Stomach cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in Korea. and 5-year survival rate of early cancer is execellent in comparison with advanced cancer. Therefore, tremendous effrots should be made for the early detection of gastric cancer.
The patients had presenting sysmptoms indistinguishable from those of benign peptic ulcer disease, so radiology or endoscopic examination with multiple biopsies should be performed.
The author reviewed 22 cases collected from Ewha Woman University Hospital, from Jan. 1983 to Apr. 1990.
The results were sumerized as follows ;
1) The incidence of EGC among gastric cancer was 5.1%.
2) The over-all male to female sex ratio was 1 : 1.6, and the mean age was 50.2% years old.
3) The most common symptom was epigastric pain(77.8%) and the most common duration of symptoms was below 3 months(41%).
4) The diagnostic accuracy was 68.2% endoscopically and 70.3% radiologically.
5) The most frequent morphologic type of EGC was IIc(45.5%).
6) The major location EGC were pylorus and antrum(59.1) and and lesser curvature(50.05).
7) The cancer was confined to regional lymph node was found in 13.6%.
8) Thd mose common microscopic tissue type of EGC was moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma(36.4%).
9) Of 22 cases, all who had received gastric resection, were survived.