Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital abnormality characterized by chronic constipation secondary to the absence of myenteric parasympathetic nerve ganglia in the distal large intestine.
The definitive operative treatment for Hirschsprung's disease is divided into three main classes-Swenson abdominal pull-through operation, Duhamel retrorectal pull-through operation, and Soave endo-rectal pull-through operation.
But each of these technics has one or more frequent complications or operative difficultes. Recently, the gastrointestinal stapling device is employed to cut away the common wall between the rectum and pulled-through colon of the Duhamel procedure for Hirschsprung's disease.
The authors performed three Duhamel procedures for Hirschsprungs disease using two GIA Autosutures at Ewha Womans University Hospital during recent several months, and are presenting with review of the world literatures.
Amebic colitis is an acute disease caused by organism Entamoeba histolytica. This disease is diagnosed with clinical symptoms, laboratory studies, and endoscopy with biopsy.
Now, we report the colonoscopic findings of amebic colitis. Colonoscopic findings are very variable.
There are punctate ulcer, pseudomembrane, pseudopolyp, and hemorrhage. Between above mentioned findings, punctate ulcers are found in almost all patients, except in asymptomatic patients. The lesion of the colon is very friable. So, involved tissue is bleeding with touch.