A bezoar, a mixture of various undigested foreign substances in the gastrointestinal tract, causes intestinal obstruction at times. We report a case of non-surgical treatment in old age patient. An 89-year-old female presented with epigastric pain, general weakness, and intermittent melena for 1 month. There were episodic attacks of vomiting. An abdominal computed tomography scan showed a 5×4 cm, firm, atypically shaped mass at the stomach body and duodenal bulb with interspersed gas. Endoscopy showed a mass of fiber impacting the antrum pylorus, and the endoscopist failed to remove the bezoar at the first attempt. We subscribed olive oil for few days to make the bezoar small, and eventually, it was fragmented and removed without surgery. A phytobezoar is not uncommon disease required surgical removal if obstructive system developed. Ingestion of olive oil would be a helpful substitute for immediate operation in case of phytobezoar.