The current status of teaching manpower and curriculum of a total of 19 medical colleges in Korea was analized with the data obtained through a survey on the curriculum of the year of 1979-80. And the strategies for faculty development and curriculum development was also discussed specially on revisement of the law and regulations related to college establishment, and on effectiveness of attending professor system in medical education.
Intermittent or transient left branch blook is a transient intraventricular conduction defect which was reported by many authors. Although variable etiologic and predisposing causes were considered, myocardial ischemia and hypertension were most important pathogenic factors of intermittent left bundle branch block. We had experienced one case of intermittent LBBB with hypertension and unstable angina and it was evoked by tachycardia, so we reported this case of 50-year old man with brief review of literatrue.
More than 30 years have passed since Dr. Whipple discribed a 2 stage resection for cancer of pancreas in 1935. Through these years, there has been varying enthusiasm for pancreaticoduodenal resection in the management of pancreatic cancer, but high incidence of post-operative complication and mortality were still remained. This 61 years old male patient was admitted to our hospital on 10th December. Physical examination revealed marked yellowish discoloration on entire body, systemic edema, and non-tender palpeble right upper quadrant mass. Liver function tests revealed remarkablly increase level of glucose, total bilirubin, S.G.O.T. and S.G.P.T. E.R.C.P. was suggest pancreatic pseudocyst. Pancreatic biospy from shows infiltration by atypical gland with filbrosis with final diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. This paper is concerned with our experience of drainage procedure of the extensively involved pancreatic cancer and reviewed with current oncepts in the manageme nt in literature.
Simple cyst of the kindey is usually unilateral and single and usually involves the lower pole of the kidney. Although many of them are benign, a few have a tendency to become malignant. Asymptomatic simple renal cyst lies in the diagnostic delemma of determining whether the mass lesion is a cyst or a renal carcinoma. With the advent of many new diagnostic procedures, the diagnosis of renal cysts reaches 98% of accuracy. Authors experienced one case of simple renal cysy involved the upper pole of the right kidney in 48 year old female, and report this case with the review of literatures