This article presents the behavior therapeutic approach based on the social learning theory by Albert Bandura. This social learning theory and the therapeutic approach is summarized ad follows.
Psychological functioning is explained in terms of a continuous reciprocal interaction of personal and environmental determinants. Within this approach, symbolic, vicarious, and self-regulatory process assume a prominent role in social learning process. Cognition has causal influence on behavior learning and behavior change can be mediated through cognitive process. As the resulf of learning, the efficacy expectations are achieved and determine the various behavior changes.
Therefore any psychotherapeutic approaches, whatever their form, alter expectations of self-efficacy and stimulate the self-regulatory functions as the result of therapy. Bandura argued that participant modeling therapy is the most effective behavior therapeutic model which develop strong efficacy expectations and self-regulatory functions.
This social learning theory and therapeutic approach is differentiated from the other therapeutic approach as follows.
First, this therapeutic approach is the improved behavior therapy which use the cognitive influenecs on behavior modification.
Second, therapeutic goals can be set at the level of concrete and obvious behavior change.
Third, the therapeutic effects can be evaluated by objective criterias which measure the change of efficacy expectations.
Fourth, through therapeutic process, patients self-motivation, self-evaluation, and self-regulatory process are involved, and ultimately voluntary participation is achieved.
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In Korea, so-called worm nodules have been encountered in cattles slaughtered at abattoirs. From this reason, it is considered to be very important to carry-out epizootiologic studies on onchocerciasis in Korean cattle and other domestic animals.
The present work was designed to investigate the incidence and morphology of microfilariae of
For study, skin tissues on the umbilical region of cattles were taken and sliced into small pieces, and kept in saline for 2 hours. Microfilariae were collected and fixed in pure alcohol and in 2% formalin solution, and stained with Giemsa stain solution respectively.
The results are summarized as follows;
1) Microfilariae were found in 49 (24.5%) among total 200 cattles examined.
2) Average length and width of microfilariae were 249.7µ × 3.6µ in pure alcohol fixed specimen and 248.8µ × 3.9µ in 2% formalin fixed specimen, respectively.
3) Distances of each significant structure from the anterior end of head of microfilariae reveales; BNC 6.5µ(4.5~8.2µ), AMNR 59.2µ(53.8~67.3µ), PMNR 62.3µ(58.2~69.9µ), EP 86.8µ(82.4~94.1µ), EC 96.6µ(86.9~103.5µ), G1 178.3µ(162.2~192.8µ), AP 221.0µ(189.5~237.5µ) and ENC 240.4µ(226.2~258.9µ).
4) Four G cells and 3 or 4 small rod shaped caudal nuclei proceeded to a bar shaped terminal nucleus were observed.
From the characteristics of body length, clear portion of the head and caudal nuclei and general apperance expressed with a percentage of the distance from the anterior end to body length the microfilariae examined in the present study can be identified as
We have investigated the effect of administation of exogenous cholic acid whether total hepatic cytochrome P-450 and b5 are altered in the bile duct-ligated rats.
The effect of administration of exogenous cholic acid on the hepatic microsomal mixed-fuction oxidase system is various according to the administration route, dosage and date after administration.
In normal rats, 1ml of 0.5m mol cholic acid solution per 100g body weight administrated intravenously increases hepatic content of cytochrome P-450 and b5 on the third to fifth days after injection.
Total hepatic cytochrome P-450 and b5 are decreased after either bile duct ligation or the administration of ethinyl estradiol. In contrast when cholic acid is adminstrated simultaneously with bile duct ligation, the reduction in cytochome P-450 is relativery prevented.
These effects are similar to the potential of phenobarbital for reversing the bile duct ligation-associated decrease in all components of the mixed function oxidase system.
Chronic Ulcerative Colitis is one of the rare diseases especially in Korea. It appears most often in patient of middle age but may occur at early or late age. The etiology is unknown and the main clinical manifestation are bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss ans pallor.,
It is exeperienced a case of chronic ulcerative colits, lesioned at left side if transverse colon, descending colon, and upper part of sigmoid colon in middle aged woman who was surgically treated with good result. It present a case of chronic ulcerative colitis with review of the literature.
The authors describe a case of syndrome of progressive bulbar palsy in amyotorphic lateral sclerosis which was diagnosed by electromyography.
Odontomas may occur anywhere in the jaws, but they are found most frequently in the third molar and cuspid regions of the mandible. The causes of the odontoma is not known. Although these benign odontogenic tumors grow slowly and are ordinary asymptomatic, they may reach considerable size and should be removed.
Author has been experienced a case of complex odontoma on the hard palate. A 40 year old female who complained protruded mass on left side of hard palate. This hard mass was completely resected and primary closure was carried out in layers.
Pathologic diagnosis was complex composite odontoma. Author reported an experience and reviewed literatures.
Two cases of subcorneal pustular dermatosis are presented. The clinical and histopathological findings are discussed. In case 1, treatment of combination of dapsone and corticosteroids was relatively ineffective. In case 2, treatment with combination of dapsone, ultraviolet light, and triamcinilone intralesional injection, was satisfactory clinical response transiently, but complete remission could not obtained.
Most of the testicular tumors are malignant and metastasis occurs relatively early. They are usually developed during the age of greatest sexual activity, between the ages of 18~35 years, and they account for about 0.5% of all malignancies in men and 4% of all tumors affecting the genitourinary tract. Bilateral primary testicular tumors account for 0.6~3.8% of all testis tumors. Up to date 40 cases of bilateral primary testicular tumors thar proved histologically to be primary tumor have been reported.
Recently authors have experienced in the right testicle and seminoma developed in the left underscended testicle. A brief review of the literature and a disccusion concerning bilateral primary testicular tumors are presented in this paper.