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Volume 13(2); June 1990

Original Articles

Induction of Hepatic Microsomal UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Activity in Nifedipine Treated Rats
Young Sook Hong, Young-Sook Pae
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):45-51.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.45

UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase(UDPGT) activity was studies in hepatic microsomal preparation from rats treated with nifedipine. The substrates 1-naphthol, P-nitrophenol, 4-methyl-umbelliferone and bilirubine were used. With 1-naphthol, nifedipine 2 and 4 weeks treatment caused 6- and 7.3-fold, respectively, increase in activity over the control value. With 4-methylumbelliferone, nifedipine 2 and 4 weeks treatment caused 5- and 6-fold increase in activity over the control value. With P-nitrophenol, nifedipine 2 and 4weeks treatment caused both approximately 3-fold increase in activity over the control value. However bilirubin-UDPGT activity was not affected by this inducer effects of nifedipine on the hepatic monooxygenase system in rats were investigate. P-Nitroanisole-O-demethylase, NADPH-cytochrome C reductase activity and cytochrome P-450 content in nifedipine treated rats were significantly increased to 390, 290 and 150% of control rats, respectively.

The selectivity of nifedipine of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase was investigated in rat liver microsomes and compared with their effect on monooxygenase reactions. Similart o 3-meth-lycholanthrene-type selectively stimulated the glucuronidation induced both UDPGT1 and monooxygenase activity, probably through a common receptor protein.

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The present study was carried out to obtain more information clarification of the susceptibility of the snails, Lymnaea pervia and L. auricularia to the common liver flukes, Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. The snails were collected from paddy field and irrigation route in a rural area located along the Han-gang riverside. Cercariae naturally shed from the snails were examined for identification for Fasciola spp. On the other hand, L. pervia and L. auricularia were artificially bred and the offsprings were divided into 3 groups according to day of age; baby snail group(5-7 days of age), young group(15-17) and adult group(more than 60), respectively, and used for infection of miracidia of F. hepatica and F. gigantica. The liver flukes were collected from Korea cattle and morphologically classified for the experiment. Eggs of F. hepatica and F. gigantica were cultured in the laboratory. After hatching, miracidia were used to infect the snails.

The results obtained in the present study were summarised as follows ;

1) Cercariae were naturally shed from both species of snails and cercariae of Fasciola spp. were found from 3(1.2%) among 250 individuals of L. pervia, but not from 200 individuals of L. auricularia.

2) Among 376 worms of Fasciola spp., 23(6.1%) were F. hepatica, 144(38.3%) were F. gigantica and 209(55.6%) were intermediate form, respectively.

3) Infection rates in the baby, young and adult snail group of L. pervia treated with F. hepatica miracidia were revealed as 57.6%, 53.1% and 47.9%, respectively, and with F. gigantica were 100.0%, 95.6% and 86.4%, respectively. The differences of infection rates between the corresponding groups of the former and the latter were highly significant(p<0.005). However. infection rates in the baby and young groups of F. hepatica- or F. gigantica-treated L. auricularia were very low, and no infection was established in the adult groups.

From the results. it is evidenced that L. pervia is the most suitable intermediate host for F. gigantica and F. hepatica in Korea.

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The Comparative Evaluation of Free Fat Graft Sorvival in Pigs
Chin Ho Yoon, Han Jing Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):61-70.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.61

Human adipose tissue transplantation was first attempted in 1983 by Neuber and subsequently it was used widely as a surgical method to correct surface depression or to augment soft tissue during the period of the 20th century. But the fat grafts lost about the 50% of their weight and volume and complication has been discovered. Recently, with introduction of the suction-associated lipectomy and the minced free fat injection technique, there has been revived interest in using suctioned adipose tissue for transplantation to correct contour deficiences.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate adipocyte survival in pigs under 3 different conditions as follows ;

1) Type of grafts : Lump (Excised) & minced(libposuctioned).

2) Beneficial effects of insulin : the addition to the specimens and not.

3) State of Donor site ; old scar bed and fresh bed.

The biopsy specimens from 8 groups were taken after 4 and 8 weeks and routinely measured their survival weights and prepared for microscopic examination.

The results shows ;

1) The differences between the specimens of 4 weeks and those of 8 weeks were revealed in the survival weights and histologic findings.

2) While the survival adipocytes in lump and minced groups did not differ histoligically, there was statiscally significant increasing of survival weights in minced groups(2.3±0.34, 2.0±0.26) compared with the lump groups.

3) Insulin did not show any effects on survival weights and histology.

4) There was no statiscally significant differences between specimens of scar bed groups and those of non-scar bed groups(P-value>0.05).

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Normal Intracardiac and Great Vessel Doppler Flow Velocities in Infant and Children
Young Mi Hong
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):71-83.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.71

One hundred and 66 normal subjects were studied by two dimensional pulsed Doppler echocardiography to estimate velocity within heart and great vessels. Velocities were obtained at a beam flow intercept angle close to 0°in ascending aorta, main pulmonary artery, tricuspid and mitral valve orifice.

Quantative angle corrected peak flow velocities were generally lower on the right side than on the left side of the heart. Differences in tricuspid(mean 58.3cm/sec) versus mitral (mean 70.8cm/sec) value orifice and pulmonary(mean 75.7cm/sec) versus ascending aorta (mean 111.7cm/sec) were significant(p<0.05). Only signifcant relationship between mitral valve velocity and body surface area was noted, but there was no significant difference between other value velocity and age or body surface area.

These normal Doppler data should be useful for comprisons with data obtained in children with various forms of congenital heart disease that affect flow dynamics.

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A Clinical Study of Correct Diagnosis by Auscultation of Voice
Young Il Moon
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):85-91.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.85

A clinical study of correct diagnosis by auscultation of voice was performed on 150 cases who complained of voice disorder at the Dept. of Otolarynglolgy of Ewha Womans university hospital recently and the following results were obtained.

1) The underlying diseases causing voice disorder in order of frequency were as that follows ; vocal polyp and nodule were 58 cases(38.6%), recurrent nerve paralysis were 26 cases(17.3%), laryngitis were 16 cases(10.7%), laryngeal cancer were 12 cases(8.0%).

2) Among total of 150 cases, male were 74 cases and female were 76 cases. Among 58 cases of vocal polyp and nodule, male were 22 cases(37.9%) and female were 36 cases(62.1%). Among 26 cases of recurrent nerve paralysis, male were 16 cases(61.5%) and female were 10 cases(38.5%). Among 16 cases of laryngitis, male were 6 cases(37.5%) and female were 10 cases(62.5%). Among 12 cases of laryngeal cancer, male were 8 cases (66.7%) and female were 4 cases (33.3%). Among 6 cases of mutation disorder, male were 6 cases(100%), Among 4 cases of anabolic steroid dysphonia, female were 4 cases (100%).

3) Results of auscultation of voice were as that follows ; The highest incidence of voice quality of vocal polyp and nodule in order frequency were BR factor(55.2%) and R factor(30.8%). Recurrent nerve paralysis in order frequency were AB factor(46.2%) and BR factor(30.8%). Laryngitis in order frequency were BR factor(43.8%) and R factor(31.3%). Laryngeal cancer in order frequency were BR factor(83.8%) and R factor(8.3%).

4) The rate of correct diagnosis by auscultation of voice were as that follows ; Correct diagnosis were 69%. Correct diagnosis inclued binary choice and correct diagnosis were 78%. Wrong diagnosis indicating similar pathlolgical conditions, correct diagnosis and correct diagnosis inclued in binary choice were 81%.

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To evaluate whether the urinary and serum c-peptide is the indicator of insulin therapy in NIDDM, and whether the insulin secretery capacity improves after control of blood glucose, We measured 24 hour urinary c-peptide excretion, fasting and postprandial 2hour's serum c-peptide concentrations before and after insulin therapy in 20 patients with NIDDM.

The results were as follows ;

1) The postprandial 2 hour's serum c-peptide level was significantly lower in patients with NIDDM than normal controls, bu t fasting serum c-peptide level and 24hour urinary c-peptide excretion showed no significant difference between normal control group and patients with NIDDM

2) There was no significant difference in duration of disease, body mass index, fasting serum c-peptide level and 24 hour urinary c-peptide excretion between insulin-requiring group and non-insulin-requiring group among patients with NIDDM. But post prandial 2 hour's serum c-peptide level was significantly lower in insulin requiring group than non-insulin-requiring group before treatment.

3) After therapy with insulin, post prandial 2 hour's serum c-peptide level increased significantly in insulin requiring group, but fasting serum c-peptide and 24 hour urinary c-peptide excretion were not changed significantly after therapy with insulin comparing with the level before therapy.

Author concluded that postprandial 2 hour's serum c-peptide level was a market of insulin therapy in patients with NIDDM and insulin secretory capacity improved after controlling of blood glucose.

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Study on the Treatment and Prognosis of the Invasive Cervical Carcinoma
Jung Ja Ahn
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):101-112.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.101

This study was planned to evaluate the effect the effect of treatment, morbidity and prognosis of 91 cases with invasive cervical carcinoma who were admitted and treated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Womans University Hospital during the period of 4 years from January 1986 to December 1989.

The results were as follows :

1) The two-thirds of the cases were found to be in the group of age between 40 and 59, and mean age of the cases was 50.7 year.

2) The majority of the cases(84.6%) were concentrated on the gravida of 5 or more, and also parity with 5 or more were noticed over one-third of cases(36.1%).

3) The most common clinical symptom was vaginal spotting and vaginal bleeding(29.7% respectively), and others were postcoital spotting(13.2%), foul odored leukorrhea(14.3%), lower abdominal pain(14.3%), leukorrhea(11.0%), and back pain(11.0%).

4) Distribution of clinical stage in cases with invasive cervical carcinoma was 24.2% in stage I, 50.5% in stage II, 16.5% in stage III and 8.8% in stage IV.

5) The results of Pap smear were found to be abnormal in the majority of cases(84.6%, III : 27.5%, IV : 17.6%, V : 39.5%), but 15.4% of cases were normal(I:5.5%, II:9.9%).

Histological subtypes of the invasive cervical carcinoma were large cell nonkeratinizing type(62.6%), large cell keratinizing type(17.6%), and small cell type(9.9%).

Serum CEA levels were measured in 31.9% of cases, and normal level less than 2.5 ng/ml were found to be about one-third of the cases, but the rest had high levels than normal level.

6) Radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed in cases of stage Ia, and IIa(25 cases : 27.5%), radiation in 66 cases(72.5%), adjuvant chemotherapy in 11 cases(12.1%).

7) Accuracy of preoperative stage in operation cases was 56.0%, and 87.5% in stage Ia, 28.6% in stage Ib, and 50.0% in stage IIb.

8) Complications due to cervical carcinoma itself were hydronephrosis, pulmonary congestion, rectovaginal fistula and vesicovaginal fistula. Recurrence rate was 20.0% in operation cases, and 22.2% in radiation cases.

9) The two-year survival rate in confirmed cases(79 cases) by follow up was 100% in stage Ia, 85.7% in stage Ib, 70% in stage IIa by operation, and 100% in stage Ia, 83.3% in stage Ib, 77.8% in stage IIa, 72.2% in stage IIb, 66.7% in stage III, 0% in stage IV by radiation.

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Case Reports
A Case of Multiple Eccrine Hidrocystoma
Hyun Ok Kim, Jeong Hee Hahm, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):113-116.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.113

Eccrine hidrocystoma is small, translucent, smooth, shiny and often bluish colored, domeshaped cystic structure that occurs most often in a periobital area. The histologic finding of an intradermal cyst with a thin wall composed of two layers of eosinophilic-staining cuboidal cells in dilated eccrine glandular & ductal sturcture.

We present a case of multiple eccrine hidrocystoma occuring on the face, especially both eyelids & cheeks in a 70-year-old female patient.

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A Case of Medulloblastoma in Late Fifties
Dong Jin Yoo, Sung Hak Kim, Dong Been Park, Kyu Man Shin
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1990;13(2):117-121.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1990.13.2.117

Medulloblastomas constitute 4 per cent of all intracranial tumors and 7 to 8 per cent of all intracranial neuroepithelial tumors.

Although medulloblastomas are generally considered to be tumors of childhood, about 30 per cent of patients are at least 16 years old when first seen, Four fifths of these adult patients are between 21 and 40 years old and after the age of 50, the incidence of these tumors are extremely rare.

Herein the authors report on one case of medulloblastoma in 56 years old patient with the brief review of literatures.

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