To evaluate the CT findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients compared with patients without underlying disease.
The chest CT scans of pulmonary tuberculosis in 23 diabetic patients(M : F=21 : 2 ; mean age, 59 yrs.) and in 24 nondiabetic patients(M : F=12 : 12 ; mean age, 48 yrs.) were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists ; decisions were reached by consensus.
The frequencies of consolidation(100%, 42%), inhomogeneity of consolidation(70%, 21%), multiple small low-density areas(52%, 13%), cavitation(70%, 25%), multiple small cavity(35%, 4%), bizarre-shaped cavity(22%, 0%), air-bronchogram(95%, 54%) were significantly more common in pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients than in nondiabetic patients(p<.05). There was no significant difference in localization of pulmonary lesions between diabetic and nondiabetic patients.
Diabetic patients have a high prevalence of inhomogeneous consolidation containing multiple small low densities and multiple or bizarre-shaped cavities than do patients without diabetics.