The fact that the administration of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine 2Hcl(DMH) to rats by weekly subcutaneous injections causes the development of epithelial tumors of the large intestine has been known. But the axact processes of of early morphologic changes of colonic lesion induced by DMH treatment in the rats have not been fully testified as yet. The objective of the dissertation research is to examine early morphologic changes of colonic lesion induced by DMH treatment in the rats. Total seventy cases including 14 control rats of Sprague Dawley male rats were analyzed by histopathologic changes. One is 20mg/kg/wk DMH treated rat group and the other is 40mg/kg/wk DMH treated rat group. DMH was injected s.c. at the start of each treatment weekly during 20 weeks, and the animals were killed at 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17 or 20 weeks both in 20mg/kg/wk DMH treated group and in 40mg/kg/wk DMH treated group. The following results were obtained: Hyperplasia and mitosis of the crypt are presented in early phase of DMH treatment. Cellular dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma are shown in later phase of DMH treatment. The same changes as the above are also identified in electron microscopic findings. The more doses of DMH are injected to rats, the more evident these findings are presented. The alkaline phosphatase activity in glandular epithelial cells are observed in cellular dysplasia and neoplastic changes. The alkaline phosphatase may be considered as tumor marker.
The current status of medical college faculty man-power and teaching facilities was analized through a survey on the curriculum(1986-1987) of a total 28 medical colleges in Korea. The strategies for development of the supportive resource of medical college education was also discussed specially on revisements of the law and regulation related with medical college establishment.
Low back pain and radiating pain are mainly due to nerve root compression in herniated nucleus pulposus(H.N.P) and treatment of H.N.P is determined by several factors. Recently, many patients can be managed with another conservative treatment, i.e. chemonucleolysis, without surgical risk if selected properly and prepared to prevent anaphylactic shock. During past 1(1/2) years from November 1984 to June 1986, 46 patients with H.N.P. were evaluated managed chemonucleolysis in 38 cases excluding 8 cases of rupture types. And following results were obtained with follow up of 6 months over. 1) Of 46 patients, 30 patients(65%) were between 20-30th age group, and male was predominent. 2) The site was most common in L4-5 space(30 patients, 65%). 3) Of 38 patients excluding 8 patients of rupture cases, 30 patients(79%) were excellent and good. 4) As soon as the procedures were performed in 22cases(good results), radiating pain and neurologic symptoms were disappeared but dull low back and buttock pain were remained in 12 patients(55%) after 6 weeks. 5) The intervertebral disc space narrowing was found from 3rd day on lateral radiograph and this narrowing was noticed above 30% by 1st month. 6) Symptoms were improved in 3 cases among 8 cases of rupture cases in discogram. 7) In 38 cases, there was no complication except chest tightness and skin prickling sensation of 8 cases (21%) on whole body there after the injection of chymopapain, but they were soon disappeared. In summary, chemonucleolysis is indicated in patients with acute onset and predominently radiating pain.
Arteriovenous malformation of the brain is a congenital abnormal communication between arterial and venous channels without the interposition of the capillary system. A retrospective clinical study was performed on 20 patients with supratentorial arteriovenous malformation during the period from September 1984 to December 1986. The 20 patients were underwent surgical treatment using the operating microscope. Followings are the results: 1) The age range of presentation of supratentorial AVM(arteriovenous malformation) was to be from 30 months to 64 years, with peak incidence of fourth decade. 2) The presenting symptoms were hemorrhage, change of consciousness, seizure, headache in order of frequency. In hemorrhage, intracerebral hematoma was the most common type. 3) The most common sites of supratentorial AVM were frontal and parietal lobe. Most of the supratentorial AVM were fed by branches of the middle cerebral artery. 4) Computerized tomographical findings of AVM were intracerebral hemorrhage and mass effect. And after injection of contrast medium, 13 out of 20 AVM showed strong enhancement. 5) After operation, 13 patients were regained nearly total function.
Ketoconazole-induced hepatitis was found in 36-year-old woman who developed easy fatiguability and jaundice, with abnormal liver function tests after taking ketoconazole 400mg a day for 6 months. All of the viral hepatitis serologic markers were negarive. Clinical and biochemical abnormalities spontaneously improved within 3 weeks after cessation of drug administration.