This study is concerned with cytochrome P-450 contents and different forms of cytochrome P-450 after administration of hydrocortisone in common bile duct ligated and adrenalectomized rats. Content of total hepatic cytochrome P-450 is decreased after either common bile duct ligation or adrenalectomy. In contrast, hydrocortisone increases content of hepatic cytochrome P-450. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to examine the poly-petide pattern of rat liver endoplasmic reticulum membrane fraction. This report describes the chromatographic separation of four forms of microsomal cytochrome P-450 apoproteins, whose molecular weights ranging from 50,000 to 58,000 indentified in a sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)-6M urea-polyacrlamide gel electrophoresis system. Bile duct ligation was associated with a reduction in band I,II,III and IV. And administration of hydrocortisone after bile duct ligation plus adrenalectomy demonstrated a return of band II and III. Hydrocortisone administrated alone increased band III, while band 1 was decreased.
Early detection of deafness is of paramount important for the success of rehabilitation of the deaf child. In asmuch as complete deafness in usually not detected until the second year of life, it seems to be reasonable that the test for hearing should be made as a part of the physical examination in the newborn nursery. It is possible that such routine test in nursery could give an accurate statistical data regarding to the incidence of true congenital deafness at an early age. The purpose of this investigation is to detect the deafness as early as possible in order to treat properly. This paper represents the findings of a study investigated auditory responses of 100 neonates by Beltone Audiometer Model 15 CX, who are delivered normally at Ewha Womans University Hospital. The results are as follows: 1. The response according to the sound stimulation was 79 cases among 100 cases(79%). 2. The degree of intensity in response revealed strong response(41%), weak but clear response(29%), obscured response(13%), paroxysmal response(9%), and non-response(8%). 3. The relation between infant state and response rate revealed 90.0% neonates in light sleep, 78.7% in awake and 46.2% in deep sleep. 4. Response rate according to the age showed 71.4% of 1 day, 86.1% of 2 days, 83.3% of 3 days, 80.0% of 4 days and 100.0% of 5 days. 5. Simple response was 69.6% and combined response was 30.4% and auditory response of neonates was in 20 cases of cochleopalpebral reflex(18.3%), 19 cases of open eyelid or eyeball shift(17.3%), 13 cases of grimace(11.9%), 9 cases of Moro reflex(8.3%), 8 cases of movement(74%), 8 cases of sucking(7.4%), 7 cases of ceasing activity(6.4%) and 7 cases of deep respiration(6.4%). 6. Response rate was 79% when 3000Hz, 90dB was applied but it was 67% in 500Hz, 90dB. 7. When recheck was done 3 weeks later in obscured and non-response group, all showed positive auditory responses. In conclusion, the auditory response in neonatal period is greatly important, not only its incidence but early detection for the proper treatment. Therefore auther recommend the mass screening of hearing acuity among newborn infants in all nurseries as part of the routine neonatal evaluation.
It is estimated that fully 20% of all women over 35 years of age harbor uterine myoma. This clinicopathological study on the uterine myoma was based upon 138 cases which were operated and diagnosed in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Womans University Hospital from the beginning of 1972 to the end of 1979. Summaries of the results were as follows: 1. Myoma was 6.1% of the total major gynecological operations. 2. The most frequent age group was 40-49 years(60.1%). There was the most common in case with parity 3 and the mean age of menarche was 16.0 years. 3. Majority of cases were corporeal myoma, 90.6%, whereas cervical myomas were 7.2%. The types of tumor consist of 47.1% of intramural myoma, 22.5% of subserous myoma and 14.5% of submucous myoma. 4. Pain and pressure symptoms were the most common chief complaints(69.5%), whereas abnormal uterine bleeding in 52.2% and palpable mass in 31.9% in orders. 5. Infertility was observed in 21% of all cases(primary infertility; 6.5% and secondary infertility 14.5%). Hemoglobin less than 10.0gm% was seen in 21.1%. 6. Total abdominal hysterectomy was performed in the majority cases(90.6%). There was no mortality due to operation. 7. The most commonly associated condition in myoma was adenomyosis(19.5%) and the most fequent secondary change was hyaline degeneration.(6.5%) 8. Postoperative morbidity was found in 12.3% of all cases and wound infection(4.3%) was the most common morbidity.
The purpose of this study is to report an experimental model for the cerebral infarction by occluding a segment of the middle cerebral artery with artificial emboli. In each dog the right common carotid artery was exposed and the internal carotid artery was catheterized selectively with a 16 gauge catheter of Intracath. The prepared embolus, a gutta percha cylinder measuring 4 mm long by 1.5mm in diameter was injected through the catheter of Intracath until backbleeding indicated the embolus had lodged intracranially, beyond the internal carotid-maxillary artery junction. The optimal material for experimental emboli should be radiopaque and easily identified in pathological specimens, and should produce cerebral lesions which resemble spontaneously occuring clinical infarction in pathophysiological mechanism. Since the gutta percha cylinder is radiopaque and its position was able to be checked in simple skull films, it was considered to an optimal embolic material. In the postoperative period the animals were extremely ill with impaired consciousness, vomiting and contralateral hemiplegia. Autopsy revealed massive hemorrhage infarction of the ipsilateral cerebral hemishpere in each of the animals and the average volume of infarction was 1.93 cu cm and also it was observed that there was no endothelial damage of the middle cerebral artey, even when the embolus was left in situ for 10 days.
Studies of immunoglobulin levels in disease become popular in the mid and late 1960's and there have been many investigation of immunoglobulin alteration in hepatic disorders. More sensitive methodes for detecting hepatitis B virus(H-BV) antigen(HBsAg) are developed. As a result, it has provided higher incidence of HBV carriers. Several investigators have reported that serum immunoglobulin M(IgM) value is much higher in acute viral hepatitis. The purpose of this study is early detection of acute viral hepatitis among HBsAg positive patients and recognitiono of present illness from past history by determination of serum immunoglobulin along with conventional liver function tests. The auther have done serum immunoglobulin in 50 cases of HBsAg positive patients who visited to EWUH with symptoms during the period, March to October 1981. Diagnosis of those patients was made on the basis of symptom, liver function test, and histologic liver biopsy. The results are summerized as follow : 1. Mean value(±2SD) of IgG, IgA, IgM in HBsAg positive acute viral hepatitis are 1676±349mg%, 294±165mg%, and 229±134mg%. 2. Immunoglobulin M levels iin approxiamtely 84% of all HBsAg positive acute viral hepatitis are significantly higher than other hepatic disease. 3. Immunoglobulin G level is significantly higher in liver cirrhosis and hepatoma, and immunoglobulin A level is higher in chronic hepatitis, while immunoglobulin M is higher in acute vital hepatitis than normal. 4. The relationship between immunoglobulin levels and liver enzme generally reveals that the higher the enzyme level, the higher the IgM level and the lower the enzyme level, the higher the IgG and IgA. In conclusion, Immunoglobulin M levels in HBsAg positive acute viral hepatitis cases are significantly high, therefore, it could be a good indicator of not only differentiating present illness from the past history, but also differentiating acute viral hepatitis from other hepatic disease.
Spontaneous rupture of the kidney occurs rarely but has been associated with calculous disease, trauma and tumor. The literature on spontaneous rupture of the renal pelvis was reviewed by Abeshouse in 1935 and again by Shaw in 1957. However, there has been a tendency for a rather wide variety of conditions to be included under this diagnosis. These have ranged from a simple pyelosinus reflux, on the one hand, to calculous perforation of the kidney and perinephric abscess on the other. In most instances, it is an acute abdominal process which requires early diagnosis and immediate surgical exploration. Authors experienced one case of spontaneous rupture of the kidney secondary to renal pelvis stone in 20 year old female, and report this case with the review of literature.