Immunotherapy has been considered as secondary strategy of IgE mediated allergic disease. It decreases delayed airway inflammation and blocks irreversible airway change but many controversies still exist despite of its remarkable effect.
The purpose of this study was to estimate clinical effectiveness of immunotherapy in patients with asthma sensitized to house dust mite and to evaluate related factors.
Thirty asthmatic patients visiting allergy clinic of Mock-Dong hospital of Ewha woman university enrolled from March, 1996 to February. All patients were received the
1) Symptom-medication score was significantly improved after treatment (8.9±0.29 ; before IT vs. 3.4±0.20 ; after IT, p<0.05).
2) Methacholine challenge test demonstrated significant improvement (PC20 0.78± 0.09 before IT vs. 1.l8±0.17 after I year of IT, p<0.05). After we divided patients into two groups, group I that showed more than twice increasing in PC20 after I year IT and group II that did not. There was no significant difference between the groups in pre-treatment PC20s (8.75±2.75mg/ml in group I vs. 7.08±1.84mg/ml in group II, p<0.05).
3) Skin prick test demonstrated no significant change (wheel flare ratio in
4) There were no significant correlations for any combination among these three parameters (symptomatic improvement, change of PC20 and disease duration of asthma).
5) In view of side effects, no fatal systemic reaction occurred during treatment period. Only one patient experienced injection-related dyspnea and urticaria that were easily controlled by medication.
This study demonstrated that patients with asthma sensitized to house dust mite benefit from specific immunotherapy through symptomatic improvement and reduced nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity. As for side reactions immunotherapy might be relatively safe if allergen is carefully administered a controlled and supervised environment.
Renal cell carcinoma can presents wide range of signs and symptoms, and commonly associated with paraneoplastic syndrome. Paraneoplastic manifestations are present in up to 20% of patients with renal cell carcinoma. There is convincing evidence that renal cell carcinoma tumor cells elaborate proteins that serve as mediators of endocrine (ex ; ectopic production of parathyroid hormone-related protein or erythropoietin) as well as nonendocrine paraneoplastic syndromes. A paraneoplastic syndrome may be the various clinical presentation of renal cell carcinoma in a significant number of patients, therefore mimicked other general disease. We report a case of renal cell carcinoma associated with paraneoplastic syndrome mimicking pyelonephritis.
Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) is associated with development of various types of lymphoma, especially NK/T cell lymphoma. Recently, its subtypes and LMP-1, major oncoprotein of EBV, have been studied. We investigated the frequency of EBV, its subtypes, and LMP-1 status on the cases diagnosed at Ewha university hospital between 1993 and 2002.
Sixteen cases of NK/T cell lymphomas were studied. In situ hybridization for EBER-1 mRNA and PCR for EBV subtypes and 30 base pair deletion of LMP-1 were done.
All cases showed EBV positivity by EBER in situ hybridization. All cases contained Type A viruses and 10 cases(62.5%) revealed LMP-1 30bp deletion.
EBV act as a causative role in the development of NK/T cell lymphoma. The exact role of LMP-1 30bp deletion variant in the lymphomatogenesis should be studied with larger number of cases.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate MSI status in sporadic colorectal cancer and to correlate it with clinicopathologic variables.
Total 45 cases of surgically resected colorectal cancers retrospectively were reviewed about clinicopathologic findings and analyzed for micro satellite instability.
The microsatellite instability (MSI) was found in 5 of 45 cases (11.1%) . A significant association was found between MSI+ tumors and location in the right colon (40%), and high histological grade (100.0%), and mucinous phenotype (33.3%). There was no significant difference for age, sex, growth pattern, lymph node metastases, vessel invasion, or Duke's stage.
These data indicate that MSI frequently occur in colorectal cancers of the right side and in tumors with poorly differentiated or mucinous histology.