Yorng Man Choi | 9 Articles |
This study included the clinical analysis of 89 cases of adult male inguinal hernia which were treated surgically at Department of Surgery in Ewha University Hospital during 5 years from January, 1979 to December, 1983. The result were as follows : 1) The incidence of inguinal hernia was about 6.2% of total patients. 2) Among 298 patients, the incidence of adult male inguinal hernia was 89 cases. 3) The location of inguinal hernia : 55 cases(61.8%) in the right, 26 cases(29.2%) in the left, 8 cases (9%)bilaterally. 4) The types of inguinal hernia were the indirect in 86 cases(96.6%), the direct in 2 cases(2.3%) and combined in 1 case(1.1%). 5) The cardinal symptoms & signs were inguinal mass(84.3%), scrotal swelling(24.7%), pain & tenderness of inguinal or scrotal region(13.5%), abdominal pain & distension(9%) and nausea & vomiting(2.2%). 6) Preoperative complications were incarceration in 6 cases(6.7%) and strangulation in 2 cases(2.2%), associated diseases were hydrcele in 10 cases(11.2%), spermatocele in 1 case (1.1%) and undescended tetes in 1 case(1.1%). 7) Spinal anesthesia was 23 cases(25.9%), epidural anesthesia was 19 cases(21.3%) and general anesthesia was 47 cases(52.8%). 8) The selected operative procedure was Bassini procedure in 51 cases(57.3%), Mc Vay procedure in 36 cases(41.1%) and Ferguson procedure in 2 cases(2.2%). 9) The rate of postoperative complication was 8 cases(9%). 10) The average duration of postoperative hospitalization was 7.3 days.
This study included the clinical anaysis of 214 cases of small intestinal obstruction about its incidence, symptoms & signs, X-ray & laboratory findings, operative procedures, complications, andmortality, which were treated conservatively and/or surgically at the Department of Sugery in Ewha Womans University Hospital during 5 years from Januarym, 1977 to December, 1981. 1) The main causes of small intestinal obstruction were adhession(35%), intussus-ception(30.4%), and hernia(8.9%) 2) 140 cases were male, 74 cases were female, and a ratio of male to female was 1.9:1. 3) The cardinal symptoms and signs were abdominal pain(76.6%), abnormal peristalsis(75.5%), vomiting(68.2%), abdominal distension(65.3%), abdorminal tenderness(59%). 4) The positive findings on simple abdominal X-ray were seen in 91.1%. 5) The common previous operations of the cases of postoperative adhesion were appendectomy in 35.6%, gynecological operations in 16.4%, and a certain operative procedures for biliary system disease in 9.6%. 6) The operative procedures were performed lysis of adhesion in 33.1%, manual reduction in 30.6%, and bowel resection in 21.9%. 7) Wound infection was the most common complication after operation and the overall complication was 13.8%. 8) The over all mortality rate was 3.3%. The common causes of death were se-psis and electrolyte imbalance.
This report represents a bacteriological investigation of the biliary tract disease correlated to clinical data and their pathologic findings at the Ewha Womans University Hospital from Oct. 1977 to May 1980. In this report, 50 cases of adbominal surgery for biliary tract diseases were examined with bacterial culture from the gall bladder bile and the common duct bile. The following results were obtained: 1. Of 50 cases in which the bile was cultured, 28 cases (56%) had positive bile culture. 2. The differences of the positive culture rate between calculous and non-calculous patients indicated no significant differences. (57.6% : 52.9%) 3. 92.9% of patients with choledocholithiasis had positive bile culture. Only 39.1% of patients with cholelithiasis had positive bile culture. 4. Higher positive culture rate obtained in common duct bile than gall bladder bile. (51.3% : 47.7%) 5. Isolated organisms were mainly so called enteric bacterias. 6. In sensitivity tests of isolated organisms to the antibiotics, organisms were highly sensitive to Kanamycin, Panimycin, Colimycin and Gentamicin.
Pulmonary chondromatous hamartoma is a very rare disease in pulmonary tumors but it's character is benign nature. It is often incidental, asymptomatic finding on routine chest roentgenogram. They are reported to account for 8 percent of all coin lesions. In 1904, Albrecht first used the term "Hamartoma" to refer to a cogenital abnormal mixing of the normal components of an organs other than the lung. The author experienced one case of endobronchial hamartoma. The patient, 41-year-old-female was admitted to our hospital due to chest tightness and general weakness. Chest roentgenogram reveals that walnut-size radio-opaque density is seen in right upper lung field with demarcated margin. Right pneumonectomy is performed and the answer of pathology is benignendotrachial hamartoma. The post-operative course is unevenful and she was discharged in good condition.
One case of annular pancreas causing duodenal obstruction in 25-day-old girl was treated sucessfully by duodenojejunostomy at Ewha Womans University Hospital in July, 1980. She was one of the twins and premature baby in 37 weeks gestation. The hypothetical aspect of this anomaly, symptomatology, radiological findings, and the method of surgical procedures are discussed.
A case of leiomyosarcoma in stomach is reported with is rare disease and good prognosis rather than other adenocarcinoma of stomach. The tumor occurs in approximately equal frequency in both sex. It is seen at a somewhat young age than carcinoma of the stomach. This 26 year old female patient was admitted to our hospital on 14th Oct. 1930, with melena, dizziness and epigatstric mass. Physical examination revealed pale conjunctiva and questionable ill-defineed mass was palpated in the epigastric region. The C.B.C was obtained R.B.C.I. 8 million/mm3, HB. 5.0gm%, Hct. 15%, and W.B.C. 5,500/mm3 (Neutrophil seg. 70% and Lymphocyte 30%.) The upper G-I series showed multilobulated mass in lesser curvature of stomach. The massed have smooth and sharp bordered and overlying mucosa shows marked effacement. Superficial ulceration is also noted in the lesion. There is no evidence of rigidity or passage disturbance. Remain stomach and duodenum are within normal limit. Pathological examination was noted; multile, large, bulky intra-luminal massed are seen in the lesser curvature, with fungate into the gastric lumen and project subserosally. However, sections from tumor show non encapsulated multinodular tumor consisting of spindle and polygonal, moderately pleomorphic tumor cell by microscopy. There are some tumor cells arranged in whirl pattern with edematous highly vascularized stroma. Occasionally mitosis was vasible. This paper is concerned with our experience of a rare case of leiomyosarcoma of the stomach and reviewed with current concepts in the management in the literature.
Chronic Ulcerative Colitis is one of the rare diseases especially in Korea. It appears most often in patient of middle age but may occur at early or late age. The etiology is unknown and the main clinical manifestation are bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss ans pallor., It is exeperienced a case of chronic ulcerative colits, lesioned at left side if transverse colon, descending colon, and upper part of sigmoid colon in middle aged woman who was surgically treated with good result. It present a case of chronic ulcerative colitis with review of the literature.
The incidence of the leiomyosarcoma is 1~3% of all gastric malignant tumors and 20~25% of all gastric sarcoma. It is hard to differentiate between the benign leiomyoma and leiomosarcoma by gross finding, radiologic studies and endoscopic studies, even microscopically. The main symptoms and signs are epigastric discomfort or pain, palpable mass, bleeding and anemia, weight loss and anorexia. The prognosis of the leiomyosarcoma is better than carcinoma or other sarcoma such as lymphosarcoma. In Surgical Department, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, author had experienced one case of leiomyosarcoma confirmed by microscopically in 32 years old female patient, which was located in the antrum of the lesser curvature and type was endo-exogastric type. Operative procedure was made subtotal gastrectomy. I intend to report this case with review of the literatures.
There is at the present time little amount of literature on tuberculous infection of the thyroid gland by numerous surgeons with extensive experience in thyroid surgery. In literature, Rokitansky6) stated that tuberculosis of the thyroid gland was nonexistent, while Virchow assumed it to be extremely rare. With the advent of thyroid surgery, case reports of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland began to appear in the literature, the diagnosis having been made in the majority of cases on the basis of extensive microscopic examinations of surgically removed goiters. Since then, case reports have been given a number of clinicians and at the present time the total number of recorded cases of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland is over 150 cases2)7). But a recent monograph on thyroid devotes one sentence to this condition by referring the reader to old textbooks. Author is to report a case of tuberculous abscess of the thyroid gland, together with review of the world literature.