The objective of this sutdy was to obtain further information on the relationship between oncogenesis of cholangiocellular carcinoma of the liver and the infection with a liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis in the earlier stage of the infection. A group of 24 BALB/C male mice were used. Approximately 500 metacercariae were given orally to each mouse. Three mice were killed on the scheduled day, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 28th day after infection, respectively and histopathologic changes of the bile ducts were examined using hematoxylin and eosin stain method. The histopathologic findings observed were summarized as follows ; 1) Mice killed on the 3rd day showed a mild epithelial hyperplasia with the formation of papillae and adenomatous tissue proliferation. Bile ducts were dilated and the stroma was infiltrated by inflammatory cells, mainly eosinophils and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Occasionally mitotic figures and atypia of epithelial cells were seen. Worms were found in the distal peripheral smaller branches of the bile duct. 2) Mice killed on the 7th day gave a mild connective tissue proliferation in addition to more striking pictures in the bile ducts. Chronic mononuclear leucocytes appeared in the stroma. 3) Bile duct chagnges including epithelial hyperplasia, adenomatous tissue formation, connective tissue proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration were greater in the degrees in mice killed on the 10th day after infection. Mucinous cell metaplasia and collagen fiber proliferation were also observed. 4) From the 15th day throughout the 28th day after infection, mice showed the most striking pictures of peithelial hyperplasia, adenomatous tissue formation and mucinous cell metaplasia. The stroma demonstrated the excessive eosinophil and chronic mononuclear leucocyte infiltrations, while polymorphonuclear leucocytes were decreased.
We examined pattern of covalent modification of DNA produced in rat liver after exposure to single dose of aflatoxin B1. DNA-bound aflatoxin B1 adducts obtained from rat liver microsomes were hydrolyzed with weak acid to yield 2, 3-dihydro-3-hydroxy-(N7-guanyl) aflatoxin B1 as major product. This adduct was derived from the aflatoxin B1, 2, 3-dioxide and accounted for approximately 80% of the carcinogen-derived radioactivity incorporated into DNA. Acid hydrolysis of the nucleic acid-aflatoxin B1, adducts also yielded 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxy-aflatoxin B1 and other minor products. Vitamin A and E pretreatment of rats resulted in reduction in the level of hepatic AFB1-DNA adducts to two-third of the control value. Therefore, administration of vitamin A and E to rats chages in AFB1 metabolism probably decreased modification of DNA during this experiment.
This study included the clinical analysis of 89 cases of adult male inguinal hernia which were treated surgically at Department of Surgery in Ewha University Hospital during 5 years from January, 1979 to December, 1983. The result were as follows : 1) The incidence of inguinal hernia was about 6.2% of total patients. 2) Among 298 patients, the incidence of adult male inguinal hernia was 89 cases. 3) The location of inguinal hernia : 55 cases(61.8%) in the right, 26 cases(29.2%) in the left, 8 cases (9%)bilaterally. 4) The types of inguinal hernia were the indirect in 86 cases(96.6%), the direct in 2 cases(2.3%) and combined in 1 case(1.1%). 5) The cardinal symptoms & signs were inguinal mass(84.3%), scrotal swelling(24.7%), pain & tenderness of inguinal or scrotal region(13.5%), abdominal pain & distension(9%) and nausea & vomiting(2.2%). 6) Preoperative complications were incarceration in 6 cases(6.7%) and strangulation in 2 cases(2.2%), associated diseases were hydrcele in 10 cases(11.2%), spermatocele in 1 case (1.1%) and undescended tetes in 1 case(1.1%). 7) Spinal anesthesia was 23 cases(25.9%), epidural anesthesia was 19 cases(21.3%) and general anesthesia was 47 cases(52.8%). 8) The selected operative procedure was Bassini procedure in 51 cases(57.3%), Mc Vay procedure in 36 cases(41.1%) and Ferguson procedure in 2 cases(2.2%). 9) The rate of postoperative complication was 8 cases(9%). 10) The average duration of postoperative hospitalization was 7.3 days.
103 Females over 30 years old were interviewed face to face and analyzed in order to determine the intensity and the nature of conflicts according to each psychosexual development. The results were as follows: 1) In the age distribution, majority of patients were distributed between 3rd and 4th decade(70%). 2) Educational level was relatively high and most of them was graduated from university. 3) Socioeconomic status revealed that most of them was thought as a middle class. 4) The highest score of mean of intensity of conflict according to age distri-bution was intensity of conflict in relating to anal personality trait. 5) Comparing with age, the highest score was between 40 and 50 years old. 6) The highest items were dependency, subordination, passivity inthe intensity of conflict in relating to oral personality traitn, cleanliness, emotional constr-ictiveness in anal personality traitn, identificatnion, guilty in the phallic personality trait. 7) As to the conflict relation which occur most frequently, the first is the relation with mother in childhood, and the second is the relation with spouse.
Since 1972, the necrotizing lymphadenitis, histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis without granulocytic infiltration etc. Seven cases of necrotizing lymphadenitis has presented in this study. Most of them were young men characterized by persistent lymphadenopathy with or without fever. The histopathologic features of lymphnodes showed focal or diffuse well circumscribed paracortical necrotizing lesion, abundant karyorrhectic debris and aggregates of large mononuclear cells. However, there were no infiltrates of plasma cells and neutrophils. The remaining areas of lymphnodes showed severe degree of paracortical hyperplasia without significant hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles in the cortex.
Fibrous dysplasia of the bone is a relatively rare condition characterized by fibrous tissue replacement of skeleton, it may be monostotic with confined to one bone, or polyostotic with situated in many bones. Favored locations are long bones of the lower extremities and fibrous dysplasis may produce defective growth and deformity, pathologic fracture, and pain in any bone, basically the bone structure is replaced to variable degree by avascular fibrous tissue, and formed thin trabeculae of bone. The author experienced 3 cases of fibrous dysplasia that are 2 cases tomonostotic and 1 case of polyostotic lesions and a brief review was done with literatures.
Most optic gliomas are benign astrocytomas that might better be considered hamartomas than true neoplasms. Optic gliomas rerely becomemalignant and their morbidity is mainly due to enlargement of the tumor. The presenting symptoms and signs are variable depending on the location of the tumor. We experienced a huge optic chiasm and optic nerve glioma which caused hydrocephalus, vomiting, gait disturbance and decreased visual acuity in 4 years old boy.