Rabbit adrenocrtical mitochondria contains cytochrome P-450 dependent hydrox-ylase system, capable of catalyzing the hydroxylation as well as other modifications of variety of lipids and foreign compounds, including drugs, pesticides, carcino-gens. Ethanol enhances the activity of the microsomal enzyme system, and cold exposure increases various enzyme activity. The present study investigated the effects of chronic ethanol administration and cold exposure on rabbit adrenocortical mitochondria 11β-and 18-hydroxylase activity, cytochrome P-450 and b5 and AAF hydroxylation, serum cortisol level and lipid content of the adrenal cortex. The results obtained are : 1) When rabbits were administrated with 15% and 30% ethanol and were exp-osed to cold, the level of adrenocortical mitochondrial 11 β-hydroxylase activity was increased, but 18-hydroxylase activity was slightly increased only in the cold exposure group. This result corresponded with an increase of serum cortisol level. 2) When rabbits were administrated with ethanol and were exposed to cold, the level of cytochrome P-450 in adrenocortical mitochondria was increased, but cytochrome b5 level did not change. Ring-hydroxylation of AAF did not change, but N-hydroxylation was increased. 3) When rabbits were administrated with ethanol and were exposed to cold, the levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in adrenal cortex was remarkably incre-ased, but phospholipid level was reduced.
After animals were treatd with CCl4, histological changes were shown in the endoplasmic reticulum, and also microsomal activity was decreased and hepatic necrosis, lipid peroxidation in the liver were repoted. Repeated administration of phenobarbital results in the induction of enzyme that metabolize a number of drugs and, Roberts and Plaa reported that bilirubin output was increased significantly after administration of phenobarbital in rats. Artemisia. was used as folk medicine for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. Kiku Tanni(1968) claimed that administration of Artemisia. in patient with acute hepatitis, significantly lowered the bilirubin index, S.G.O.T. and S.G.P.T. The purpose of the this report was to study the effect of CCl4, phenobarbital. Artemisia on biliary excretion. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1) Volume of the bile juice was decreased in CCl4 group but increased in phenobarbital and Artemisia. group. 2) Biliary output was slightly decreased in CCl4 group but increased in phenobarbital group. 3) Cholate output was decreased in CCl4 group, but phenobarbital and Artemisia group was shown sighificant increase. 4) Cholesterol output was decreased in CCL4 group, but increased in phenobarbital group. By the above results, it is felt that after treated with phenobarbital and artemisis following liver damage with CCl4, detoxication process was shown and the liver damage were protected.
The psoriasis plaque test, as a clinical and non-artificial model, provides information on the antiproliferative effect of topical corticosteroids, and it makes possible to ealuate various preparations simultaneously at a given time. In this assay we compared the antiproliferative effects of six topical corticosteroids with occlusive dressing technique in fourteen psoriatic patients. The results are summerized as follows : 1) The psoriasis plaque test was an adequate method for evaluating antiproliferative effects of various corticosteroid preparations. 2) In contrast to prednisolone and triamcinolone acetonide, the effects of desoxymethasone, halcinonide, fluocinide, triamcinolone benetonide were evident, and the best of all was desoxymethasone. 3) No side effect developed during test period.
The rate of the spine fracture tends to be increased as the rate of traffic and industrial accidents are increased. One hundred and fifteen thoracolumbar spine fractures and fracture-dislocations out of 81 patients were evaluated from March, 1976 to September, 1981 treated at the Department of Orthpaedic Surgery of Ewha University Hospital. 1. The majority(64.1%) of the spine fracture was found in the age group of 20 to 50 years. 58% of the cases were coused by fall down injury. There was no difference between sex. 2. Most common site of the lesion occured getween T12 and L2 vertebrae(65.2%) and flexion fracture(56%) was most common. 3. Thirteen cases of the total were complicated by paraplegia, of which 76.9% was caused by rotational frecture-dislocation. 4. Prognosis for neurological recovery in initially complete lesion was poor, regardless of treatment. About 15% initially complete lesion showed complete recovery and 47% showed incomplete recovery.
It is now well established that ethanol excerts different effect on hepatic cellular metabolism, depending mainly on the duration of its intake. And induction of quantitative and qualitative alterations in the cytochrome P-450 of hepatic microso-mes after chronic ethanol feeding is a well-documented phenomenon. But the effect of ethanol ingestion on the drug metabolism appear paradoxic and the ability of chronic ethanol ingestion to potentiate the carcinogenicity of 2-acetyl-aminofluorene(2-AAF) by microsomal activation is not confirmed yet. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the effects of 15%, 30% ethanol and a commercial liquor feeding for 16 weeks on the lipid in the rat liver, hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 and b5, and to elucidate whether or not ethanol-induced rat microsomes can increase the risk of cancer by increasing the rate of metabolic activation of 2-AAF in vitro. The results are followings. 1) The chronic alcohol feeding increased the contents of total cholesterol and triglyceride in the liver, but did not make a significant influence on the phospholipid contents of liver. 2) The 8 week alcohol feeding increased the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 without the changeof cytochrome b5 but the 16 week feeding decreased P-450 significantly. 3) The chronic alcohol feeding elevated the AAF N-hydroxylation continuously but did not influence on AAF ring-hydroxylation. 4) The correlation of AAF N-hydroxylation and the increases of hepatic lipid contents was indicated.