Total cholesterol content of fishes and shellfishes, which bought in the local market, was estimated in part (head, muscle, skin, egg, and roe). and also, the general analytical data(water, protein, fat, and ash) were examined in the parts. The results of cholesterol content are as follows;
1) In the fresh water fishes, the cholesterol content was highest in trout and watereel.
2) In the marine fishes, it was high in makerel, Spanish makerel, horse makerel, and hickory sard and low in sea-cucumber and thormbock stingray.
3) Cholesterol content of the parts in both fresh water fishes and marine fishes was highest in roe, and the next egg, skin, head, and muscle in the ordet named.
4) Cholesterol content of the shell fishes was 100mg~200mg/100g.
5) Generally, the cholesterol content also was high in the sample that fat content was high.