It is well kown that an increased incidence of atherosclerosis in diabetic patients, and hyperlipemia might contribute to its development. Although diabetic populations are increasing in Korea, there are few reports showing abnonmalities of serum lipid metabolism in these patients. Various lipid values in serum were measured in 22 NIDDM and impaired with those of 20 normal control group to assess abnormalities of lipid metabolism. Follwoing results are obtained ; 1) Total lipid concentration was significantly higher in diabetics than in normal control(P<0.01). After control of hyperglycemia, total lipid concentration was significantly decreased(P<0.05). 2) Triglyceride concentration was significantly higher diabetics than in normal control(p<0.01). After control of hyperglycemia, its concentraion was significantly decreased(P<0.05). 3) Total cholesterol concentration was higher in diabetics than normal control, but there were no statistical significances. After control of hyperglycemia, there were on difference among each group.
We had experienced one case of amyloidosis, especially involving kidney associated with nephrotic syndrome and liver who was admitted to Ewha University Hospital due to abdominal distension and extremities edema.
Diagnozis was made characteristic clinical and histopathologic finding with crystal violet and congo red staining produced green birefringence under polarized light.
We sdiscussed this case with review of literatures.