Young Sook Lee | 3 Articles |
Dense deposit disease (DDD), known as type II MPGN, is an uncommon form of glomerulonephritis. It is an acquired primary glomerular disease, characterised by electron microscopic evidence of a continous, dense membrane deposition replacing the lamina densa. There is associated alternative pathway complement activation and a C3 nephritic factor maybe present. Patients with dense deposit disease tend to be young at clincal onset and more commonly have persistent nephrotic syndrome, gross hematuria, and acute nephritis episode and persistent depression of the serum complement level. The prognosis of dense deposit disease is worse than that of type I MPGN. We experienced a patient with dense deposit disease that presenting persistent nephrotic syndrome, gross hematuria and having subepithelial hump. It is a first report of dense deposit disease having subepithelial hump in Korea, therefore we report this case with the review of relevant literatures.
The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of colonic mucosal lesions by colonoscopy and for assessment of clinical features in patients with acute diarrhea. From March 2000 to August 2001, one hundred and ten patients with watery or bloody diarrhea lasting less than 14 days. The colonoscopic finding was assessed to extent of lesion(rectum, left, right and total colon) and severity of inflammation(mild ; erythema and edema, moderate ; exudates and blood coagula, severe ; hemorrhage and ulcer). Male was 60(54.5%) and median age was 43 years(range ; 15-84 years). The day of colonoscopy from symptom onset was 5 days(range 1-14 days). The causative food was flesh and meat, sea food and fish, and vegetable in order. Eight patient have history of travel including oversea. Pancolitis was the most common finding(46/110, 41.8%) and the normal colonoscopic finding was noted in eighteen cases(16.4%). The mild inflammation was 40(43.5%), moderate was 26(28.3%) and severe was 26(28.3%). The severity of inflammation was significantly correlated to the extent of lesion(p<0.05, r=0,655). The colonoscopy in acute infectious colitis was a useful to evaluate the extent of lesion and the severity of disease.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of lead, cadmium and zinc in schizophrenics and the correlation of lead, cadmium and zinc and MMPI clincal scales. Contents of lead, cadmium and zinc in hair and MMPI was tested in 80 male chronic schizophrenics and 64 normal controls in 20~29 years. The series of analysis for lead and cadmiun in hair sampled from the subjects were conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometer(IL. 551) with CTF atomizer(IL. 655) and the analysis for zinc were conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometer(IL. 551). Mean hair lead and cadmium values were significantly higher in schizophrneics than normal controls(P<0.01, P<0.01), but mean hair zinc value were not different significantly between two groups. Mean hair lead, cadmium and zinc value were not different significantly between Seoul and other residents. Lead content was significantly correlated with hypochondriasis scale(Hs : r=0.167, P<0.05) and paranoia scale(Pa : r=0.168, P<0.05). Cadmium content was significantly carrelated with hypochondriasis scale(Hs : r=0.278, P<0.01), depression scale(D : r=0.235, P<0.01) paranoia scale(Pa : r=0.177, P<0.05) and schizophrenia scale(Sc : r=0.189, P<0.05). Zinc conotent was significantly correlated with depression scale(D : r=0.209, P<0.05) and psychopathic deviate scale(Pd : r=0.214, P<0.01). The mean value of lead content in hair of group who was higher than 70 in hair group who was higher than 70 in T-score was significantly higher than below 70 in Pd scale(P<0.05). The mean vale of cadmium content in hair of group who was higher than 70 in T-score was significantly higher than the below 70 in Hs scale(P<0.01) and Pa scale(P<0.01).