Ethanol enhances the activity of microsomal enzyme system and lipid peroxidation. We observed the effect of chronic ethanol administration on cytochrome P-450 level and lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsome. The results were as follows : 1) When rats were administered with ethanol, the level of microsomal cytochrome P-450 was decreased and lipid peroxidation did not change significantly. 2) When vitamin A and E were added incubation medium in each group, lipid per-oxidation was decreased significantly.
Three distinct antigen-antibody systems are associated with hepatitis B virus(HBV):hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) and its antibody(Anti-HBs): Hpatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) and its antibody(Anti-HBc) and hepatitis Be antigen(HBeAg) and its antibody(Anti-HBe). Among them HBe antigen and anti-HBe are now interested by most of physician because its presence in serum may indicate chronic carrier of hepatitis, so that the number of determination of HBeAg and Anti-HBe as adjuncts in the clinical evaluation of patients who are HBsAg positive increased daily. HBe Ag has been also shown its evidence of infectivity in vertical transmission among HBsAg positive pregnant woman by several investigation. However there is lack of morphologic studies on liver biopsy in HBe Ag positive patient. The auther has done simultaneously determination of serologic markers of hepatitis and liver biopsy on 80 patients who have abnormal liver function test. The results are summarized as follow: 1) The positivity of HBe Ag is 23% among all 80 cases of liver disease and 61% among HBs Ag positive patients. 2) The positivity of anti-HBe is 21% among all 80 cases of liver disease and 54% among HBsAg positive patients. 3) Hepatic enzyme activity reveals that SGOT is considerably higher in HBe Ag positive than in anti-HBe positive patients and SGPT is higher in HBeAg positive patients compared with both HBsAg positive and anti-HBe positive patiens. 4) Liver biopsies of HBe Ag positive patients show characteristically hepatocytic necrosis, eosinophilic bodies, piecemeal necrosis, and intralobular mixed inflammatory cell infiltration. 5) Liver biopsies of anti-HBe positive patients show mainly limited lymphocytic infiltration in portal triad and absence of hepatocytic necrosis, eosinophilic bodies, and piecemeal necrosis.
The clinical and histopathological analysis was done on 28 cases of basal cell epithelioma encountered in the Department of Dermatology, Ewha Womans University Hospital during the past 7 1/2 years period from January 1976 to June 1983. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1) Of 28 patients, 15 cases were male and 13 cases were female with ratio of 1.16:1. 2) Average age was 53.5 years ranging from 15 to 90 years with the highest incidence rate in the age group 60-69 years. 3) Three cases of basal cell epithelioma in the young age group developed from xeroderma pigmentosum. 4) The average duration of disease was 7.5 years ranging from 1 to 20 years. 5) Twenty seven cases(96.4%) occured on face comprising 11 cases on nose, 8 cases on lower eyelid, 3 cases on cheek, each 1 case on forehead, eyebrow, upper lip, angle of mouth and mandible, and remaining 1 case occured on back. 6) The most common noduloulcerative lesion was observed in 7 cases(25.0%), and then followed by(in order)adenoid type and sclerosing type 6 cases (21.4%) respectively, mixed type 5 cases(17.9%) and keratotic type 4 cases(14.3%).
The free skin flap transferby microvascular anastomosis has been recently for wide employment in reconstructive surgery. But for the survival of the free skin flap, the blood supplying network obviously is a sine qua non, so the ori-ginal free skin flap requires at least one artery for blood inflow and one vein for drainage. But arteries are not so supeficial as veins, so the flap is very bulky and the sacrifice of the donor artery is the inevitable. And, it is difficult to find an adequate artery in the distal part when a flap is designed, and we can find superficial veins from outside in the most parts of the body. It the arterial inflow is the first prerequisite, author suppose that the arterial inflow through the venous system also can save or nourish the distal part of a flap. So author made the new experimental free flap pattern which arterial inflow through the venous system also can save or nourish the distal part of a flap. So author made the new experimental free flap pattern which arterial inflow through the venous system. And according to the venous drainage pattern, author made the two different groups using rats. In one group, venous anastomosis was done, in the other group, arteriovenous anastomosis was performed which means venous blood drain through arterial system of the flap. And experimental comparisions were done between two different venous drainage patterns.
An interstitial tubal pregnancy is a gestation occuring in the itramural porion of the endosalpinx. Its incidence is estimated to about 2.5% of all gestations. Symptoms and signs of interstitial pregnancy cannot be differentiated from the symptoms and signs of other ectopic pregnancies. Unruptured interstitial gestations are usually diagnosed incidental to the work-up of a suspected ecropic gestation. Ultrasoundl and diagnostic laparoscopy will aid in establishing the correct diagnosis. We present a case of unruptured interstitial pregnancy with brief review of litarture.
Diazepam(Valium), a benzodiazepine derivative, has been widely used for the treatment of anxiety and seizures. Recently, diazepam has been used as preanesthetic medication, preparation for endoscopy, bronchoscopy, cardiac catheterization, arteriography, and to supplement local anesthetic during surgery. One patient who suffered cardiopulmonary arrest after receiving small doses of diazepam intravenously is reported in view of the frequent intravenous use of diazepam. Small doses of intravenous diazepam can cause respiratory arrest. We suggest that equipment and personnel trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and physostigmine be available a whenever diazepam is administered intravenously.
Bronchoplastic procedures in combination of sleeve resection of the bronchus are performed in selected cases of benign or malignant tumors arising from the major bronchial trees. Bronchoplasty has a good benefit preserving the distal lung tissues. However the tehniques of these procedures are more difficult to be performed than that of conventional lobectomy or pneumonectomy. Bronchoplastic procedures between the left main bronchus and the left upper lobe bronchus are especially hard to be undergone because of angulation of the bronchus and pulmonary vessels. Bronchoplasty between the left main and the left upper lobe bronchus after sleeve resection of the left main bronchus and lower lobe was undergone successfully on a 27-year-old housewife who had the bronchus. Her postoperative course was uneventful. She is in good health until postoperative 1 year.
Giant aneurysm occures rarely and it is about 5% of intracranial aneurysm. Giant aneurysm arising from the intradural portion of the internal carotid artery proximal to the origin of the posterior communicating artery present specialsurgical problem. Most of these aneurysms arise in the relation to the origin of the ophthalmic artery from the anteromedial aspect of internal carotid artery; however, others arise from the posterolateral portion of the internal carotid artery. In some of the largest ones, the neck is so wide that the site of origin is not clear. As a group, these aneurysms can be called paraclinoid. In these cases, operative difficulty is presented and complication is well developed, so treatment is marked difficult. We experience a case of giant paraclinoid ane-urysm which was treated by common carotid artery ligation in the neck and report with brief review of the literature.