Three cases operated on with anterior micorforaminotomy because of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury were analyzed. The indications for surgery were medically intractable, definite cervical radicular symptoms with trivial cervical pathology on preoperative usual radiological studies. On operative findings, the minor disc protrusion and thickening of posterior longitudinal ligament were the representative pathologies. At follow-up, all patients showed disappearance of pre-operative symptoms. Based on Robinson's criteria for the surgical results, all 3 patients had good results. We suggest the trivial cervical pathologies, proved by the target-oriented, anterior microforaminotomy, can be the origin of cervical radiculopathy after low-velocity, rear-car collision injury in our series.
No abstract available in English.
To evaluate the CT findings of ossicular disruption and fracture utilizing high resolution computed tomography(HRCT) of the temporal bone.
The authors retrospectively reviewed the HRCT scans of 11 patients with ossicular injuries between January 1998 and June 2002 using films in 8 patients, PACS in 3 patients. The type of ossicular injuries, temporal bone fracture, and associated adjacent injuries were evaluated.
Among the 11 patients of ossicular injuries, there were 10 cases of incudomalleal disruption, 4 cases of incudostapedial disruption, and 1 case of fracture of malleus, fracture of incus, disruption of long and lenticular process of incus, nonvisualization of processes of incus. The temporal bone fractures were longitudinal in 7 cases, transverse in l case. Other injuries were fracture of the carotid canal, caroticocavemous fistula, fracture of sphenoid and occipital bones.
Incudomalleal disruption was the most frequent tupe of ossicular injuries and associated temporal bone fracture was longitudinal type. HRCT using PACS was useful in evaluation of ossicular injuries than films.
In Lynch syndrome II, colon cancer was associated with endometrial and ovarian cancer. The aim of this study was an evaluation for the clinicopathologic characteristics of rectosigmoid adenomas on preoperative sigmoidoscopy in gynecologic cancer patients.
A total 187 gynecologic cancer patients(139 cervical, 35 ovarian, 13 endometrial cancer) and 58 normal controls were reviewed sigmoidscopic finding and pathologic reports retrospectively from September 1993 to March 2001.
The mean age of gynecologic cancer patients was 54(38-82) year-old and normal controls was 50(20-68) year-old. Total 26 adenomas were in 21 patients(11.2%) and 3 adenomas were in 3 normal controls(5.2%). The incidence of adenomas was 9.4% in cervical cancer, 8.6% in ovarian cancer and 38.5% in endometrial cancer. Multiple adenomas were in 5 gynecologic cancer patients and 0 normal controls. The incidence of advanced adenoma was 12.5% in cervical cancer, 25.5% in ovarian cancer, 83.5% in endometrial cancer and 33.3% in normal controls. The location of adenoma was 23.1% in rectum and 76.9% in sigmoid colon.
The incidence of adenomas and multiple adenomas were higher in gynecologic cancer patients than normal controls but not significantly. The incidence of advanced adenoma and adenomas were significantly higher in endometrial cancer than normal controls. Colonoscopic evaluation of whole colon will be recommanded in gynecologic cancer than sigmoidoscopy.
There are many new techniques that have been developed to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). These techniques attempt to achieve the clinical benefits of transurethral resection of the prostate, while trying to decrease the morbidity associated with this procedure. Visual laser ablation of the prostate (VLAP) has been also known as an effective treatment modality of BPH. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the long term effect of VLAP for patients with symptomatic BPH.
Seventy four patients with BPH were entered into a initial trial where VLAP was done with neodymium : YAG laser. Fifty seven patients at 6 months after operation and twenty two patients at 6 years after operation were possible to do follow-up study. Voiding outcomes, including peak urinary flow rates, residual urine volumes and American Urological Association (AUA) symptom scores, were measured with time.
There was significant improvement demonstrated at 6 months after operation in prostatic size, maximal flow rate and post-void residual volume. But no significant statistical improvement of these all parameters was noticed in the subsequent 6 years follow-up (p> 0.05). Comparisons among means of AUA score before operation, and 6 months (p<0.05) and 6 years (p>0.05) after operation showed significant differences in different times. In quality of life due to urinary symptoms, 87,7% of patients at 6 months after operation and 72.7% of patients at 6 years after operation felt more than mild satisfied.
There are lots of reports on the efficacy of VLAP, which showed many advantages of bloodless, low morbidity and simplicity. The laser, including VLAP was used in a variety of ways to treat symptomatic BPH. According to this studies, the long term therapeutic effect of VLAP is uncertain. So we must carefully decide VLAP as the treatment modality for BPH. Its exact role in the armamentarium for the treatment of BPH remains to be determined.
We studied the open clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TAGOCIN®, teicoplanin, glycopeptide anti microbial agent, which was manufactured in one Korean pharmacy.
We selected 15 patients hospitalized with presumed or proven infection due to gram positive organism, judged to require glycopeptiede and administered by intravenous bolus injection at a dose of 200mg TAGOCIN® per day. The efficacy was assessed by bacteriological result, clinical symptom and radiological change.
Mean age of 15 patients treated is 66. 13 cases were lower respiratory tract infection, I case was urinary tract infection and I case was soft tissue infection. Gram positive organism was isolated in Seven samples of five patients, and at four patients of them, gram positive organism were eliminated. During treatment, one patients liver enzyme elevated mildly.
TAGOCIN® is an effective and tolerated antibiotics against gram positive organism in severe infected patients.
Coronary artery-to-left ventricular fistula is an unusual anomaly in adult and consists of a communication between one of coronary arteries and cardiac chambers. Most patients with coronary artery to ventricular fistulae are usually asymptomatic, but some can suffer from anginal pain. which can be caused myocardial ischemia due to coronary steal mechanism. In absence of concomitant atherosclerotic coronary artery disease or left ventricular hypertrophy causing an oxygen demand-supply imbalance, coronary steal appears to be a major importance in pathogenesis of myocardial ischemia in cases with generalized arterial systemic fistulae. We experienced 2 incidently found cases of coronary artery-to-left ventricular fistulae. We report these cases with a review of literature.
Milk of calcium bile or limy bile is a rare disorder in which the gallbladder lumen is filled with a thick, paste-like, radio-opaque material. Churchman first reported a case of curious deposition of calcium salts within the gallbladder in 1911. Volkmann first used the term Kalkmilchgalle or milk of calcium bile in 1926. The radio-opaque material is almost entirely composed of calcium carbonate by weight. The mechanisms by which bile turns limy and radio-opaque or the time required for this biochemical alteration to occur are not well understood. The limy bile is found mostly in a gallbladder complicated by cholecystitis. Recently, we experienced a 33 year old woman who had a milk of calcium bile in the gallbladder lumen. We report this case with a review of literature.