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Volume 13(1); March 1990

Original Articles

Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Tumors of the Spine
Ki Hong Choi, Chung Nam Kang, Jin Man Wang, Kwon Jae Roh, Hong Suk Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(1):1-10.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.1.1

Metastatic tumors involving the spine cause severe pain and paraplegia. Vertebral body collapse results in spinal collapse results in spinal instability. In order to promote stability and improve pain, anterior fusion with bone cement and posterior fusion with instruments were used. Retrospective study was carried out of 16 cases of the metastatic tumor of the spine in Ewha Womans University Hospital Orthopedic Surgical dept. from Jan. 1982 to Dec. 1988. We have analyzed the results of treatment and obtained following conclusions.

The results were as follows :

1) Of the 16 patients, the ratio of men to women approximately 3:5 and the high incidence was over 5th. decades.

2) According to tumor classification, reproductive tract tumor was in 4 cases(25%), gastric, lung and hepato-biliary tumors in 2 cases each(12%), thyroid tumor in 1 case(7%) unknown origin in 5 cases(31%).

3) The thoracic spine commonly involved in 12 cases(75%).

4) Anterior fusion with bone cement was in 11 cases and posterior fusion with instrument in 4 cases. Both anterior and posterior fusion was in 1 case.

5) In functional results, the ambulation was achieved in 14 cases postoperatively, in 12 cases at 6 months, and 10 cases finally.

6) The surgical treatment was valuable, because the good results were appeared in 62.5% finally with loss of pain.

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Experimental Study of Chronic Cerebral Spasm
Kyu Man Shin
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(1):11-19.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.1.11

For the purpose of the study of severity of the chronic vasospasm after subarachnoud hemorrhage(SAH), SAH was induced in dogs by injections of fresh unheparinized autologous arterial blood into the cisterna magna. The experimental groups were devided into two groups. Group I was that of the only one 5ml injection of subarachnoid blood, and Group II was that of the double-hemorrhage canine model; secondary injection of 3ml at 24hours after initial injection. Selective left vertebral angiograms were performed 5 days before and 7 days after the initial SAH and were compared to determine the percentage of reduction in basilar artery diameters. The reductions in basilar artery diameter of Group I and II were 33.0%±0.90 and 45.3%±1.99 respectively.

This result suggest that the severity of spasm is related to the volume of hemorrhage and rebleeding episode.

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Pattern and Outcomes of Psychiatric Consultation in a General Hospital
Kyu-Wol Yun
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(1):21-32.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.1.21

The author investigated 85 case of inpatients who were referred for psychiatric consultation at Ewha Womans University Hospital during the period from January 1 to December 31, 1988 and analyzed the demographic data and the current of consultation.

The results were as follows :

1) Overall psychiatric consultation rate was 0.70% of total inpatient populations, and the number of consultation from the department of internal medicine was the highest of all the clinical departments(52.94%).

The department of neurosurgery ranked highest in the consultation rate(2.14%), but the medical part(0.85%) significantly ranked more than the surgical part(0.53%) in the consultation rate(P<0.001).

2) The age group of twenties to fourties showed the highest consultation rate and that of over sixties was 18.8%, but that of below tenth was only 1.2%.

3) Psychiatric consultation from intensive care unit was only 2.4% and the rate of admitted patients through emergency room was 40.0%.

The consultation rate was the highest in January and the rate of the hospital days within one week was the highest in the hospital days of consultation by department.

4) As to the reason for psychiatric consultation, physical symptoms with no laboratory abnormalities were the highest(33.6%) and psychiatric symptoms(55.1%) were more than physical symptoms(44.9%) at the time of consultation.

5) As to the diagnoses of consulted patients given by consultants, the first is organic mental disorders(27.1%) and the second is somatoform disoders(22.3%).

6) Among various concordance rates with consultants' recommendations, that of psychotropic drug recommendation was the highest(77.9%) and that of OPD follow up recommendation was the lowest(27.9%).

As to the concordance rate of psychotropic drug recommendation, the surgical part(85.7%) ranked more than the medical part(71.4%) (P<0.1).

The above results were compared with those of the others. In addition to this comparison, the author also reviewed the importance and the role of the Liaison Psychiatry in the general hospital.

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Case Reports
Retrocaval Ureter : 2 Cases
Sang Yang Lee, Ju Tae Seo, Bong Suck Shim, Young Yo Park, Sung Won Kwon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(1):33-37.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.1.33

Retrocaval ureter is a rare congenital anomaly that occurs is patients almost exclusively on the right side. The usual cause is the persistence of fetal posterior cardinal vein, then the ureter passes posterior to the vena cava and is deviated medially as the vena cava migrates medially to its normal position. This produces the typical S-shaped configuration of retrocaval ureter. Since 1983, when Hochstetter first described this condition. about 200 cases have been reported(8 cases in Korea).

Herein we will report on 2 cases with the brief review of literatures.

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Primary Non-refluxing, Non-obstructed Megaureter : A Case Report
Sang Yang Lee, Ju Tae Seo, Hee Chan Lee, Bong Suck Shim, Young Yo Park, Sung Won Kwon, Seoung Joo Lee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(1):39-42.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.1.39

Primary non-refluxing, non-obstructed megaureter is a rare condition among the megaureter.

A 11 month old monozygote twin baby had been admitted due to blood and pus tinged spotson a diaper. Although the excretory urogram showed moderately dilated left ureter, but the voiding cystogram and diruetic renogram showed no reflux and no obstruction. So we diagnosed as a primary non-refluxing, non-obstructed megaureter.

We report this case with the review of literatures.

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