Diffuse pulmonary Iymphangitic involvement secondary to cervical carcinoma is a rare form of pulmonary metastatic disease. A patient with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of cervix presented with rapid deterioration with marked respiratory symptoms suggestive of pulmonary embolism and right heart faiure, with which the disease is often confused.
Pulmonary Iymphangitic spread of the cancer was found postmortem. The pathogenesis of pulmonary Iymphangitic carcinomatosis is reviewed and diagnostic evaluation discussed.
We retrospectively reviewed chest radiographs of 101 patients with primary pneumonia treatedat department of pediatrics between January 1990 and June 1992 to understand pnelimoniaradiologic patterns in ages of children and to attain helpful information in diagnosing pediaoicpneumonia hereafter.
Results were as follows :
1) The cases of infantile pneumonia (under 1 year of age) were 42. The most frequent Hadingwas peribronchial infiltration with overaeration(24 cases, 57.1% ), followed by multiple patchyatelectasis associated with peribronchial infiltration and overaeration(8 cases, 19.0%). parahilarperibronchial infiltration (5 cases. 11.9%), peribronchial infiltration and air space consolidation(2 cases,4.8%), air space consolidation(2 cases,4.8%) and bronchopneumonia pattern(1 case,2.4%).
2) The cases of 1~6 years of age were 52. The most common finding was parahilar peribron-chial infiltration(29 cases, 55.8%), followed by air space consolidation(13 cases. 25.0%), andbronchopneumonia pattern(10 cases, 19,2%).
3) The rases of 7~13 years of age were 7. All cases showed air space consolidation.Under 6 years of age, the radiographic findings of pneumonia differed from that of adult.
Over 7 years of age, the pattern of pneumonia was similar to that of adult.