In the neostriatum of mammals the neurons and synapses discriminated into several types at the base of their morphological characteristics. A number of neurons are interneuron but some of neurons project efferent fibers to the pallidum, substantia nigra or thalamus. While the neostriatum receive the afferent fibers from cerebral cortex, thalamus, substantia nigra and nucleus raphe dorsalis. The present experiment was performed to identify the corticostriatal synapses in the rat neostriatum after cortical ablation. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) From the rat 2 day after cortical ablation, in the neostriatum some of axon terminals with small round vesicles appeared that synaptic vesicles are variety in size and crowded toward the synaptic thickening. 2) From the rat 3 and 5 day after cortical ablation some of asymmetric synapses with small round vesicles were an increased electron density of the whole axon terminal and the vesicles and the mitochondria formed all ill-defined mass. From these results it may be assumed that the axon terminals of corticostriatal fiber in the rat neostriatum make up the asymmetric axospinous synapses with small round vesicles.
The immunofluorescence and electron microscopic studies along with clinical presentation were performed and compared 1n 4 cases of Henoch-Schoenlein(HS) nephritis and 16 cases of IgA nephropagthy. The clinical and pathological findings of two conditions were similar. The light microscopic findings show more severe glomerular (high grade by ISKDC) change in HS nephritis than IgA nephropathy. The immunofluorescence study reveals exclusively IgA only or IgA with C3 deposition mainly at mesangium in IgA nephropathy, where as the HS nephritis show variable deposition of all immune globulin(IgA, IgC, IgM, C3, Fibrinogen, mainly mesangium associated with pericapillary area. Electron dense deposition in the mesangium were the most constant feature in IgA nephrogathy, where as variable extention of electron-dense peposition to the pericapillary, subepithelial and subendothelial area in HS nephritis were observed.
The introcuction of computed tomography and improvements in the surgical techniques have made the diagnosis of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma (HICH) easy and simple at early stage and lead neurosurgeons to operation in the acute phase of the ictus. For the purpose of the assessment of the prognostic factors(age, sex the preoperative consciousness level, location of hematoma, initial blood pressure, blood sugar level and history of hypertension) influencing the surgical mortality, the author reviewed the 52 cases of HICH operated on within 24 hours of the appopletic attack. The overall operative mortality was 57.7%, and the preoperative consciousness level and the location of the hematoma were very significantly and initial blood pressure was significantly correlated with the surgical outcome of the patients. Therefore, it was suggested that the preoperative consciousness level and the location of the hematoma were the most important factors influencing the prognosis in surgical treatment of HICH. However, the other various factors contributing the prognosis need to be studied further.
Since the anastomosis by suture, most widely used in microvascular surgery, has two major disadvantage in that it may inflict considerable damage on the vessel ends and that the suture material may function as a thrombogenic agent, much effort has been spent in developing methods of anastomosis in which the number of suture is reduced to minimum. As one of such efforts, we performed the following experiment using fibrin glue leaving out any suture material. First we divided the femoral artery of the rat and telescoped the proximal end into distal end by traction of two U-shaped guide sutures. Next, we removed the guide sutures and dropped the fibrinogen and thrombin solution dissolved in the distilled water and calcium chloride respectively on the telescoped area. After waiting for 5 minutes, vascular clamps were released. The result we got from the gross and histological examination showed that this method has advantage as follows; 1)This method is easier and speedier than suture technique. 2)Suture material was not exposed into the lumen. 3)There was less vessel trauma owing to fewer sutures and less manipulation of the vessel end. 4)Blood leakage from the anastomosal site was prevented. 5)There was no aneurysm.
Postirradiation fracture of pelvis and femoral neck is a rare complication of malignant carcinoma of pelvic organs. According to Leabhart and Bonfiglio(1961), femoal neck fracturare after radiotherapy of pelvic organ carcinoma is about 1.5% among the involved patients and the common sites of primary neoplasms are cervix, uterus, ovary and urethra in order. Acase of 53-year-old female with postirradiation femoral neck fracture was treated at department of orthopedic surgery, Ewha womans University Hospital after 5,000 rad. of radiotherapy for the treatment of urethral malignancy.