The maximum ionization point of supervoltage X-ray radiation modality is moved to subcutaneous tissue by the build up effect, as the result, the surface dose of the skin is decreased. It is necessary to measure the accurate dose distribution of supervoltage X-ray radiation modality and determine its biological effect on the skin in order to increase the effect of radiation therapy. By using 6MV Linear accelerator, the absorbed dose of the skin and subcutaneous tissue was determined by physical aspect in relationship of 6 MV X-ray and tissue and a uniform formula was developed. For the experiment, guinea pigs were divided into 3 groups. A single irradiation group was irradiated with 10-60Gy, and a single irradiation group with 0.5cm, 1.0cm and 1.5cm bolus was irradiated with 10-40Gy, and fractionation group was irradiated with 20Gy by 3 fractionation for 1 week and with 30Gy, 2, 3, 5 fractionation for 1week and 2weeks respectively. The results were as follows: 1) The absorbed dose of 6MV X-ray was increased depending on the depth of skin and its maximum point was 1.5cm from skin surface. 2) The skin score by a single dose irradiation was proportionally increased by the dose and D1-5, dose at the point of skin score 1.5 was 25Gy. 3) The maximum skin reaction by a single dose irradiation was developed about 24th day after irradiation and generally the skin reaction was developed earlier in higher dose. 4) By using the bolus, the skin score was increased by the ratio of 53%, 78%, and 100% of dose increment depending on the thickness of the bolus 0.5cm, 1.0cm and 1.5cm respectively. 5) The light microscopic finding of a single dose irradiation without bolus showed more prominent changes in the dermis than epidermis, whereas a single dose irradiation with bolus showed prominent epidermal change. 6) Electron microscopic findings of a single dose irradiation with bolus were severe edema and degeneative change of collagen and dermal appendages in dermis. 7) The skin score of fractionation group was decreased by incresing number of fractionation and duration of overall time in the same total dose. 8) The skin reaction in epidermis was correspond to depth dose of 0.4cm from the surface in biological effect. 9) The biological isodose effect by fractionation irradiation of 6MV X-ray was correspond to number of fractionation of Ellis formula, but the change by overall time is slightly decreased in longer time(T0.08).
It is the purpose of this investigation to study the effect of methylprednisolone(M.P.) on the alterations of glucose and lactate in the acute focal ischemic cerebral edema of the cats. The acute occlusion of left middle cerebral artery(MCA) of forty cats for 1, 3 and 5 hours respectively were accomplished by applying the Heifetz clip through the transorbital approach under the operating microscope. Twelve cats were not recirculated as a untreated group, twelve cats were recirculated for 2 hours as a recirculation group and twelve cats were recirculated for 2 hours and given M.P.(15mg/kg) at 30 minutes after occlusion initially, and then every one and a half hour as a treatment group. In 1-hour untreated group glucose was reduced to 67.3% and lactate increased to 156.6%, of the sham control, in the recirculation group glucose was increased to 552.7% and lactate decreased to 79.8%, in the treatment group glucose was increased to 3334.5% and lactate decreased to 74.6% of the sham control. In 3-hour untreated group, glucose decrease to 45.5% and lactate increased to 161.3% of the sham control, in the recirculation group glucose rose to 520.0%, lactate to 135.3% of the sham control. in the treated group glucose rose to 1187.3%, lactate to 101.2% of the sham control. In 5-hour untreated group, glucose decreased to 25.5% and lactate increased to 187.9% of the sham control. In the recirculation group glucose drecreased to 12.7% and lactate increased to 196.0%, in the treated group glucose rose to 103.6%, lactate to 157.2% of the sham control. Our experimental studies of the therapeutic beneficial effects of M.P. were observed in cats of 1-or 3-hour occlusion of MCA with 2-hour recirculation. Therefore, it was suggested that MP will prolong the period of potential reversibility of cerebral ischemia following reperfusion within 3 hours of ischemia.
From April 1981 to March 1985, a clinical study was made at the Intcrnal Medicine department of Ewha Womans University Hospital on 13 patients with IgA nephropathy. The following results were obtained. 1) The mean age of patients was 27 years, the male to femle ratio was 1.2:1. The most common chief complaint was gross hematuria(38%). 2) In urinalysis, hematuria and proteinuria were noted 100% and 92%, respectively. Creatinine clearance was decreased than normal range of creatinine clearance. ASO titer, immunoglobulin and C3 level were normal range. 3) Kidney biopsy finding showed minor mesangeal change in 62% of patients. IgA deposition was noted in all patients.
A clinical study of 138 cases of patient with peptic ulcer perforations was performed with emphasis on group analysis. The patients were admitted to the Department of General Surgery, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1985. The result were summarized as follow; 1) The most frequent location of perforation was the pylorus(36.7%) of stomach, and then antrum(29.6%) and 1st portion of duodenum were followed. 2) The sex distribution ratio of male and female was 26.6:1. 3) The age distribution was more fregquent in 3rd and 4th decades. 4) The duration of peptic ulcer history was 1-3 years(24.6%), and greater than 5 years was 23.2%. 5) The duration of perforation to operation was more freqent in 12-24 hours(40.6%). 6) As the operative procedures, simple closure was performed in 108 cases(78.3%) and subtotal gastrectomy in 29 cases(21.0%). 7) Associated diseases were pulmonary Tbc, hypertension and pneumonia. 8) The postoperative complications not significant difference between resection group and non-resection group of perforation. 9) The late complication were noted in 5.0% and pyloric obstruction and ulcer intractibility and reperforation were noted. 10) There was no case of death.
Acquired bilateral nevus of Ota - like macules is a new entity of dermal melanocytosis which differ clinically from bilateral nevus of Ota in its late onset and no mucosal. involvement. They are blue - brown macules of face occurring symmentrically on both sides of the forehead, temples, eyelids, malar areas, alae nasi, and root of nose. Recently, we have observed 3 cases of acquired bilateral neves of Ota - like macules on face in Korean women.
The intramedullary nailing of long bone fractures, particularly, fractures of the shaft of femur in adults, is a satisfactory technique as it fulfills the objectives of fracture management. Malunion is, however, a significant problem with intramedullary nailing of the Kuntscher type, the major problem is malrotation which occurs either at the time of the operation or as a result of rotatory instability. Another from of malunion that occurs is shortening of the fracture site especially in the presence of comminution. Klemm & Schellmann(1972), and King(1980) has shown, however, by using interlocking cross-pinning technique that stable fixation can be achieved with no significant shortening and this development has extended the indications of intramedullary nailing. Four cases of femoral shaft fractures were treated by interlocking intramedullary nailing and good results were obtained at Ewha Womans University Hospital, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Since February, 1985.
Moya Moya disease is a rare chronic occlusive cerebrovascular disease of unknown etiology for which no effective treatment has been found. This disease has distinct angiographic features. These include 1) Either marked stenosis or complete occlusion of the distal internal carotid arteries. 2) Poorly visualized anterior and middle cerebral arteries at their proximal portions. 3) Well developed fine vascular networks at the base of the brain. These features are peculiar findings of this disease and the clue of the occlusion and its collateral circulation. Authors reported 3 cases of moya moya disease is discussed.