Since the national insurance system has implemented in 1977. the aspect of supply and demand in terms of treatment has been solved to a certain degree. but the health of the people has not been satisfied. Furthermore. considering the efficiency of cost-effective analyais. the development in the health promotion of medical field has gradually come to be called for.
As a part of the research, we have established the the major adult disease of our country. such as hypertension, diabetes, gastric cancer and cervical cancer, elicited the items of knowledge. attitude and practice(KAP) aimed at the prevention and early diagnosis of the above disease, prepared self-questionires. and made the persons concerned evaluate the KAP for their health.
We think that the utilization of the KAP questionires is effective for the promotion of health by the self-efficacy consciousness. and that the KAP itself is greatly significant as an excellent materials for public health education.
The sustained research and study which is to be followed is to go over the validity, reliability, efficacy. which would, make a great contribution to public health in the community.