Kyung Hee Kim | 6 Articles |
The worldwide incidence of precocious puberty, which is associated with negative health outcomes, is increasing. Several studies have suggested that environmental factors contribute to the development of precocious puberty alongside genetic factors. Some epidemiological studies have provided limited evidence suggesting an association between exposure to air pollution and changes in pubertal development. This systematic review aimed to summarize existing evidence on the association between air pollution exposure and precocious puberty. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, we searched two databases (PubMed and Web of Science) until August 2023. The included studies assessed the association between air pollutant exposure and the risk of precocious puberty, early menarche, or pubertal development. Two authors independently performed study selection and data extraction. A meta-analysis and analysis of the risk of bias were infeasible due to the limited number of studies and the heterogeneity among them. The literature search resulted in 184 studies, from which we included six studies with sample sizes ranging from 437 to 4,074 participants. The studies reported heterogeneous outcomes. Four studies found that increased exposure to air pollution was related to earlier pubertal onset. One study was inconclusive, and another suggested that air pollutant exposure may delay the onset of thelarche. Most studies suggest that exposure to air pollutants accelerates pubertal development; however, the results from the available studies are inconsistent. More extensive and well-designed longitudinal studies are required for a comprehensive understanding of the association between air pollution and precocious puberty. Citations Citations to this article as recorded by
Cardiac rhabdomyomas are typically presented in the tuberous sclerosis. Although benign and often associated with spontaneous regression, in rare circumstances huge mass size and critical location can lead to heart failure, ventricular outflow tract obstruction and refractory tachyarrhythmias. An 1-day-old girl was diagnosed as cardiac tumor during perinatal period. At birth, transthoracic echocardiography revealed huge cardiac mass located in septal area of both ventricle measuring 34×30 mm. It protruded into the left ventricular (LV) outflow tract, potentially obstructing it. A surface ECG revealed atrial tachycardia with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia with heart rate of 217 beats per min. The tachyarrhythmias were controlled with intravenous amiodarone. Reduction of the giant cardiac mass was treated with mammalian target of rapamycin pathway inhibitor sirolimus. However, she unfortunately died at 10 days-old because of sudden cardiac arrest maybe due to LV outflow tract obstruction during therapy. Gene analysis revealed TSC2 mutation after death. (Ewha Med J 2022;45(3):e5) Citations Citations to this article as recorded by
To access the changes of cerebral blood flow velocity according to the time after surfactant administration, we prospectively studied in the Hyaline Membrane Disease using Doppler ultrasonography. The patients were 26 infants. The mean gestational age was 3l4wks (range, 184 to 38wk). The ratio of male : female was 16 : 10, mean weight was 1.76±0.88Kg, Apgar score at 5min was 6.9, and type of delivery was C-section : vaginal delivery 19 : 4. Before and after, 10, 30min, 1, 6, l2hr, 1, 3, 5, 7days after surfactant administration, peak systolic and end-diastolic flow velocity(PSFV, EDFV) were estimated by Doppler method measuring MCA flow velocity. The Resistive index was calculated according to the mathematics. For the evaluation of the clinical status, systolic and diastolic systemic BP, PaO2, PaCO2, FiO2, pH, and respiratory rate(RR) were checked. The cerebral blood flow velocity showed initial increase of PSFV just after synthetic surfactant administration, and the increased PSFV continued until the 30 minites and then decreased. PSFV returns to initial level at 6hr, and then increased again. The changes of EDFV was not significant. The changes of RI & PI were no significant changes. The effects of surfactant to the systemic BP had no significance. The changes of PaCO2 and PaO2 were not significant. FiO2 showed steady improvement. Initial tachypnea and acidosis progressively improved without clinical significance. The administration of Surfactant in the HMD patients results in transient increase of cerebral blood flow velocity.
General concepts of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in liver microsomes and the characteristics of induction of the enzyme are well known in adult rats. However there are few detailed reports on the properties of the enzymes and characteristics of the induction in the rat fetus. The present investigation examined the effect of maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy and lactation on the activities of mixed function oxygenase of liver microsomes of the neonatal rats. The levels of the electron transfer system, such as cytochrome P-450, NADPH cytochrome C reductase were increased from 2nd week to 3rd week of postnatal age and then decrease on the alcohol treated group. The activities of 7-ethoxycoumarin-o-deethylase were increased until 3rd week of postnatal age and then decreased on the alcohol treated group compared to control group. These results suggested that induction of MFO were stimulated by alcohol were disturbed the liver microsomal drug metabolism.
Glucuronidation is low or undectable in embryonic and early fetal tissues and changes to adult levels at rates depending on the acceptor, tissue and species. The present investigation examined the effects of maternal consumption of alcochol during pregnaney and lactation development od UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity toward 1-naph-thol, 4-nitrophenol 4-methylumbelliferone and bilirubin of neonatal to adult rat liver microsomes. Conjugation of 1-naphthol and 4-nitrophenol was higher at birth and decreasd to adult levels by 21 days of age. Glucuronidation of bilirubin increased from birth to adult activity 21 days of age. Administration of alcohol on days 21 after birth increased UDPGT activity toward 1-naphthol and bilirubin compare to control, whereas alcohol decreased the development of UDPGT activity toward 1-naphthol 4-nitrophenol, 4-methylumbelliferone and bilirubin. The concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid was 50% of adult levels at birth and incread to adult value by 21 days of age. In the administration of alcochol, the concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid was low compare to control. Thus, development of UDPGT ativity toward alcohol appears to be different than that for other acceptors, suggesting there may be a separate UDPGT in rat liver that is responsible for the conjugation of alcohol.
We measured blood glucose, calcium and magnesium level by postnatal age in 18 large infants of gestational diabetic mothers who delivered at Dept. of Obstetrics, Ewha Womans Univ. Hospital from jan. 1983 to june 1987, and compared with 21 control infants. 1) Incidence of infants of gestational diabetic mothers was 0.5%. Among them, incidence of large ingants was 33.9%. 2) The incidence of IGDM was highest between 25-29years of maternal age. 3) In the birthwerght distribution, 34.0% of the cases were above 4.0kg. 4) The blood glucose level of IGDM by postnatal age was significantly lower(50.9mg%) than control group at birth. 5) The incidence of hypoglycemia in IGDM was significantly higher(50%) than control group at birth. 6) The blood clcium level of IGDM was significantly lower than control group at 24hr(6.99mg%) and 48hr(7.27mg%). 7) The incidence of hypocalcemia in IGDM was significantly higher than control group at 24hr(50%) and 48hr(38.9%). 8) There was no hypomagnesemia in IGDM.