70 patients of abdominal trauma were reviewed for 8 years from June 1974 to June 1982 and the results were as follows:1) The monthly distribution indicated prominant incidence was September. 2) The male to female ratio was 5:1 and the prevalent age was third decade(42.9%). 3) The most common mode of injury was traffic accident(34.3%), stabbing(31.4%), blowing and kicking(25.7%), in order of frequency. 4) Among 70 cases, 48 cases(68.6%) were blunt trauma whereas 22 cases(31.4%) were penetrating injury. 5) 24 cases(49%) of injuried patients were operated within 6hrs. after injury and 40 cases(81.6%) of injuried patients were operated within 24hrs. after injury. 6) The clinical manifestations were abdominal pain(90%), tenderness(82%), rigidity(68.6%), rebound tenderness(60%). 7) Abdominal paracentesis was performed in 23 cases, of which 18 cases(78.3%) revealed positive findings. 8) The injuried intraperitoneal organs were small intestine(36.9%), mesentery(21.9%), spleen(10.9%), retroperitoneum in the order of frequency. 9) The associated injuries were chest injury, fracture of lower extremities, rib fracture, pelvic bone fracture in the order of frequency. 10) Primary closure of G-I tract, splenectomy was done mostly. 11) The complication were seen in 12 cases and the wound infection(41.7%) was the most common. 12) Overall mortality rate was 4.3% and the cause of death was hypovolemic shock in most part.