Jae Jin Hwang, Chang Yoon Ha, Hyun Jeong Jang, Eun Young Yun, Ji Hyun Ju, Yeon Jeong Ahn, Hyun Ju Min, Tae Hyo Kim, Hyun Jin Kim, Woon Tae Jung, Ok Jae Lee, Sun Young Yi
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 2010;33(2):95-98. Published online September 30, 2010
A 55-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with symptom of fever, chilling, abdominal discomfort and weight loss for 2months. Abdominal computed tomography(CT) revealed a 5×3.75 cm sized low attenuated lesion in the left lateral segment of liver. Esophagogastrodedodenoscopy showed a fistula with dirty exudates at the fundus and a yellowish stone and food debris at the choledochoduodenostomy site. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed and stone and food materials in common bile duct was removed with snare and basket. We experienced a case of liver abscess due to sump syndrome and spontaneous drainage to the stomach.