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Volume 10(3); September 1987

Review Article

No title in English
Chong Nahm Kim
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):117-121.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.117

No abstract available.

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Original Articles


Fourty-six cases of gestational trophoblastic neoplasms (32 cases of hydatidiform mole; 4 cases of invasive mole; 10 cases of choriocarcinoma) and five cases of normal pregnancy as control group were studied for the distribution and intensity of human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG), human placental lactogen(HPL) and regnancy specific beta-1 glycoprotein(SP-1) by immunoperoxidase method. The following results were obtained. 1) The HGC was seen in the syncytiotropholasts, but not cytotrophoblasts of normal placental tissue and hydatidiform mole in all 3 grades. However, in the invasive mole and choriocarcinoma, the HCG was also seen in the cytotrophoblasts. 2) The HPL and SP-1 were only seen in the syncytiotrophoblasts in all those trophoblastic neoplasms. 3) The more malignancy was progressed, the more intensity of the HCG in the syncytiotrophoblasts was increase. Especially, it was severe intensity of positivity in the choriocarcinoma. 4) Intensity of the HPL in the syncytiotrophoblast had the tendency of increase in the invasive mole. But, it was variable in the choriocarcinoma. 5) Intensity of the SP-1 in the syncytiotrophoblast had the tendency of increase in the grade II of hydatidiform mole. But thereafter, it was decreased or variable in more aggressive trophoblastic neoplasms, In conclusion, the HCG, HPL and SP-1 were present in the syncytiotrophoblasts of normal placental tissue and various trophoblastic neoplasms. And, the more severe hyperplasia and undifferentiation of trophoblasts were seen, the more intensity of the HCG was increased, suggesting that the HCG can be a useful tumor marker of prognosis in gestational trophpblastic neoplasms.

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A Study on Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Housewives for the Utilization of the Health Sub-center in an Rural Area in Korea
Ji Yong Kang, Ja Hyung Wie, Jeong Sun Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):137-145.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.137

In order to grasp the knowledge , attitude, and the degree of practice the utilization of public health and medical care on the part of the residents of Su Dong Myon which is the demonstration project of Ewha Womans University and to perceive the response of the above dwellers about the village health worker, and the students' education for community medicine, we have conducted interviews by means of questionaries fro four days, Feb. 13 to 16 in 1985. And the outcome is as follows; 1) The degree of the recognition about the treatment of patients was 83.9%, which was the highest of the various functions of the health sub-center, and the second highest degree of recognition was 49.8%, which was the immunization of infants and children. And the degree of recognition about the other functions was very low. 2) The answers as to what place they will choose when they want to make use of public health and medical care were as follows: Those who go to the health sub-center when children fall sick, when adults fall sick, when immunization is performed when a family planning is to be consulted, and when pregnancy is to be consulted were 72.5%, 65.2%, 94.5%, 84.6%, and 74.4% respectively. 3) As for the reasons of the people who replied that they will go to the health sub-center when they are sick. It is convenient because it is near in distance was 52.2% which was the highest, and We can go to a hospital after we are treated in the health sub-center first of all was 20.7% which was the second highest. On the other hand, as for the reason of the people who replied that they would not choose the health sub-center, It is not near them was 34.3% which was the highest, It does not seem to be dependable was 24.3%, and Its medical facilities are not good was 15.7%. 4) The 86 patients who have recently follows sick within a month have visited first in order to be examined or to be treated were the health sub-center and drugstores, which were 32.6% and 32.6% respectively and these are the highest rates. However, those who visited the hospitals and clinics in the cities including Seoul were 10.5% and 8.1%. 5) The dwellers who favored the payment of the dues of the community development public health were 175 households(64.1%) and 53 households disapproved it (19.4%). The reason for this disapproval was that they are in a difficult situation economically.(33.9%) which was the highest rate and that We have to pay the money even when our family members are not sick.(24.5%) which was the second highest. The residents who have received help from the village health worker showed an affirmative response(totally 87.3%) by saying that It was a great help. (51.1%) and that It helped them a little.(36.2%). 6) The dwellers' response about students' visit to families for the purpose of the education of community medicine shown comparatively high(78.5%) as seen in We help them actively because we know that what they are doing is necessary. And there was even a response(2.4%) in which they said that We are bothered by them, so we will be happy if they don't come to visit us. The residents who responded that It will be good for us to be informed of the outcome of the inquiry conducted by the students through the visit to families. was 59.3%. And the negative responses such as I am not interested in it. or I don't have to be informed of it. were 28.2% and 12.0% respectively.

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Cognitive Deficit Pattern of the Long-term Alcolics an the Recovery Phase
Kun Hoo Rhee, Young Sook Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):147-154.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.147

This study was purported to examine the cognitive deficit pattern of the long-term alcoholics at the recovery phase. The alcoholic group performed significantly poorer than the control group on information, comprehension, arithmatic, similarities, digit span subscales and digit symbol, picture completion, block design, picture arrangement, object assembly subscales of Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scales. The alcoholic group revealed the short-term memory deficits by Wechsler Memory Scale on personal and current information, orientation, mental control, logical memory, digit span, visual representation, associative learning subscales.

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Clinical Application of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Gynecology
Jung Ja Ahn
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):155-164.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.155

Laparoscopy is simple, and safe procedure to evaluate clinical diagnosis under direct vision, to avoid unnecessary operation and used to assess the pelvic abnormalities and infertility. One hundreds and eighteen cases who underwent diagnostic laparosocopy from January, 1980 to December, 1986 were analyzed clinically. The results of the study are as follows; 1) Clinical indications for diagnostic laparoscopy were suspicious ectopic pregnancy(44.9%), infertility(23.8%), obscure pelvic mass(11.9%), amenorrhea(10.2%) and pelvic pain(4.2%). 2) The acurracy of clinical diagnosis confirmed by laparoscopy was 72.0%. 3) Abnormal laparoscopic findings were demonstrated in 82.2% of 28 infertility cases which included 2.5%(7cases) of unilateral tubal obstruction, 14.3%(4 cases) of unilateral hydrosalpinx, 17.8%(5 cases) of polycystic ovaries and other abnormal finding cases. Agreement between hysterosalpingography and laparoscopic finding were observed in 54% of the cases. 4) In 75.5% of clinically suspicious ectopic pregnancy cases, ectopic pregnancy was confirmed by laparoscopy, and other cases were found to be ruptured corpus luteum(11.3%), normal pelvic organ(5.6%), regurgitation of menstrual blood(3.8%), torsion of ovarian cyst(1.9%) and pyosalpinx(1.9%). 13.2% of the suspicious ectopic pregnancy cases could avoid unnecessary operation with the use of laparoscope. 5) Identical ciagnoses on clinical impression and laparoscopy were found in 63.6% of ovarian cyst cases, 100% of myoma uteri, pelvic abscess, and endometriosis cases, respectively, 50% of pelvic inflammatory disease cases, and 33.3% o uterine perforation cases. One case of ectopic pregnancy was found during the laparoscopic sterilization. 6) Laparoscopic evaluation of 8 cases of primary amenorrhea showed 50% (4 cases) of no ovaries or streak ovaries, 25%(2 cases) of Mullerian dysgenesis, 12.5%(1 case) of male hermaphroditism, and 12.5%(1case) of ovarian tumor. Polycystic ovaries were found in 50%(2 cases) of 4 secondary amenorrhea cases and other cases showed absence of one ovary and normal pelvic organ.

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It is the purpose of this study to evaluate the therapeutic effect of methylprednisolone(M.P) in the acute phase of focal cerebral ischemic stroke. Acute focal cerebral ischemia was produced by transorbital occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) with Heifetz clip under the operating microscope. The Experimental animals were divided into 3 groups. The occlusion group was that the acute focal ischemia was induced for 4-hour of the occlusion of the MCA only. The circulation group was that of 2-hour recirculation after acute focal ischemia. The treatment group was that of M.P. (15mg/kg) injection at 30minutes after dcclusion initially and at 90 minute interval. The sham control group was the cats with removal of the orbital contents without occlusion of MCA. Cytochrome oxidase activity(COA) and the lipid peroxidation LP were concentration determined. The results obtained were as the following. In the occlusion group, COA was reduced to 60.6% and LP increased to 167.0% of the sham control value, in the recirculation group COA reduced to 63.5%. LP increased to 140.6% of the sham control value. In the treatment group, COA was increased to 154.9% and LP decreased to 88.7% of the sham control value. Ultrastructures of the mitochondria were studied by electron microscopy in all group. In comparison with the other experimental groups the shapes and numbers of the mitochondrial cristae and the whole mitochondria were preserved well relatively. The above results indicate that MP has beneficial effect in the management of the acute focal ischemia in the cat model of 4-hour occlusion of MCA with 2-hour recirculation.

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Case Reports
A Case of Sclerosing Hemangioma
Hae Young Choi, Jeong Hee Hahm, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):177-180.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.177

We present herein a case of sclerosing hemangioma which developed in a 36-year-old woman. She has had a pea sized bluish black firm nodule for 1 year. Histopathological findings revealed a noncapsulated dermal infiltration of histiocytes and fibroblasts, characterized by numerous capillaries with prominent endothelial cells, and large amounts of hemosiderin.

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A Case of Scrotal Calcinosis Associated with Epidermal Cyst
HC Kang, KM Myong, HI Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1987;10(3):181-186.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1987.10.3.181

Dystrophic calcinosis of scrotal wall, consisting of solitary or multiple circumscribed calcium deposits in previously damaged tissue, such as sebaceous cyst, xanthoma, fibroma, dartos muscle, onchocerciasis, trichilemmal cyst and epidermal cyst, may itch or drain chalky white material. The twenty-one years old male patient had multiple, 2 to 4mm sized yellowish or flesh colored papules in scrotal wall. Histopathologically each papule showed intact epidermal cyst or keratinous material with calcium deposits within the epidermal cyst which is partially degenerated and surrounded foreign body reaction. Therefore, we report a case of dystrophic scrotal calcinosis associated with the inflammation of scrotal epidermal cyst.

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