Vanadate has been reported to inhibit Na+, K+-ATPase of many cells. Since intestinal uptake of glucose is influenced by the enzyme, we studied the effects of varying concentrations of sodium vanadate(NaVO3) on the glucose transport in everted sacs prepared from the segment of jejunum and upper part of ileum of rabbit.
At concentrations of range 10-8M~10-4M vanadate decreased the mucosal-to-serosal flux(S/M ratio) of glucose to 4.8% -38.8% accompanying inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase activities of basolateral membranes and alkaline phosphatase activities of brush-border membranes purified from small intestinal epithelial cells.
On the other hand, it was found that there were two cytochalasin B binding sites at the basolateral membranes, of which site I showed a dissociation constant of 1.8×10-8M with maximal binding capacity of 26 pmoles/mg protein and site II showed a dissociation constant of 9.3×10-7M with maximal binding capacity of 140 pmoles/mg protein. Vanadate(10-4M) inhibits cytochalasin B binding at the both binding sites to 38.5% and 45.7% respectively.
Vanadate also inhibited cytochalasin B binding at both ghost membranes and band 4.5(glucose carrier) protein purified from human red blood cell membranes.
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) showed that there existed a band 4.5 like protein in both basolateral membrane and brush-border membrane.
Based on the above results the following conclusions are obtained:
1) Glucose is absorbed across the small intestinal epithelium by a two stage process. the first is sodium co-transport system of the brush-border membrane and the second is sodium-independent facilitated diffusion system of the basolateral membrane.
2) The driving force for the transcellular movement of glucose is mainly dependent on sodium concentration gradient across the brush-border membrane which is generated by Na+, K+ ATPase at the basolateral membrane and also dependent directly on the activity of glucose carrier which may exist at the basolateral membrane.
3) Vanadate inhibits glucose uptake across the intestinal epithelium by affecting on both the Na+, K+-ATPase and glucose carrier of the basolateral membrane.
Maternal ingestion of alcohol produce not only change of drug metabolism but also proliferation of hepatic smooth endoplasmic reticulum and many developmental defects of the central nervous system.
The present investigation examined the effects of maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy and/or lactation the activities of electron transfer components, mixed function monooxygenase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and lipid peroxidation of neonatal rat liver microsomes. Normal group consisted of neonatal rats whose mothers received standard chow and water. The subject of experimental group were neonatal rats whose mothers were exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and lactation(3 weeks).
The results were obtained as follows :
The activities of the electron transfer system, such as cytochrome P-450, NADPH-cytochrome C reductase were increased in hepatic microsomes of experimental group.
The activities of the mixed function monooxygenase, p-nitroanisole-O-demethylase and the conjugated enzyme, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase were increased in hepatic microsomal experimental group. There was no significant differences between the formation of lipid peroxide of normal and experimental group.
These results suggest that prenatal exposure to alcohol are influenced by disturb of liver microsomal drug metabolism, especially during the fetal period.
Colorectal disease including cancer is increasing tendency in this country, and so acurate diagnosis and early treatment might be saved patients.
Since Turell described colonofiberscopy in 1963, colonofiberscopy has been much developed and applied clinically for the more acurate diagnosis and treatment.
I experienced five hundred cases who were taken barium examination before performing colonofiberscopy at the department of surgery. Ewha Womans University Hospital during past 8 years (1981-1988).
Clinical analysis of these cases were made and comparison of colonofberscopy and barium enema in five hundred patients with colorectal disease were presented.
This study was planned to evaluate the clinical status of 33 patients with malignant ovarian tumors, who were admitted, operated, and confirmed histopathologically at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Womans University Hospital during the period of 5 years from January 1984 to December 1988.
The results were as follows :
1) The incidence of malignant ovarian tumors was 13.1% of all ovarian tumors.
2) The most common clinical symptom was palpable abdominal mass(54.5%), and the rest were abdominal discomfort(42.4%), abdominal distention(30.3%), and vaginal bleeding(24.2%) in that order.
The patients with malignant ovarian tumor were comprised of stage I(51.5%), stage II(15.2%), stage III(21.2%) and stage IV(12.1%).
3) According to histopathological classification, patients with epithelial tumor were 81.8%, and epithelial tumors were divided into the serous type(34.3%) and mucinous type(30.3%), undifferentiated type(12.1%), and endomentrioid type(6.1%), Other tumors were germ cell tumor(endodermal sinus tumor, malignant teratoma), granulosa cell tumor(endodermal sinus tumor, malignant teratoma), granulosa cell tumor, and Krukenberg tumor.
4) Operative methods for malignant ovarian tumor were total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy(24.3%), total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy(21.2%), and total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with lymphnode biopsy(9.1%).
Postoperative chemotherapy for patients were done in 75.7% of patients, and 30.3% of patients with melphalan, 39.4% with combination therapy of cisplatinum-based regimen(aclacinon plus cyclophosphamide, cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, bleomycin).
5) 14 patients(42.4%) were alive in the follow-up period from less than 1 year to 5years and 11 patients were in stage I, 2 patients in stage II, and 1 patient in stage III.
12 patients(36.4%) were dead; 2 patients with stage I endodermal sinus tumor were dead within 6 months since the diagnosis was confirmed, 6 patients with stage III and 4 patients with stage IV were dead within 6-18 months.
The tibial condylar fractures involving the articular surface can produce disability of knee joint bacause of its incongrousity and accompanied soft tissue injuries such as ligaments & menisci.
Accurate anatomical reduction and rigid internal fixation followed by early motion is known to get a best result and minimize the complications.
The author analyzed the 57 cases of the tibial condylar fractures treated at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ewha Womans Medical College and following results were obtained.
1) The highest incidence was in 4th decade(28%) and the most frequent cause was traffic accident (74%).
2) The most common fracture site was lateral condyle(77%).
3) The most common type of fracture was total condylar depression(25%). and next common type was split compression(13%) by hohl & Luck classification.
4) According to Porter's criteria, the satisfactory result was obtained in 31 cases(77%) out of 40 by the operated treatment and above all satisfactory result was 47 cases(83%) out of 57.
5) The most important factor in the end result was the accurate anatomical reduction, rigid fixation and the early joint motion.
Recently, the incidence of fracture of tibial shaft has risen as a result of rapidly increased automobile and industrial accidents. Seventy adult patients with butterfly fracture of the tibia were treated at the Depatment of Orthopaedic Surgery. Ewha Womans University Hospital from january, 1977 to December, 1986. A retrospective clinical study was done on 70 cases. The results were as follows : 1) Fractures were predominant in male and the twenties. 2) According to the Johner's criteria, middle segments showed the highest incidence(88.6%). 3) Valgus, varus, extension & flexion types were in the ratio 60 : 3 : 2 : 5. 4) Closed Kuntscher nailing group showed the earliest bone union and among the lateral DCP fixation, varus type showed earlier bone union than other types. 5) Among the valgus type fractures that treated with DCP fixation without autogenous bone graft. there were medial cortical absorptions in 10 cases and 5 patients complained of pain and tenderness. But there was no such complication in the bone graft group.
To compare the corneal reaction of the widely used viscoelastic substance such as Healon, Amvisc and newly developed and less expensive viscoelastis substance(2% Methylcellulose) which was made at our hospital. 0.2ml each of varrious viscous solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes and their reactions were observed. BSS(Balanced Salt Solution) was used as a control.
1) Intraocular pressure was elevated to the peak in 1 hour after injection of BSS(26.6±7.2mmHg), in 3 hours after injectuon of Amvisc®(31.6±8.8mm), MC(28.7±5.5mmHg) and in 5 hours after injection of Healon®(30.8±7.3mmHg). Intraocular pressure returned to normal at 12 hours after injection of MC group and BSS group, while Healon® and Amvisc® group returned to normal at 24 hours.
2) Central corneal thickness was increased to the peak 24 hours after injection in all groups; Healon®(40.2±18.5 µm), Amvisc®(395±14.7µm), MC(421±17.4µm) and control BSS(409±20.2µm). Corneal thickness returned to normal after 4 days in Healon® and control groups but it took 6 days for Amvisc® and MC group.
3) The endothelial cell density 2 weeks after injection were healon 2287±l98cell/mm2. Amvisc® 2515±l8lcell/mm2, MC 2341±l73cell/mm2, and BSS 2726±85cell/mm2.
4) The endothelial cells under the scanning electron minoscope showed decreased microvilli and indistinct intercellular junction in all groups except control BSS group. Scanning electron micrograph 2 weeks after injection of Amvisc® showed the findings of more edematous endothelial cells compared with those of other groups.
Langerhans cells are immunocompetent, dendritic cells of bone marrow derivation that reside within the epidermis. Langerhans cells have been implicated as playing a key role in the processing and presentation of antigens to lymphocyte in contact allergic cell-mediated immune reactions.
The present study was undertaken in order to clarify the effect of topical glucocorticosteroids on the number and the morphological alterations of epidermal Langerhans cells. Three kinds of topical glucocorticosteroids with different potency were applied to the back of guinea pig twice. a day for 14 days. Skin specimens were taken 2nd, 7th, 14th day of the application and 7th day after cessation of application. The ATPase stain and electron microscopic observations were performed to assess the numbers and morphological alterations of epidermal Langerhans cells.
The following results were obtained:
1) The number of epidermal Langerhans cells significantly decreased after 7 days applications of glucocorticosteroids in all experimental groups compared with control(p<0.05).
2) In each experimental group, the decrease of the number of epidermal Langerhans cells was more significant in 0.5% concentration than those in 0.1% concentrations(p<0.05).
3) The difference of effects on Langerhans cell density between corticosteroids was significant(p<0.05).
4) The morphological changes of epidermal Langerhans cells were prominent from 7th day of the application of glucocorticosteroids. Many Langerhans cells showed shortness of dendritic processes, decreased staining properties, enlargement of nuclear chromatin, swelling of mitochondria, dilatation of perinuclear cisternae and endoplasmic reticulum.
In summary, decrements in Langerhans cell density were correlated with the concentration and potency of the topical glucocorticosteroids.
This present study was performed to evaluate the comedogenicity of several cosmetics. The test materials were applied to one ear canal of three rabbits daily for 6 weekdays for 2 weeks.
The results were as follow :
1) Among the 14 cosmetics, extremely weak comedogenicity was shown in one cosmetic, mild comedogenicity in 10 cosmetics and moderate comedogenicity in 3 cosmetics.
2) There were no significant differences of comedogenicity among cosmetic species.
3) The rabbit ear assay was a rapid, effective screening test for evaluation of comedogenicity of cosmetics.
A study was made on 1,210 cases of skin tumors which were diagnosed by histopathologic examination during the periods of 14 years and 6 months from January, 1975 to June, 1989 at Department of Dermatology, Ewha Womans University Hospital in Seoul.
The results were summerized as follow ;
1) The 1,210 cases of skin tumors consisted of 1,020 cases(84.3%) of benign and 190 cases(15.7%) of malignant tumors, and male to female ratio was 1: 1.4.
2) Male to female ratio for benign tumors was 1:1.6 and for malignant tumors 1.3:1.
3) Among 1,020 cases of benign tumors, 257 cases(25.2%) originated from epidermis, 213 cases(20.9%) from melanocyte, 134 cases(13.1%) from epidermal appendages, 107 cases(10.5%) from fibrous tissue, 86 cases(8.4%) from vessel, 59 cases(5.8%) from nerve, 30 cases(2.9%) from fat tissue, 10 cases(1.0%) from smooth muscle and 126 cases(12.4%) from others.
4) Among 1,020 cases of benign tumors, the most frequent tumor was syringoma(69 cases) which was followed by epidermal cyst(67 cases), epidermal nevus(58 cases). seborrheic keratosis(58 cases), urticaria pigmentosa(52 cases), neurofibromatosis(50 cases). intradermal nevus(42 cases), pyogenic granuloma(39 cases), acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules(37 cases) and others(530 cases)
5) The predilection sites were face(82.6%) in syringoma, head(40.3%) in epidermal cyst, extremities(41.4%) in epidermal nevus, face(60.3%) in seborrheic keratosis, trunk(78.8%) and extremities (73.1%) in urticaria pigmentosa, trunk and extremities(100%) in neurofibromatosis, face(40.5%) in intradermal nevus, extremities(43.6%) in pyogenic granuloma.
6) Among 190 cases of malignant tumors, 57 cases(30.0%) of basal cell carcinoma, 47 cases(24.7%) of squamous cell carcinoma, 17 cases(8.9%) of malignant melanoma, 15 cases(7.9%) of Bowen's disease, 15 cases(8.9%) of Paget's disease, 11 cases(5.8%) of mycosis fungoides, 10 cases(5.3%) of metastatic cancers and 16 cases(8.4%) of others were observed.
7) The average ages of patients with malignancies were 55.6 years in basal cell carcinoma, 56.2 years in squamous cell carcinoma, 54.4 years in malignant melanoma, 58.1 years in Bowen's disease, 58.2 years in Paget's disease, 57.8 years in mycosis fungoides, 53.3 years in metastatic cancers.
8) The predilection sites were face(93.0%) in basal cell carcinoma, head(51.5%) in squamous cell carcinoma, soles(52.9%) in malignant melanoma, tnunk(33.3%) in Bowen's disease, penis(60.0%) in extramammary Paget's disease, trunk and extremities(81.8%) in mycosis fungoides, trunk(60.0%) in metastatic cancers.
9) Among 10 cases of cutaneous metastatic cancers, primary sites were stomach in 4 cases, lung in 1 cases and unknown in 5 cases.
Focal acral hyperkeratosis is clinically identical to acrokeratoelastoidosis but histologically lacks the elastorrhexis which is a feature of acrokeratoelastoidosis. We present a case of focal acral hyperkeratosis in a 50 year old woman. About 20 years ago, a few pinhead sized papules developed on radial side of index fingers. Thereafter size and number of papules have been gradually increased to cover entire hands sparing palms and dorsa of feet. The histopathologic study showed characteristic findings of focal acral hyperkeratosis. After treatment with etretinate, the size and thickness of lesions were reduced.