In the cases with voice disorders, voice case history, special examinations and function tests for voice were required. The voice case history is necessary for obtain the etiology of the voice disorder as well as the factors contributing to the problem. This is important for diagnosis of voice disorders in addition to a general back ground of the patient's growth and development including speech and language. Among those tests, auscultation of voice is the most important for diagnosis of some types of voice disorders, such as hormonal disturbance, spastic dysphonia and so on. It is also helpful to promote further careful examinations for any voice disorders. Maxiumum phonation time and mean air flow rate during comfortable phonation with the air volume similar to tidal air is useful for rough evaluation of the laryngeal efficiency during modal speech. Stroboscopy is very useful for clinical evaluation of abnormality in the mode of vocal cord vibration and analysis of ultra high speed film is the best way to investigate vocal cord vibration in detail. Acoustical analysis of voice appears to be usable for a screening test with tape-recorded voice. Electromyography is greatly valuable for determining prognosis recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis.
The levels of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 in preimplantation rats were determined 1) The activities of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 associated with the events leading to implantation were gradually increased in preimplantation rats. 2) The level of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 was peak, 2.65 nmoles/mg protein, on day 4 in normal preimplantation rat. 3) The activity of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 was decreased in ovariectomized rat than normal rat. 4) The hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 level in ovariectomized rat was peak, 2.39 nmoles/mg protein, on day 5. 5) We observed the fact thar the activity of microsomal P-450 was delayed in ovariectomized rat. 6) We confirmed the fact that the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 level was affected by steroid hormone.
This study was designed to determine and report the the protein contents in Korean industrial food eaten in our daily lives. Samples were industrial foods of cereals, legumes, meats, milk, fishes, shellfishes, vegetables, and fruits. The protein contents were determined by micro-kjeldahl method. 1) The content of protein was generally higher in the industrial foods than in the natual foods. 2) The contents of protein in the natural legumes were high compared with that of the industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes. 3) The amount of protein in the industrial foods of vegetables and fruits was very low compared with that of industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes.
Cosmetics contain a number of active agents and ingredients of vehicle. Active agents of cosmetics are known as more common sensitizer. Ingredients of vehicle are weak sensitizer that produce only mild scaly, dry eruption rather than obvious eczematous reaction. Kook have proposed a group of vehicle ingredients which should be tested on patients with allergic conntact dermatitis. The authors applied the vehicle tray patch test, which had been proposed by Kook, on 145 patients with allergic cosmetic dermatitis. The results of patch test are as follows; 1) The patients reactive to more than one ingredients, are 71. 2) Each ingredients show positive reactions in more than 2 patients. 3) The ingredients which give significantly high reactivity are sodium lauly1 sulfate, ethylene diamine, isopropy1 myristate, turpentine, and propylene glycol. The authors conclude that the vehicle tray, which had been proposed by Kook, also can be applied to patients with allergic cosmetic dermatitis.
Tuberculous lesions in the liver are a common finding at autopsy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. However upto 1956, only 33 cases of tuberculosis the liver have been reported by exploratory lapartory or autopsy in all the world, but recently diagnosis is more easy with development of liver yet. Recently we had the opportunity to observe 31-year-old male patient who had pulmonary tuberculosis and developed clinical course of F.U.O. In this paper we report a case of tuberculous hepatitis which confirmed by liver biopsy and briefly review the literatures.
Cutaneous endometriosis is one of the rare condition among the external edomet riosis. The umbilicus is a favored site, as is the lower abdominal wall where surgical scars may be affected. Occasionally the inguinal area, the perineum or the vulva are involved. A case of endometriosis in appendectomy scar is presented with a brief review of related literature.
Primary neoplasms of the epididymis are quite rare, but most have benign and cystic natures. Papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis occurs most often in young adults and produces either mild local discomfort, dull pain or no symptoms. This tumor has characteristic histopathologic findings which show affinities to many of the mesonephric tumors of the female genital tract. It is experienced a case of papillary cystadenoma of the left epididymis in young man who was treated with reselection of adenomatoid tumor at the same site one year ago. Authors report a case of papillary cystadenoma which was resected with good result and review of the literature.
The authors describe a case of facial myokymia which was considered as an isolated event. SUMMARY A case of facial myokymia which was considered as an isolated event was reported and the clinical and EMG features described.