compare the corneal reaction of the widely used viscoelastic substance such as Healon, Amvisc and newly developed and less expensive viscoelastis substance(2% Methylcellulose) which was made at our hospital. 0.2ml each of varrious viscous solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes and their reactions were observed. BSS(Balanced Salt Solution) was used as a control. 1) Intraocular pressure was elevated to the peak in 1 hour after injection of BSS(26.6±7.2mmHg), in 3 hours after injectuon of Amvisc®(31.6±8.8mm), MC(28.7±5.5mmHg) and in 5 hours after injection of Healon®(30.8±7.3mmHg). Intraocular pressure returned to normal at 12 hours after injection of MC group and BSS group, while Healon® and Amvisc® group returned to normal at 24 hours. 2) Central corneal thickness was increased to the peak 24 hours after injection in all groups; Healon®(40.2±18.5 µm), Amvisc®(395±14.7µm), MC(421±17.4µm) and control BSS(409±20.2µm). Corneal thickness returned to normal after 4 days in Healon® and control groups but it took 6 days for Amvisc® and MC group. 3) The endothelial cell density 2 weeks after injection were healon 2287±l98cell/mm2. Amvisc® 2515±l8lcell/mm2, MC 2341±l73cell/mm2, and BSS 2726±85cell/mm2. 4) The endothelial cells under the scanning electron minoscope showed decreased microvilli and indistinct intercellular junction in all groups except control BSS group. Scanning electron micrograph 2 weeks after injection of Amvisc® showed the findings of more edematous endothelial cells compared with those of other groups.
This report is based on a statistical analysis of the 693 cases that had ophthalmological management among 40,242 patients who visited the emergency room of the EWHA woman's hospital from January 1981, to December 1985. The results were as follows: 1) The proportion of eye patients in emergency room was 1.75%(693 patients) of the total of 40, 242 patients. 2) Among the ocular patients, male patients were comprised 69.55%(428 patients), whereas female patients, 30.45%(211 patients). 3) In comparison with age group, ages between 21 and 30 were the largest group, consisting about 1/3 of the total patients.(38.83%)4) With respect to affected side, there was no significant difference between the right eye and the left eye in both sexes. 5) With regard to the seasonal distribution, the most patients were found in Autumn comprising 193 patients(27.85%), and Summer, Spring and Winter followed in order. Concerning monthly difference, the largest number of patients(85 patients, 12.27%) were occured in August and February, the least(37 patients, 5.34%). 6) Regarding daily difference, the most patients visited on Sundays(182 patients, 26.12%), while the least patients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7) Of all ocular patients, the traumatic patients were 548 cases(79.08%), and non traumatic patients were 145 cases(20.92%). Among traumatic patients, 67 patients(9.67%) had eye ball perforations and 481 patients(69.41%), non-perforation injury. 8) In Eye ball perforation, 45patients of corneal laceration were most common, In non-perforated eye ball injuries, 145 patients had corneal foreign body which showed the largest number. Of non traumatic injuries, Epidemic and acute conjunctivitis occured in 120 patients was the largest group. 9) In view of the causes of the eye injuries, the most common cause was striking on the eye by the fist or kicking or heading incidents and then by glass pide or wood stick. Citations Citations to this article as recorded by
A case of electric cataracts in both eyes were presented. A 23 years old electric mechanic whose left was touched to a 22,000 voltage of alternating current eletric line 26 September 1979, has been unconscious for 24 hours and amnesic for 6 days. Also he got burnt second or third degree on the neck, face, both hands and forearms, and both lower extremities and superficial burns of the other body surface. He had developed gradual decreasc of the visual acuity. When the author examined the patient's visual acuity and intra ocular pressure on 1 November 1979, the right eye was 0.15 (0.3X-SPH 2.00D), the left eye 0.4 (GL.B.N.) and 19mm Hg/5.5 on both eyes, and there were thread like and diffuse opacity on the anterior and posterior subcapsular areas. These finding were more pronounced in the right eye. The vision was dropped to H.M./30cm in the right eye and F.C./20cm in the left eye. The extracapsular lens extraction was done for the right eye without any complication on February 1, 1980. The vision was obtained 0.01(±0.6X+SPH 12.00D) on the right eye and 0.01(±0.9X+SPH 12.00D) on the left eye one month after the operation and there were no complications. Citations Citations to this article as recorded by