Ja Hyung Wie | 2 Articles |
In order to grasp the knowledge , attitude, and the degree of practice the utilization of public health and medical care on the part of the residents of Su Dong Myon which is the demonstration project of Ewha Womans University and to perceive the response of the above dwellers about the village health worker, and the students' education for community medicine, we have conducted interviews by means of questionaries fro four days, Feb. 13 to 16 in 1985. And the outcome is as follows; 1) The degree of the recognition about the treatment of patients was 83.9%, which was the highest of the various functions of the health sub-center, and the second highest degree of recognition was 49.8%, which was the immunization of infants and children. And the degree of recognition about the other functions was very low. 2) The answers as to what place they will choose when they want to make use of public health and medical care were as follows: Those who go to the health sub-center when children fall sick, when adults fall sick, when immunization is performed when a family planning is to be consulted, and when pregnancy is to be consulted were 72.5%, 65.2%, 94.5%, 84.6%, and 74.4% respectively. 3) As for the reasons of the people who replied that they will go to the health sub-center when they are sick. It is convenient because it is near in distance was 52.2% which was the highest, and We can go to a hospital after we are treated in the health sub-center first of all was 20.7% which was the second highest. On the other hand, as for the reason of the people who replied that they would not choose the health sub-center, It is not near them was 34.3% which was the highest, It does not seem to be dependable was 24.3%, and Its medical facilities are not good was 15.7%. 4) The 86 patients who have recently follows sick within a month have visited first in order to be examined or to be treated were the health sub-center and drugstores, which were 32.6% and 32.6% respectively and these are the highest rates. However, those who visited the hospitals and clinics in the cities including Seoul were 10.5% and 8.1%. 5) The dwellers who favored the payment of the dues of the community development public health were 175 households(64.1%) and 53 households disapproved it (19.4%). The reason for this disapproval was that they are in a difficult situation economically.(33.9%) which was the highest rate and that We have to pay the money even when our family members are not sick.(24.5%) which was the second highest. The residents who have received help from the village health worker showed an affirmative response(totally 87.3%) by saying that It was a great help. (51.1%) and that It helped them a little.(36.2%). 6) The dwellers' response about students' visit to families for the purpose of the education of community medicine shown comparatively high(78.5%) as seen in We help them actively because we know that what they are doing is necessary. And there was even a response(2.4%) in which they said that We are bothered by them, so we will be happy if they don't come to visit us. The residents who responded that It will be good for us to be informed of the outcome of the inquiry conducted by the students through the visit to families. was 59.3%. And the negative responses such as I am not interested in it. or I don't have to be informed of it. were 28.2% and 12.0% respectively.
A study on attitude and practice of village health workers organized and supervised by Su-dong health subcenter was carried out with the analizing data collected through interview with 18 village health workers and village health worker's daily activity records during five months from October 1970 to Feburay 1987.