The principle of sonography depends on the transmission of a pulsed sound beam through a particular area of the body and on the interpretation of echo pattern produced from interfaces of tissues with different acoustic impedances or densities. Then it is limited to frequencies in the range from 1 to 20 million cycles/sec. in clinical practice. Real time examination provides many sonographic informations. Namely, determination of gestational age without an accurate last menstrual period is difficult, but the correlation between fetal biparietal diameter by ultrasound and gestational age is compromised by normal biologic variation in fetal growth rates. It is possible to estimate fetal weight with reasonable accuracy by meansuring biparietal diameter and abdominal circumference. Ultrasound scanning is also helpful in differential diagnosis of pelvic masses. So, ultrasound as a non-invasivd iagnostic tool has a wide variety of practical applcations which are extremely useful in obstetrical and gynecological practice.
Recent progress in microvascular surgery has opened new clinical possibilities in tissue transplantation, replantation by the direct anastomosis of vessels about onemm in external diameter. However in spite of continous training, the use of improved microscopes, instrument and suture material, it is still dificult to obtain high patency rate. Increasing facility obtained only by repeated operation upon the experimental animal reduce the false rate of arterial anastomosis and should make availability on additional and mastery technic in repeated experimental exercise for operation preocedure requiring the anastomosis of small artery. The purpose of this paper is to describe the instrument being used and to point out their use in end to end end anastomosis of femoral artery of rat, and to emphasize the role and important factors in the surgical repair of small artery with suture techniquq. Preliminary experimental study for microvascular anastomosis was projected to three step. The femoral artery of living rat was used in last step about 30 case, and then obtained patency rate 19 case and false 11 case. The result to the analysis for false 11 case are as follows. 1. Two case by insufficient dissection of femoral artery of rat. satisfactory dissection is from its emergence at the inguinal ligament to its bifurcation, and the greater mobilization, the easier femoral artery of rat is to approximate, turnover, and revise, if necessary. Dissection of tissue must be slow to avoid vessel damage. 2. One case by extreme vascular spasm. Due to manipulation, especially cold, dry, contact with fresh blood, vessel is usually spasm. Vascular spasm can be reversed by topical applcation of 1% lidocain and by keeping constant moisture with warm 37℃ Ringer solution. Vessel trauma by rough handling is not responded by lidocain or irrigation. 3. Three case by unskilled handling of clamp-approximation. Questionable problem is on which side the clamp should be placed? Which clamp should be placed on proximal or distal? How far apart the clamp should be placed and where they should be applied? Which should be closed first, the proximal clamp or the distal one? Above description was solved. 4. Threee case by unskilled microvascular suturing. Questionable problem is where the guide suture should be placed? How large a bite should be taken? How many suture will be required? Above description was solved. 5. Two case by thrombosis after vascular anastomosis. Thrombosis has been a major problem. Surgical trauma of vessel and unskilled technique of anastomosis were lead to thrombosis formation in microvascular surgery. Patency rate after microvascular surgery depends mainly upon good visualization of vascular anatomy and good technique including tissue dissection and microvascular suturing, gentle manipulation of vessel, fine and appropriate instrument.
Clinical survey on 508 blood recipients were undertaken to find out the incidence of urticaria and the effects of pretreatment with antihistamine on urticaria. The following were obtained: 1) Among 508 recipients, the incidence of urticaria was 30 (5.9%). 2) The urticaria was 15 (50%) severe in degree. 3) The incidence of the urticaria was more frequent in general anesthesia than spinal anesthesia. 4) There was no significant relationship between transfusions and the apperance of urticaria. 5) The rate of appearance of urticaria was higher in female than male. 6) In various age groups the majority of urticara were in the third decade. 7) The average number of eosinophiles was within normal limits in all recipients. 8) The average duration of uricaria was 2 hours and 45 minutes. The result of present study indicates the possibility that pretreatment with anihistamine can prevent the urticaria after transfusion during anesthesia and involving more number of recipients further study is necessary to verify the above results.
Pulmonary chondromatous hamartoma is a very rare disease in pulmonary tumors but it's character is benign nature. It is often incidental, asymptomatic finding on routine chest roentgenogram. They are reported to account for 8 percent of all coin lesions. In 1904, Albrecht first used the term "Hamartoma" to refer to a cogenital abnormal mixing of the normal components of an organs other than the lung. The author experienced one case of endobronchial hamartoma. The patient, 41-year-old-female was admitted to our hospital due to chest tightness and general weakness. Chest roentgenogram reveals that walnut-size radio-opaque density is seen in right upper lung field with demarcated margin. Right pneumonectomy is performed and the answer of pathology is benignendotrachial hamartoma. The post-operative course is unevenful and she was discharged in good condition.
The term of ectopic ureter means the ureter which opens at a point other than ther lateral horn of the interureteric ridge. Single ectopic ureter ureter is very rare and it accompanies renal anomaly commonly. We experienced a case of single ectopic ureter of which orifice opened into the uterine cervix in 18 year girl. She had suffered from urine leakage through the vagina in spite of normal voiding since childhood. Nephroureterectomy was performed and surgical specimen revealed hypoplastic kidney and marked hydroureter. We report this case with review of literatures.