The present study was performed to evaluate the histochemical properties of epithelial mucins in diseased gallbladders.
18 gallbladder specimens were selected in which metaplastic goblet cells had been observed. Of the specimens 9 were gallstone and 9 cholecystitis.
For microscopic examination, tissues were sectioned at a thickness 5µm, and were stained with following histochemical techniques: Alcian blue at pH 1.0 or 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff's reaction (PAS).
Observed results were as follows:
1) In ordinary gallbladder the epithelial cells showed a predominance of sulphated mucosubstance.
2) In many case of cholelithiasis a typical goblet-typed epithelial cells were found in the top of folds. In large goblet cell area the relative proportion of sulphated acid mucin decreased and correspondingly non-sulphated acid mucin increased.
3) In the case of cholecystitis the intracellular mucin of high columnar epithelium predominated in the deep area of folds.
4) The neutral mucin predominated in the surface epithelium of gallbladder under pathological condition.
A study on current status of inturnships and residency applied in country by woman doctors graduated from Medical College of Ewha Woman's University, during the year of 1967~1976, in order to collect the data of the distribution of training hospitals and distribution of inturnships and residency applied after graduation medical college, was carried out from July to August 1977 with analizing the data collected from the annual registration record of medical doctor authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Affair in May 1976.
And the following results are obtained:
1) Out of total 501 doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College during the year of 1967~1976, 228 doctors(44.7%) who are living in country had registered the annual registration of medical doctor in the year of 1976.
2) 96.5% of 228 woman doctors were applied to inturnships after graduation Ewha Medical College and also 96.5% of them (220 doctors) were applied to residency.
3) It was found increasing in the rate of inturnships and residency applying according to the year of graduation respectively.
4) Woman doctor graduated from Ewha Medical College during last 10 years had taken inturnships and residency from 37educational hospitals in country and 23 hospitals of them are located in Seoul City area.
5) It was found increasing hospitals in number, where inturnships and/or residency applied by woman doctors according to the year of graduation respectively.
6) 82.2% of 220 inturns and 86.1% of 150 residents among woman doctors graduated from Ewha Medical College had taken the training in the hospitals located in Seoul City area.
7) 61.0% of woman doctors had taken the course of inturnships and residency at same hospital and the rest 39.0% of them had moved to other hospitals for residency after inturnships.
This report is made to investigate the clinical trend and actual conditions of vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery in Korea. The author reports a series of 4 surgical cases of vertebrobasilar aneurysm not located at the basilar bifurcation, one on the basilar origin of the superior cerebellar artery, two on the vertebral origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and one on the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Included in this series are all the cases of vertebrobasilar aneurysm operated upon at the university hospitals, Seoul, Korea.
Regardless of the clinical picture, an initial four-vessel angiographic study in all subarachnoid hemorrhages should be performed to visualize the posterior circulation and particularly both posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.
It is the author's conviction that the microvascular anatomy of the posterior part of the circle of Willis is important in vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery.
The author realizes that vertebrobasilar aneurysm surgery is technically more demanding, since use of the operating microscope and familiarity with microsurgical techniques are essential in its execution.
Author reviewed the experience with 50 cases seen at the Ewha Womans University Hospital in Seoul between January 1967 and December 1977, with an overal mortality of 50.0% from the disease. The average number of patients in the annual incidence was 4~5 cases, which was 0.8% of the total admitted patients of pediatrics in our hospital. Monthly distribution revealed as the highest in summer (42.0%) and the male to female ratio was 3.2:1. Compared with Seoul and the rural area of its outbreak, there was a significantly higher in Seoul (82.0%) than in the rural area(18.0%). Neonatal tetanus was a serious problem in some areas of our country where modern aseptic techniques were not employed. And the umbilical contamination by the dirty scissor was the highest source of infection (66.0%). Seventy-two percent of 50 cases was delivered in the contaminated environment. The incubation period was extremely variable but the usual range was 5 to 7 days(36cases). A short incubation (less than 10 days) was associated with a higher mortality rate (55.6%) than the incubation period over than 10 days with a mortality of 14.3%. The most common chief complaint on admission was the stop sucking (86.0%). The others were convulsion(62.0%), trismus (32.0%), fever (30.0%), irritability(18.0%), spasticity(16.0%) in orders. There was a significant correlation between fever and the outcome. The cases who were mild degree in the temperature(37°~37°9'C) had a better chance of recovery (62.5%). The mean hospital day in the improved cases was 21 days. The percentage of the beginning of the sucking ability within 1 to 2 weeks after the onset of the disease was high as 56.0%. The sucking power was normalized within the 4 weeks after the onset of the desease in all of the improved cases.
The localized vocal polyp and singer's nodules are the most common benign lesion of the larynx. This lesion is due mainly to trauma secondary to vocal abuse.
These nodules were ressected out with laryngeal forcep under indirect laryngoscopy and maximum phonation time was measured before and after the operation.
Timbre of the voice was also analyzed at same time.
Very shortened phonation time of the patient with vocal nodule has returned to normal range (male:30 seconds, female: 20 seconds) postoperatively.
Maximum phonation time has been widely utilized as a simple clinical test for evaluating the vocal function.
It is the purpose of this study to acknowledge how much the expiratory movement during the phonation is converted into a single vowel sound efficiently. The author has made a brief literature review.
320 patients who were consulted to the Department of Dermatology during their admission in Ewha Womans University Hospital from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1977 were analyzed in ordet to pursue the tendency of skin diseases in developing in-patient period on these days.
The results are as following:
1) The most frequent age group is 3rd decade (29.4%).
2) The most frequent disease is Erythema and urticaria(25%).
3) The commonest department is Internal Medicine(30%).
4) There is no significant sex difference(M:F=1.4:1).
5) There is no remarkable monthly difference.
Rat were fed with diets containing 1%, 2%, 5%, and 10% Viscaceae powder respectively for 8 weeks. The following results were obtained.
1) In the group of 1% diet, the fat contents of serum and liver decreased, but in the other groups increased.
2) Viscaceae has a tendency to effect on the prequancy and the growth of fetus.
Total cholesterol content of fishes and shellfishes, which bought in the local market, was estimated in part (head, muscle, skin, egg, and roe). and also, the general analytical data(water, protein, fat, and ash) were examined in the parts. The results of cholesterol content are as follows;
1) In the fresh water fishes, the cholesterol content was highest in trout and watereel.
2) In the marine fishes, it was high in makerel, Spanish makerel, horse makerel, and hickory sard and low in sea-cucumber and thormbock stingray.
3) Cholesterol content of the parts in both fresh water fishes and marine fishes was highest in roe, and the next egg, skin, head, and muscle in the ordet named.
4) Cholesterol content of the shell fishes was 100mg~200mg/100g.
5) Generally, the cholesterol content also was high in the sample that fat content was high.
Mixed mesodermal tumor and carcinosarcoma are well recognized disease entities in the uterus. It is not widely known, however, that histologically identical tumors also occur in the ovary. Most patients were reported postmenopausal and iparous. An enlarging abdomen with a palpable mass was the most common clinical presentation. Though grossly carcinosarcoma and mixed mesodermal tumors are usually indistinguishable, mixed mesodermal tumors contain heterologous components, such as striated muscle cells, cartilage, osteoid and fat, as well as carcinosarcoma. The disease is usually advanced when diagnosed and provides bad prognosis.
A case of mixed mesodermal tumor of the ovary is presented. The patient was 62 years old postmenopausal woman and the numbers of parity and delivery were twice without an experience of abortion. Though abdominal mass was incidentally detected one year ago, newly found diabetes mellitus postponed the operation. These days it has rapidly grown up to child head size accompanied with abdominal pain, and right salpingoophorectomy was done, which measured about 15cm in maximum dimension and 1,000gm in weight. The tumor is largely cystic remaining peripheral red brown to grey white solid part. Histologic findings are characterized by papillary, well differentiated and undifferentiated carcinoma, and spindle cell sarcoma merged with myxoid and chondroid islands. The cartilage is pleomorphic add anaplastic.
There is at the present time little amount of literature on tuberculous infection of the thyroid gland by numerous surgeons with extensive experience in thyroid surgery. In literature, Rokitansky6) stated that tuberculosis of the thyroid gland was nonexistent, while Virchow assumed it to be extremely rare.
With the advent of thyroid surgery, case reports of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland began to appear in the literature, the diagnosis having been made in the majority of cases on the basis of extensive microscopic examinations of surgically removed goiters. Since then, case reports have been given a number of clinicians and at the present time the total number of recorded cases of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland is over 150 cases2)7). But a recent monograph on thyroid devotes one sentence to this condition by referring the reader to old textbooks.
Author is to report a case of tuberculous abscess of the thyroid gland, together with review of the world literature.
Most juvenile polyps develop as isolated colonic lesions in children less than 12 years of age and average age is 4-year-old.
Rectal bleeding is the most common symptom and family history is generally negative and malignant potentiality is absent.
On barium enema, the polyps are identified roundish filling defect, often pedunculated, which are located most commonly in the rectum or sigmoid.
Juvenile polyps are retention or inflammatory polyps and predominant histological feature is an abundant connective tissue stroma which contains cystic structures lining by simple epithelium and numerous inflammatory cells may be present.
A 12-year-old boy has been complained of rectal bleeding and rectal prolapse during defecation for 6 months and Juvenile polyposis has been confirmed by radiological (complete double contrast barium enema) and pathological findings.