The VX-2 Carcinoma was used to create a model of the orbital metastasis in rabbits.
0.5ml suspension containing 20-30×107 cells of VX-2 Carcinoma was injected into the 36 orbits of 18 rabbits. With 3 to 4 day interval. tumors were evaluated with ultrasonography and carotid arteriography.
Ultrasonography findings revealed a well-defined. hyperechoic mass with central necrosis. and invasion of the orbital wall and the optic canal. The tumors appeared hypervascular lesion with carly venous drainage and vascular sweeping on carotid arteriography.
Pathologically, the tumor consisted of compacted high mitotic adenocarcinoma. with large vacuolated nuclei and profuse cytoplasm. Massive infiltration into the orbital wall and the retrobulba also found.
This animal model quickly. consistently and inexpensively produced orbital mass lesions. It is well suited for ophthalmologic oncologic research focused imaging modalities. and multimodality of treatment approach to the orbital mass lesion.
To evaluate the effects of the anterior retinal cryopexy on the absorption of the vitreous hemorrhage. vitreous hemorrhage was induced in 27 rabbit eyes. 0.1ml of autologous venous blood was injected into the vitreous through the sclera 3mm posterior to the corneoscleral limbus with 26 gauze needle. Anterior retinal cryopexy was applied on the sclera anterior to the equator(15 eyes). The treatment consisted of 24 cryopexy applications, applied 360° transconjunctivally between the ora serrata and equator. Cryopexy was not applied in the control eyes(12 eyes).
The Results were as follows :
1) Vitreous hemorrhage was completely absorbed in 2/12 eyes in the control group. and 8/13 eyes in the treated group during the observation period.
2) There was no statistically significant difference in the period that the vitreous was cleared to Grade I opacity beteween the control and treated groups.
3) Cataract was developed in the 2 eyes of treated group 5 weeks after anterior retinal cryopexy.
Radiobiological and clinical evidences indicate that irradiation combined with hyperthermia produce a significant improvement in therapeutic effect of cancer.
Hyperthermia can enhance the radiation effect as a synergistic reaction in irradiation combined with hyperthermia. Hyperthermia sensitize radioresistant S-phase and inhibit cellular recovery from the sublethal damage.
Ninety guinea pigs were divided into 4 groups for the experiment of application of irradiation combined with hyperthermia on their heart; (1) normal control group. (2) group receiving only hperthermia. (3) group receiving a single dose of irradiation of 10, 20 and 30 Gy resepectively. (4) group receiving varying single dose of irradiation like group (3) irradiation combined hyperthermia. Heating by 100 watt. 2450 MHz microwave hyperthermia on the heart was applied for 30 minutes maintaining 42~45℃ immediately following irradiation.
Microscopic examination and calculation of thermal enhancement ratio were carried out and results were as follows:
1) Hyperthermia alone did not evoke much changes. compared to normal control group.
2) In the group of irradiation alone. myocrdial muscle degeneration was noted in l0Gy irradiation and its severity was increased along with radiation dose.
3) In the group of irradiation alone. myocardial muscle necrosis was noted at 15 days after 20Gy irradiation. In the group of irradiation cmbined with hyperthermia. myocardial muscle necrosis was noted in l0Gy irradiation.
4) In the group of irradiation alone, interstitial fibrosis was noted at 15 days after 30Gy irradiation. In the group of irradiation combined with hyperthermia. interstitial fibrosis was noted at 15 days after 20Gy irradiation and its severity was increased along with radiation dose.
5) The thermal enhancement ratio(TER) was 1.5 on the end point of interstitial fibrosis of the guinea pig heart.
The present study was performed to reveal out infection rate. worm recovery rate and individual worm burden in mice rats, rabbits and goats experimentally infected with metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica for establishment of animal model as experimental host of the fluke. Metacercariae were obtained from experimentally infected snails.
The results obtained are summarised as follows ;
1) Infection rate was 100% in mice, rabbits and goats. respectively, and 73.3% in rats.
2) Days(mean) that eggs were found in the faeces for the first time after infection were 37~46 days(4l days) in mice. 39~49 days(44 days) in rats. 49~63 days(56 days) in rabbits and 68~88 days(78 days) in goats. respectively. The flukes mature more quickly in smaller hosts.
3) Worm recovery rate and mean of individual worm burden were 27.7% and 1.7 in mice. 10.7% and 1.1 in rats. 36.0% and 10.8 in rabbits and 42.7% and 21.3 in goats. respectively. Goats are regarded as favorable experimental hosts of the fluke.
Since the national insurance system has implemented in 1977. the aspect of supply and demand in terms of treatment has been solved to a certain degree. but the health of the people has not been satisfied. Furthermore. considering the efficiency of cost-effective analyais. the development in the health promotion of medical field has gradually come to be called for.
As a part of the research, we have established the the major adult disease of our country. such as hypertension, diabetes, gastric cancer and cervical cancer, elicited the items of knowledge. attitude and practice(KAP) aimed at the prevention and early diagnosis of the above disease, prepared self-questionires. and made the persons concerned evaluate the KAP for their health.
We think that the utilization of the KAP questionires is effective for the promotion of health by the self-efficacy consciousness. and that the KAP itself is greatly significant as an excellent materials for public health education.
The sustained research and study which is to be followed is to go over the validity, reliability, efficacy. which would, make a great contribution to public health in the community.
In order to observe the clinical characteristics of the primary dilated cardiomyopathy. I reviewed 39 patients examined in the Cardiology Department of the Ewha Womans University Hospital from January. 1986 to in June. 1990.
The findings were as follows ;
1) Among whom 27 patients were male and 17 were female with a male to female ratio of 2.3:1.
2) An age distribution was diverse from 17 years to 79 years old with a mean age 58.2±15.6 year. The peak age incidence was the 6th decade.
3) The most frequent chief complaints were exertional dyspnea(82.1%) and orthopnea(20.5%).
4) The duration of symptoms was relatively short. mainly less than 1 month. suggesting an abrupt onset of symptoms.
5) Among various arrhythmias. atrial fibrillation was most common(30.8%) and premature ventricular contraction(23.1%) and premature atrial contraction(10.3%) were frequently found.
6) By M-Mode echocardiography. left ventricular enddiastolic dimension(LVEDD) was 65.7±9.3mm. left ventricular endsystolic dimension(LVEDS) was 57.8±8.1mm and ejection fraction was 31.1±5.9%.
7) After treatment, most of the patients(82.0%) were improved to New York Heart Association Function Class II. Before treatment. 71.7% of the patients were belongs to New York Heart Association Functional Class III and IV.
With the recent advent of real time ultrasound and computed tomography. the number of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) diagnosed clinically is increasing. Recently hepatic transarterial chemoembolization(TAE) is a proven effective means of treating hepatocellular carcinoma whether it is operable or not. The authers analyzed the therapeutic effect of transarterial chemoembolization in 64 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, who were diagnosed and had undergone TAE in Ewha Womans University Hospital from May 1987 to December 1990. Changes of the tumor volume were analyzed on the base of follow-up CT. arteriogram and ultrasound. Methods of TAE were the infusion of mixture of Lipiodol and Adriamycin. Mitomycin C with or without following administration of Gelfoam. The total tumor response rate for 64 cases were 87%. The tumor response rate was 100% for stage III (n=16), 85.7% for stage II (n=42), 66% for stage III (n=6). The tumor response rate was 90% for noncirrhotic patients (n=20), 86.4% for cirrhotic patients(n=44). The median survival of total cases (n=64) was 7.6 months.
This study was undertaken to determine whether any chenges occur in the serum levels of immunoglobulin M(IgM) of mother and cord in term pregnancy.
IgM levels were measured in paired maternal and cord serum samples from 6 pregnancies with intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR) and 42 with normal growth(adequate-for-gestational age(AGA) pregnacies) delivered at term gestation during the period from January. 1989 to June. 1989 at the Ewha Womans University Hospital.
The results obtained were as follows ;
1) Serum IgM levels of mother who delivered IUGR infants were found significantly higher than those who delivered AGA infants.
2) There were no significant differences in the maternal serum IgM levels of the four groups(38 weeks' gestation. 39 weeks' gestation. 40 weeks' gestation. and 41 or more weeks' gestation).
3) There was no significant difference in the serum IgM levels between mother delivered male infant and female infant.
4) There was no significance between the maternal serum IgM levels and the birth weight of baby, although the maternal serum IgM levels had decreased tendency gradually as the birth weights of the baby were increased.
5) Cord serum IgM levels of IUGR infant were not significantly different from those of AGA infant.
6) The cord serum IgM levels were not related to the maternal werum IgM levels in term pregnancy.
The author investigated the first 128 hospitalized adolescents in the department of neuropsychiatry. Ewha Womans University Hospital from Jan. 1. 1985 to Dec. 31. 1990 and analyzed the results to obtain the information on the referrals and behaviours leading to admission. Boys were more common than girls. Mean age on admission was l6.28(±1.55) years and the numbers of older than 16 years in age were the most frequent.
The largest group of referrers was psychiatrists who worked at the psychiatric department of university hospital. In most cases both natural parents were legally responsible for the adolescent. and most of patients lived at home with both natural parents.
There was a mean of 3.3 behaviours given as the reason for admission and the most common behaviour was mood swings.
The olecranon fracture is intra-articular fracture anatomically. So the fracture should be reduced completely. We experienced 46 cases of olecranon fracture from January. 1985 to December. 1989.
The results were as follows ;
1) The fracture was more in adult than child.
2) The most common cause was fall down from height.
3) The undisplaced type I fractures were treated with conservative management. the results were satisfactory.
4) The displaced fractures should he treated with operative method for stability of elbow and prevention of limitation of motion.
5) The tension band wiring technique was not difficult and widely used method in treatment of displaced fracture. The most common complication was protrusion of K-wire, but careful technique would prevent the complication.
Treatment of benign urethral strictures frequently is difficult because of a high rate of recurrence.
In general electrocautery resection of fibrous scar tissue has been unsatisfactory. since the irregular thermal injury may only promote further scarring. Because of their unique physical properties and tissue effects lasers theoretically offer advantages over conventional techniques for treatment of urethral strictures. The thermal injury resulting from neodymium : YAG laser irradiation may heal with more elastic properties and less fibrous contraction than an electrocautery burn. Accordingly endoscopic application of laser energy could produce thermal coagulation of the fibrous area with a secondary slough of the scar tissue and re-epithelialization without scar.
A total of 19 cases with benign urethral strictures underwent treatment with circumferential application of neodymium : YAG laser irradration to the scarred area after endoscopic cold urethrotomy.
There were no adverse effects and although one patient suffered recurrent stricture within 2 months, the postoperative results were good in all patients including recurrent case.
We reviewd our experience with neodymium : YAG laser treatment of benign urethral strictures.
Renal cysts are usually asymptomatic. produce no harm to the kidney and require no treatment.
Percutaneous cystic puncture is performed only for specific indications including the diagnosis of cysts which are indeterminated with ultrasonography or computerized tomography, and the treatment of symptomatic cysts. But simple aspiration of renal cysts frequently recurred. so a combination of aspiration and sclerotherapy with variable materials can be used.
We treated 12 cases of renal cyst with aspiration and selerothrapy with 95% ethanol without specific complications the last 33 months period between January 1988 and September 1990. Major(91.7%) of cases showed remarkable reduction in size of renal cyst or disappearance of cyst on follow-up ultrasonography.
Therfore aspiration and selerotherapy with 95% ethanol is safe and efficient for the treatment of simple renal cyst.
Gastric carcinoma is the most common malignancy in Korea. The peak incidence of gastric carcinoma is over 50 years of age and male predominance, about 2:1. Computed tomography scan is the one of the most useful diagnostic tool for evaluation of extension, staging and operability of gastric carcinoma. For evaluation of the utility of the preoperative computed tomography scan in gastric carcinoma, surgically proved 72 cases of gastric carcinoma were analyzed by modified Moss classification1) based on computed tomography scan and pathological classification.
The results were as follows ;
1) The accuracy of computed tomography scan in each stage of gastric carcinoma was 100% in stage I. 67% in stage II. 69% in stage III. and 85% in stage IV.
2) The overall accuracy of computed tomography scan for staging of gastric carinoma was 72%.
3) The accuracy of computed tomography scan for detection of regional lymph node metastasis was 78%. and 90% for retroperitineal lymph node metastasis.
4) The accuracy of computed tomography scan for detection of distant metastasis was 90%.
5) Computed tomography scan was the most useful diagnostic method for evaluation of extension and metastasis of gastric carcinoma and it is necessary for treatment planning and prognostic evaluation before surgery.
We report a case of hyperkeratosis of the areola in 18-year-old woman. One year ago. verrucous thickening and dark brownish discoloration developed on the right areola. The patient showed no evidence of associated skin changes. either epidermal nevus or ichthyosis and had no history of estrogen therapy or pregnancy.
Histologic findings showed mild hyperkeratosis. papillomatosis. keratotic plug. elongation of rete ridge, and increased pigmentation in the basal cell layer.