In experimental neurogenerative diseases, aluminum(Al) intoxication and axotomized sensory neurons showed an abnormal accumulation of neurofilaments(NF) in the neuronal perikarya. These NF contain phosphorylated(ph) epitopes that are not detectable in normal perikaryal NF. Antimitotic drugs also cause accumulations of NF probably by depolymerization of microtubules(MT). The present study was designed to examine immunohistochemical changes of NFs following administration of antimitotic drugs, which result in accumulation of NFs in the cell body through a different pathogenetic mechanism than aluminum. Adult rabbits were injected intracisternally with 25-50µg of maytansine and maytanprine, two antimitotic agents. Tissues were obtained from experimental and control animals and processed for histological and immunocytochemical examinations. Large bundles of NF in the perikarya and proximal processes of large neurons from experimental animals reacted intensely with monoclonal antibodies(mAb) to ph epitopes of 200 KDa NF subunit as well as with mAb recognizing nonphosphorylated(non-ph) NF epitopes. Neuronal perikarya from control animals immunoreacted only with mAb to non-ph NF Immunoreaction of Ab to the microtubule associated protein 2(MAP-2) and to tubulin was similar in neurons from experimental and control animals. No immunoreaction was detected with antibodies to tau proteins. The abnormal presence of ph epitopes in accumulating NF under different conditions indicate that neurons affected in different diseases show aberrant phosphorylation of NF proteins associated with functional impairment.
Carboxyhemoglobin, Retiulocyte. Haemoglobin and Bilirubin levels measured in 50 conseutive normal term(n=30) and preterm(n=20) babies.
Newborn of RBC incompatibility and severe jaundice of various etiologies were exluded.
In normal newborn of signifiant correlation was found between the cord and third day values for carboxyhaemoglobin, bilirubin, retiulocyte, and haemoglobin levels(p<.005).
Third day carboxyhemoglobin values were correlated to bilirubin levels(p<0.005).
No significant difference was found between term and preterm babies and also third day and sixth day values.
It was concluded that increased rates of haemolysis due to as yet unspecified cause play an important role in the non-specific hyperbilirubinemia of healthy newborns.
The composition of skin surface lipids of scalp was studied by thin-layer chromatography and photodensitometry in 10 normal adult males.
The results are as follows:
1) In each of the subjects, the scalp skin surface lipids were composed of cholesterol, free fatty acid. triglyceride, wax ester, steryl ester, squalene and saturated hydrocarbon.
2) The average value of cholesterol was 3.0±0.78%, and free fatty acid 26.9±6.61%, triglyceride 18.4±6.62%. wax ester 24.3±4.58%. steryl ester 3.2±2.64%, squalene 17.1±2.67%, hydrocarbon 6.6±12.54%.
3) Free fatty acid/triglyceride ratio was 1.68±0.76.
4) Epidermal lipid(cholesterol+steryl ester)/sebaceous lipid(wax ester+squalene) ratio was 0.15±0.06.
These data show the distinctive feature of scalp skin surface lipids, namely the high sebaceous lipids content and low concentration of epidermal lipids.
The sequelae of ischemic injury to the intestine are potentially devastating to the patient. And it has also been implicated as playing a major role in the development of necrotizing enterocolitis, a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborn.
Many studies have demonstrated that allopurinol can reduce reperfusion injury after ischemia. But they have limited clinical significance because the data in those studies were produced using parenteral allopurinol unavailable for use in patients or enteral allopurinol at high-doses that is not tolerated and has prohibitive side effects.
This study evaluated the protective effects of clinically used doses of enteral allopurinol in rats with intestinal ischemia. One-hundred sixteen Sprague-Dawley rats(180~250g) received allopurinol(1mg/100g) suspensin water(experimental group) or tap water(controls) for 1 week. Four rats(2 treated with allopurinol and 2 controls) were used to identify histologic finding of small bowel mucosa. Sixteen rats(each 8 of allopurinol-treated and control) were used to measure serum uric acid levels to document systemic effects of allopurinol. Ninty-six rats were subjected to superior mesenteric vessels occlusion for 20, 30 or 40 min to produce ischemic injury to the intestine. Segmental small bowel resections were performed in 12 control rats and 12 allopurinol-treated rats before and after reperfusion to identify histopathologic evidence of reperfusion injury. And the remaining seventy-two rats(each 36 of allopurinol-treated and control) were observed for mortality(death within 7 days) after reperfusion.
Serum uric acid was decreased from 3.70±1.62mg/dl in controls to 2.41±0.75mg/dl in allopurinol-treated group. Mucosal injury severity was not different significantly among the periods of mesenteric vascular occlusion. But after 30 min of reperfusion, severity of mucosal injury in controls was significantly aggrevated and in allopurinol-treated groups was not different from injury severity of ischemic period. The lethal time 50% (LT5O) in controls was between 30 and 40 min of ischemia. There was reduction in mortality after allopurinol pretreatment in the presently available form and dose with 20, 30 or 40 min of ischemia. And the reduction of mortality in allopurinol-treated groups was distinguishable with LT5O of ischemic period.
This study has demonstrated that protective effects of allopurinol to mucosal injury caused by mesenteric ischemia can be achieved with enteral doses that are not likely to cause intolerable side effects and agonizing stress with daily gastric lavage chronically.
90 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding who were admitted to the Department of Obstertrics and Gynecology. Ewha Womans University Hospital during the period of 6 years from January 1985 to December 1990 wer analysed.
The patients with abnormal uterine bleeding secondary to pregnancy and pelvic mass were excluded in this study.
This study was planned to evaluate the clinical aspects and the histopathology of the endometrium.
The results were as follows:
1) 44.4% of the patients were included in the 40 to 49 years, and the patients of 30 to 39 years and of 50 to 59 years were 16.7% respectively. Mean age of the patients was 40.9 years.
2) The most common gravidity of the patients was 7 or more in number(32.2%), but 20.0% or the patients had never pregnancy and mean gravidity was 4.6 in number.
Para 3 to 4 in number(31.1%) was the most common parity of the patients, but 22.2% of the patients had never delivery, and mean parity was 2.7 in number. 98.9% of the patients had 1 to 2 times of abortion's history, but 20.0% of the patients had never abortion, and mean number of abortion was 1.9.
3) Mean age of onset menarche was 14.9 years and the majority of the patients were included in the 13 to 16 years.
Mean age of onset menopause was 50.1 years and the patients were included in the 49 to 54 years.
4) The most common bleeding pattern was intermenstrual bleeding(33.3%), and the next pattern was menorrhagia(30.0%).
Others were bleeding with amenorrhea, menorrhagia, vaginal spotting, and postmenopausal bleeding, 5 of 8 patients with postmenopausal bleeding were confirmed to endometrial adenocarcinoma. Other symptoms were lower abdominal pain, lumbago, and dizziness.
5) The most common histological finding of endometrium was proliferative phase(33.8%), and the next finding was endometrial hyperplasia(20.3%), and the third finding was secretory phase(14.9%).
Other findings were atrophic endometrium, adenocarcinoma, menstrual phase and irregular shedding of endometrium.
6) Coexisting diseases in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding were myoma uteri(10.0%), adenomyosis(10.0%) and hypertension(10.0%).
Others were ovarian cyst, primary infertility. endometrial polyp, cervical polyp. and diabetes.
7) 30.0% of the patients with abnormal uterine bleeding had 1 to 4 times of previous bleeding episode and curettage was performed in the majority of the patients.
8) 35.5% of the patients had initial hemoglobin level below 10g% at admission and mean hemoglobin level of these patients was 7.99g%.
The majority of these patients had blood transfusion, and mean volume of blood transfusion was 2.88 pints.
9) 16.7% of the patients with abnormal uterine bleeding had conservative treatment and 28.9% of the patients had curettage.
Total abdominal hysterectomy with or without salpingoophorectomy, and adjuvant radiation therapy were performed in the other patients.
Computed Tomography(CT) was used in the evaluation of 180 patients suffering abdominal trauma.
There were 15 patients with CT and surgically proved pancreatic injuries, which include 13 cases of blunt trauma and 2 cases of penetrating trauma and 165 cases had normal CT scans.
A wide variety of injuries was detected. including 9 pancreatic lacerations or contusinos. 4 pancreatic fractures, and 2 post traumatic pseudocyst, were retrospectively reviewed to determine the role and accuracy of the CT scan in evaluating pancreatic injury.
A CT is of pancreatic trauma could be difficult to diagnosis in patients who are scanned within 24 hrs after an injury or to distinguish a motion or streak artifact caused by nasogastric tube or air oral contrast fluid level in the stomach.
The diagnosis of pancreatic injury requires a high index of suspicion with close scurtiny of the CT images.
With the development of monoclonal antibodies. they have various utilities for in-vitro diagnosis in differentiating tumor cell type, and for therapeutic purposes. I experimented the reaction of many known and new monoclonal antibodies using flow cytometry.
The results are as follows:
1) There were 18 cases of B-lineage Acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL)(64%), 8 cases of T-lineage ALL(28%), 1 case of B-myloid ALL(4%) and 1 case of B cell All(4%) in 28 cases of ALL.
2) The reactions with anti-CD9, CD10, CD19, CD24, CD34, CD72 and HLA-DR were positive in most cases of non-T-All, and the reaction with ani-CD13, CD33, CD40 were relatively positive in a few cases of non-T-ALL.
3) The reaction with anti-CD24, CD19, CD20, CD72 and HLA-DR was strong positive in 1 case of Hairy cell leukemia(HCL).
4) There were 17 cases of B-Chronic lymphoytic leukemia(CLL)(71%), and 4 cases of T-CLL(17%) in 24 cases of CLL.
5) There were 8 cases of B-non Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma(NHL)(57%), and 4 cases of T-NHL(29%) in cases of MHL.
6) There were positive reaction with anti-CD2 in normal bone marrow, fetal bone marrow with anti-CD19, tonsil with anti-CD4, anti-CD19, and thymus with anti-CD2.
Immunophenotype with panel of monoclonal antibodies using flow cytometry is very helpful to take diagnosis and treatment for hematologic malignancies.
LMDF is an asymptomatic papular eruption affecting the central area of the face, which runs a chronic course and involutes spontaneously with scarring. Histopathologically, the papules usually show scattered masses of tuberculoid granuloma composed of epithelioid cells, giant cells, and an encircling rim of small round mononuclear cells in the dermis. The etiology and pathogenesis of this condition are still unknown. Consequently, the treatment of LMDF has not been satisfactory despite the use of various drugs such as antituberculous drugs, steroids, tetracycline. Dapsone and isotretinoin have been reported to be effective in some cases.
Three cases of LMDF are presented with efficacy of isotretinoin. Red-brown papules of the face developed and improved by isotretinoin in a 33-year-old man(case 1), and a 28-year-old man(case 2). But the lesions of the face persisted in 55-year-old man(case 3).
Takayasu's arteritis is a nonspecific inflammatory process of unknown etiology affecting segmentally the aorta and its main branches. The predominant clinical features were reducion of amplitude of peripheral arterial pulses, vascular bruits, and raised blood pressure. Usually it can be managed with medical treatment and surgical treatment. Recently percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty is performed, but the report of balloon angioplasty of the thoracicaorta is rare.
Authors experienced a case of percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of Takayasu's arteritis involving thoracic arota. The peak systolic gradient across the constriction decreased from 90mmHg to 20mmHg immediately after dilatation and the pulses of the femoral and the dorsalis pedis arteries were palpated after angioplastic dilatation.