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Volume 11(3); September 1988

Original Articles

A variety of compounds including drugs, carcinogens, steroids and fatty acids are metabolized by microsomal monooxygenase system in the liver. The effect of phenobarbital(PB) on the monooxygenase system in the liver microsomes of neonatal, immature- and adult-rats of both sexes were investigated. In the liver microsomes of rats, the activities of cytochrome P-450, NADPH-cytochrome C reductase, cytochrome b5, NADH-cytochrome C reductase, p-nitroanisole-O-demethylase and the formation of lipid peroxide were assayed : the following results were obtained. 1) In the liver microsomes of rats, the activities of cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome C redutase were increased in PB treated rats compared to control. Among the developmental stages, the contents of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome C reductase were highest in the female adult rat and the male immature rat. 2) The contents of hepatic microsomal cytochrome b5 and NADH-cytochrome C reductase were increased in PB treated rats compared to control. Among the developmental stages the content of hepatic microsomal cytochrome b5 was highest in the female adult rat and the male immature rat, whereas the content of hepatic microsomal NADH-cytochrome C reductase was highest in the adult rats of both sexes. 3) The formation of lipid peroxide was increased in PB treated rats compared to control. Among the developmental stages the formation of lipid peroxide was highest in the female adult rat and the male immature rat. 4) The activity of hepatic microsomal p-nitroanisole-O-demethylase was increased in PB treated rats compared to control. Among the developmental stages the activity of p-nitroanisole-O-demethylase was highest in the female adult rat and the male immature rat.

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Morphological Study on the Eye Worm, Thelazia callipaeda Found from Human Cases in Korea
Hong-Ki Min, Kae-Shik Chun
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):143-151.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.143

Recently, the present authors obtained 6 worms (4 females and 2 males) from both eyes of a farmer aged 23. Worms were fixed in 10% formalin, examined, and measured. All of worms were identified as Thelazia callipaeda Railliet and Henry, 1910. The findings of parasitological studies on 21 specimens (12 females and 9 males) removed from 12 cases of human thelaziasis already described in Korea were reviewed together with our findings. And percentages of lengths of main structures to the body length of each worm were also calculated for comparison. Female and male specimeus measured 14.31 and 10.93mm in length, 0.42(2.9%) and 0.34mm(2.8%) in diameter, 0.03(0.2%) in length of buccal cavity, 0.70(5.1%) and 0.56mm(5.2%) in distance from anterior end to esophago-intestinal junction, and 0.08(0.5%) and 0.05mm(0.5%) in length from posterior end to anus or cloaca in average, respectively. Vaginal openings in all of female were located about 0.2mm anteriorly to esophago-intestinal junctions. Minimum and maximum in male worms, respectively. In our 4 female specimens only a pair of processes at terminal of the tail were demonstrated, while in 2 males 8 pairs of precloacal and 3 pairs of postcloacal papillae were noted. Some wrinkle-like structures were observed on ventral and dorsal surfaces in posterior portion of a male specimen.

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A Study on the Sexual Conflict and the Marital Satisfaction
Kyu Wol Yun, Kun Hoo Rhee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):153-160.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.153

Autor has been interested in the factors which influence the sexual conflict of marital relation and researched the latent sexual conflict of mairital relation by way of social field survey through questionnaire method from June 20th, 1984 to Aug. 10th, 1984(The subjects: 653 couples of middle class people in Seoul). This study is researched and analyzed under the following hypothesis; If the latent sexual conflict of marital relation comes into existence, the unsatisfaction of wives will be shown in higher degree than that of husbands. The results are as followings; 1) As to the satisfaction of marital relation, the attitude about the importance of sexual life, and the anticipation about the sex before marriage which are the factors operating on the sexual life of marital relation, the unsatisfaction of wives is shown in higher degree than that of husbands. 2) The reason for the unsatisfaction of wives is interpreted under the followings. Psychoanalytically, woman has complicated process of dissolution of Oedipus complex and the unconscious drive wish to have an achievement about the passive attitude. Psychosocially, woman has much more role conflict and disadventages of sexuality under the double concepts of social value system.

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Opedipus Complex in the Couples of Korean Under Middle Class-I
Jung Wha Kwon, Kun Hoo Rhee
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):161-167.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.161

There are many controversies on the presence of oedipus complex, that is psychoanalytic concept, influenced by the normal or abnormal, and different cultural backgrounds. This study is to elucidate the generalized psychoanalytic theory of oedipus complex which was demonstrated from psychoanalytic subjective experiences about pathologic situations. This study is to elucidate the generalized psychoanalytic theory of oedipus complex which was demonstrated from psychoanalytic subjective experiences about pathologic situations. This research indicates the presences of oedipus complex in Korea through social field survey by means of questionnaire method with the subjects of the normal couples of middle class people in Seoul from June 1984 to August 1984, and the patients couples of the same class via department of neuropsychiatry of general hospitals and private clinics in Seoul from June 1984 to December 1984. The results are as follows; 1) There are no differences in oedipal trends between th normal and patient group, but differences has been found in the male and female group. 2) The male group shows the oedipal trend, but female group shows the antioedipal trend, and such trends have developed predomianantly in the only son and only daughter groups. 3) The unconscious oedipal motive has been reflected on the process of selection of marital partner, but one half of the subjects who had established such reflection denies the manifest oedipal motive.

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The Effect of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Epidermal Melanocyte After Sunscreen Application
Hai Min Choi, Hong Il Kook, Yoon Kee Park
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):169-186.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.169

Over-exposure to sunlight may result in sunburn, pigmented skin lesions, solar keratosis, premature aging of skin, or cancer in human skin. Sunscreens protect the structure and function of the human integument from the actinic damage. This protective effect is afforded by active ingredients of sunscreens through absorption, reflection, and/or scattering of the solar radiation impinging on the skin. There are oral and topical sunscreens. Para-aminobenzoic acid(PABA), PABA esters, benzophenones(BZ), cinnamates, salicylates and anthranilates are the topical sunscreens absorbing solar radiation. Most of them absorb UVB, but BZ absorb both UVB and UVA. These investgators observed the effect of the sunscreens by calculating sun protection factor(SPF) before and after application of the sunscreens in human skin. To my knowledge, there are no papers which evaluate morphological changes in the epidermal melanocytes after UVB or UVA irradiation following application of the sunscreens. In this experiment, a total of 150 adult male black mice(C57BL) was used. The animals were divided into one control (application of hydrophilic ointment base) and four experimental(application of PABA, Cinnamate, BZ or homomenthylsalicylate (HMS)) groups. Each group was irradiated by UVB and UVA, respectively. Each of the 5 groups were divided into 5 subgroups according to the days of UV light irradiation ; subgroup A for 2 days, B for 4 days, C for 6 days, D for 8days and E for 10 days. The daily doses of UVB and UVA were 50mJ/cm^2 and 5J/cm^2 respectively. YS UVB-400 and Waldmann UV 800 were used as a light source of UVB and UVA. Skin specimens were taken from both ears of the animals 24h after the last irradiation. The split-DOPA preparation was carried out for observation of the numbers and morphological changes of the epidermal melanocytes. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Changes in the numbers of the epidermal melanocytes : The numbers of the epidermal melanocytes markedly decreased in the experimental groups, especially in the group of PABA application(p<0.01), compared in the control group under UVB irradiation (p<0.01). However, only the group of BZ application showed a significant decrease in the numbers compared to the control group under UVA irradiation(p<0.01, p<0.05). 2. Changes in the size of the epidermal melanocytes ; Each experimental group, especially the group of PABA application (p<0.01), showed a significant decrease in the sizes of the epidermal melanocytes under UVB irradiation(p<0.01, p<0.05). On the other hand, only the group of BZ application showed a significant decrease in the sizes compared to the control group under UVA irradiation(p<0.05) From the results, it seems to be sure that PABA, Cinnamate, BZ, HMS can protect UVB from sunlight in the skin of black mice. Furthermore, BZ was effective for protection of UVB and UVA together.

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The Effect of Topical Ascorbic Acid on Epidermal Melanocytes in UV-irradiated Black Mice
Jae Young Choi, Jeong Hee Hanm, Hong Il Kook
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):187-196.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.187

Melanin is synthesized by tyrosine by tyrosinase. The synthesis of melanin is influenced by several factors, of which ultraviolet radiation results in increased pigmentation by increase of tyrosinase activity and melanocyte number. To observe the effect of depigmentation of ascorbic acid, we induced activation of melanocytes and melanin pigmentation by UVB irradiation and then topically applied ascorbic acid. Sixty four mice were irradiated UVB 100mJ/cm2/day for 10 days. After then they were divided into 8 groups in random and the topical application of ascorbic acid on each group is as follows, lotion base(control), 3% lotion, 5% lotion, 10% lotion, cream base(control), 3% cream, 5% cream and 10% cream. After irradiation ascorbic acid had been topically applied twice a day on both ears of mice, respectively, for 7 weeks. Two mice in each group were sacrified by the end of the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th week of the application. To observe the size and number of melanosomes, electron microscopic examination was done. To estimate the number of the melanocytes, light microscopic preparation of split-DOPA stain was done. The results are summarezed as follows: 1) In all groups except 3% lotion group(3% magnesium ascorbic acid phosphate), the number of DOPA positive melanocytes began to decrease from 1 week but rather increased at 7 weeks. 2) In 5% lotion group(5% magnesium ascorbic acid phosphate) the number of DOPA positive melanoctytes was significantly decreased less than that in 5% cream group (5% ascorbic acid palmitate) 3) In the electron microscopic findings, the number of melanosomes and the ratio of the stage IV melanosomes markedly decreased from 1 week to 7 weeks in 10% lotion group(10% magnesium ascorbic acid phosphate) and 10% cream group(10% ascorbic acid palmitate) compared to lotion base and cream base, respectively.

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Percutaneous Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Lung Masses
Eun Chul Chung
Ihwa Ŭidae chi 1988;11(3):197-201.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.1988.11.3.197

Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung masses is a simple and the most frequently used interventional procedure in radiologic department. Its use is progressively increased, relating to the improvemt of fluoroscopy and types of aspiration needle, and the advances in cyto-pathology. Over a period of recent 2 years, 21 cases of lung mass underwent percutaneous aspiration biopsy were analysed. 14 cases were proven as malignancy. 3 cases were benign lesions. Open lung biopsy and operation permit the exact pathology of the remaining 4 cases as malignancy. The overall diagnostic accuracy was 81% (17/21). Author recommended that the percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy must be inital procedure in diagnostic work-up of pulmonary masses.

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