The present investigation has been undertaken to understand the mechanism of mammalian implantation process, by demonstrating the role of ovarian steroids in the differentitation of the reproductive organs.
Attempt was made to examine the activity of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) in the oviduct, antimesometrium and the mesometrium of the uterine on Day 3 and Day 6.
1) The difference of the activity in the oviduct was not founded on Day 3 and Day 6.
2) The effect of estradiol on the differentiation of the oviduct was appeared on Day 3.
3) The difference of differentiation was not founded in the animesometrium and the mesometrium on Day 3.
4) The activity of ALP in the antimesometrium was higher than that in the mesometrium on Day 6.
5) The activity of ALP in antimesometrium on Day 6 was significantly higher than that observed on Day 3.
6) The effect of ovarian steroid homones on the differentiation of the uterine endometrium on Day 6 was obviously higher than that on Day 3. In particular, the effect of progesterone was markdly observed on Day 6.
This study, therefore, clearly demonstractes that estradiol is effective the differentiation of the oviduct preparing implantiation, but progesterone has much potent in the antimesometrium differentiation at the immplantation period.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of the experimentally prepared injection of nitroxynil-levamisole against liver fluke and gastrointestinal roundworms in goats and cattle. For the purpose, the dose confirmation trial, the dose reduction trial and clinical field trial were conducted according to "the guidelines for evaluating the efficacy of anthelmintics in ruminants" approved by the General Meeting of the 9th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterin ary Parasitology" in 1981.
The results obtained are summarized as follows ;
1) A single dose of 10mg/kg of nitroxynil injection alone against the liver fluke and that of 5.0mg/kg of levamisole injection alone against gastrointestinal roundworms in goats were highly effective in the cure rate and the egg reduction rate, respectively.
2) A single dose of the experimentally prepared compound injection at the dose levels of nitroxynil 10.0mg-12.0mg/kg and levamisole 5.0mg-6.0mg/kg was highly effective in the egg reduction rates of both liver fluke(98.4%-100%) and gastrointestinal roundworms(97.3%-98.4%) without any side reaction in goats.
3) A single does of the experimentally prepared compound injection at the reduced dose level of nitroxynil 7.5mg/kg and levamisole 5.0mg/kg was highly effective in the egg reduction rates of both liver fluke and gastrointestinal roundworms in goats.
4) In the clinical field trial, a single dose of the experimentally prepared compound injection at the reduced dose level of nitroxynil 7.5mg/kg and levamisole 5.0mg/kg showed also very high efficacy in the cure rates and the egg reduction rates of both liver fluke and gastrointestinal roundworms in Korean cattle, dairy cow and beef cattle. However, it was not effective against
Glucuronidation is low or undectable in embryonic and early fetal tissues and changes to adult levels at rates depending on the acceptor, tissue and species.
The present investigation examined the effects of maternal consumption of alcochol during pregnaney and lactation development od UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity toward 1-naph-thol, 4-nitrophenol 4-methylumbelliferone and bilirubin of neonatal to adult rat liver microsomes.
Conjugation of 1-naphthol and 4-nitrophenol was higher at birth and decreasd to adult levels by 21 days of age. Glucuronidation of bilirubin increased from birth to adult activity 21 days of age. Administration of alcohol on days 21 after birth increased UDPGT activity toward 1-naphthol and bilirubin compare to control, whereas alcohol decreased the development of UDPGT activity toward 1-naphthol 4-nitrophenol, 4-methylumbelliferone and bilirubin. The concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid was 50% of adult levels at birth and incread to adult value by 21 days of age. In the administration of alcochol, the concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid was low compare to control. Thus, development of UDPGT ativity toward alcohol appears to be different than that for other acceptors, suggesting there may be a separate UDPGT in rat liver that is responsible for the conjugation of alcohol.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effect of allopurinol on ischemia and reperfusion-induced cerebral injury and to investigate the importance of xanthine oxidase (XO)-linked free radical in cerebral injury. Acute focal cerebral ischemia was induced by occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery(MCA). The experimental animals were divided into three groups. The group I was the sham control and group II the cats of 4-hour occlusion and recirculation. The Group III, The treatment group, was given allopurinol (50mg/kg) of peritoneal injection 2 hours prior to the occlusion of the MCA. The brain tissue of left MCA territory was removed, and homogenate was made. Supernatent and cytoplasm were obtained by centrifuge 30min at 3,000rpm(4℃), and recentrifuge 20min at 11,000rpm(4℃), respectively XO activities were measured in all samples by spectrophotometer. The XO activities was increased in group II. allopurinol significantly suppressed the XO activities in group III. It suggested that the XO may play important role in the pathogenesis of isechemic injury of cat brain and allopurinol could be used as therapeutic agents in the clinical field of the focal cerebral ischemical patients.
It is well known that the diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle plays an important ole in the pathophysiology of heart failure in the various cardiac diseas. And many hypertensive patinents manifest diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in its early stage. Thus, early detection of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction has clinical importance in management and prognosis of hypertensive heart disease.
For the evaluation of the left ventricular diastolic function in the hypertensive patients, 30 normotensive control subject and 30 untreated essential hypertensive patients were studied by pulsed Doppler echocardiography at the left ventricular inflow, and then E/A velocity ratio [E/A (v)], early diastolic deceleration time(EDDT), and late diastolic time(LDT) were measured after confirming normal ejection fraction by M-mode echocardiography. The hypertensive patients were subgrouped according to the level of the diastolic pressure(Group A : mild, Group B: moderate, Group C: severe) and the each parameters of different groups were compared with those of the normal control group.
The result were as follows :
1) In the 30 noraml control group. ejection fraction was 69.4±4.6% and in the 30 hypertensive patients group, it was 66.7±5.3%. There was no significant differences between the normal control and the hypertensive patients group.
2) In the normal control group, E/A (v) was 1.54±0.32, EDDT was 147±13.4msec, LDT was 159±14.8 msec, and in all hypertensive patients group, mean E/A (v) was 0.80±0.38, mean EDDT was 165±19.4 msec, mean LDT was 149±14.9 msec. E/A (v) was significantly decreased(P<0.005) and EDDT was prolonged(P<0.025), compared with those of the normal control group, but there was no significant difference in LDT.
3) In Group A, E/A (v) was significantly decreased(0.98±0.36, P<0.005), compared with those of the normal control group, but there was no significant difference in EDDT(155±18.5 msec).
4) In Group B, E/A (v) was markedly decreased(0.76±0.45, P<0.005), and EDDT was significantly prolonged(170±24.8 msec, P<0.025), compared with those of the normal control group.
5) In Group C, E/A (v) was significantly decreased(0.66±0.32, P<0.005), and EDDT was prolonged(171±21.3 msec, P<0.01), compared with those of the normal control group.
Above results suggest that diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle can precede the systolic dysfunction and clinical deterioration even in the mild hypertensive patients, and pulsed Doppler echocardiographic diastolic indices such as E/A (v) and EDDT play an important role in the early detection of the left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in the hypertensive patients.
Stomach cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in Korea. and 5-year survival rate of early cancer is execellent in comparison with advanced cancer. Therefore, tremendous effrots should be made for the early detection of gastric cancer.
The patients had presenting sysmptoms indistinguishable from those of benign peptic ulcer disease, so radiology or endoscopic examination with multiple biopsies should be performed.
The author reviewed 22 cases collected from Ewha Woman University Hospital, from Jan. 1983 to Apr. 1990.
The results were sumerized as follows ;
1) The incidence of EGC among gastric cancer was 5.1%.
2) The over-all male to female sex ratio was 1 : 1.6, and the mean age was 50.2% years old.
3) The most common symptom was epigastric pain(77.8%) and the most common duration of symptoms was below 3 months(41%).
4) The diagnostic accuracy was 68.2% endoscopically and 70.3% radiologically.
5) The most frequent morphologic type of EGC was IIc(45.5%).
6) The major location EGC were pylorus and antrum(59.1) and and lesser curvature(50.05).
7) The cancer was confined to regional lymph node was found in 13.6%.
8) Thd mose common microscopic tissue type of EGC was moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma(36.4%).
9) Of 22 cases, all who had received gastric resection, were survived.
In spite of the many recent advances in the management of intussusception further improvements may only be possible through earlier recognition at the onset of the diease and earlier contact with pediatric surgeon.
To identify the factors leading to deliberate surgical intervention, author reviewed and analysed 84 consecutive cases of intussusception of pediatric age group surgically treated from 1980 to 1989 at Ewha Woman University Hospital.
1) Demographic data show that sex incidence was a strong male preponderance of 2.5:1, that age incidence was a peak under 1 year old(81%), that the higher incidence was associated with cow's milk-fed, and that significant number of the cases were moderately nourished to undernourished.
2) The clinical symptoms and signs were abdominal pain or irritability(83%), vomiting(82%), currant-jelly stool(61%) and palpable abdominal mass(58%), And only 40% of the cases had the clasic triad of symptoms.
3) Simple abdominal x-ray revealed diagnostic findings in 35% of cases.
4) The most common anatomic type of intussusception was ileo-colic with 45% of the cases.
5) The only 4 cases(5%) had the pathologic lead point such as duplication of cecum, lymphoma of ileum and hematoma of ileum in Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
6) The manual reduction by milking archieved success with 61 cases (73%), 13 cases(16%) needed resection of bowel and 10 cases(12%) showed spontaneous ans complete reduction of intussusception between the time of diagnosis and the time of laparotomy.
7) The average postoperative hospital stay was 8.8 days. Only 7 patients(8.3%) had significant postoperative complications.
This study points out that the duration of illness and unusual anatomic type strongly influence necessity for bowel resection, and that also hydrostatic reduction by well-trainded pediatric radiologist plays a rols in the reducing the unnecessary laparotomy.
Relief of the pain is important for reducing patient's discomfort and morbidity after thoracotomy. Post-thoracotomy pain was controlled by pharmacological blockage of the intercostal nerves with bupivacaine in 20 patients. Bupivacaine was infused intermittently through one inwelling cathter, which was placed in the pleural space during the thoracotomy. Pain was well controlled by this procedure.
Superfical bladder tumor can be easily treated by transurethral resection, but the recurrent rate is up to 40~70% and if recurred it is more invasive.
Lasers can not only destroy tumor tissuebut but also seal up vessels and lymphatics with vaporization and coagulation by virtue of the hyperthermic effect that can occur when intense energy of laser is absorbed and transformed into heat. So it is more effective and safe on treatment of superficial bladder tumor than eletric coagulation.
The authors used the Nd-YAG laser for the treatment of 70 patients with superficial bladder tumor and followed more than 12 months at Ewha Womans University hospital from Oct. 1985 to July 1987.
The following results were obtained ;
1) Patients' age ranged from 33 to 82 years(mean 57.1) 63 of 70 patients were male and 7 of those were female, Follow up interval ranged from 12 to 52 months(mean 29).
2) Average energy of application was 4,509 joules. Average energy application for single lesion less than 2 cm was 2,977 and that for multiple lesion or more than 2 cm was 16,231 joules, respectively. No spectively. No specific complications were observed.
3) Of 70 patients, 15 patients were recurred and the recurrent rate was 21.4%. The range or currence interval was 3 to 37 months(average 12.1).
4) Of the recurred patients, 73.3% of all cases was recurred within one year. Two cases were progressive to invasive type.
5) Grade was more important factor than stage recurred rate and time.
Recurrence rate by grade was 20% in grade II and 50% in grade III. And recurrence interval by grade were 13.5 month in grade II and 4.7 month in grade III respectively.
We concluded that Neodymium-YAG laser was excellent and safe on treatment of superficial bladder tumor.
The sale of hair products has expanded enormously in the last decade. Shampoos constitue the bulk of these products, and shampooing is almost a daily rite for many persons. Especially medicated shampoos & topical steroids were using due to dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.
Twenty patients with dandurff were treated for 3 weeks by 2.5% selenium sulfide shampoo, 0.15% zine pyrithione shampoo, 2% ketoconazole shampoo, 0.1% hyprocortisone butyrate lotion. All of 4 groups, there corneocyte & nucleocyte counts were decresed remarkably after treatment. And then, we thought that it may be the more effective treatment with low side effect, if adequate combination of these medicated shampoos and topical steroid were used in dandruff and sebrorrheic dermatitis patients.
Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage(PTBD) is an effective nonsurgical method for combined external/interal catheter decompression of obstructed extrahepatic bile ducts.
In the past 41 months, 17 patients have undergone PTBD in our institution.
The results were as follows :
1) The male to female ratio was 1.4 : 1, and the 7th decade was the most common.
2) The cause of obstructive jaundice included 16 malignant diseases, and 1 benign disease. Maligant disease were 6 cases of metastases, 5 cases of bile duct cancer, 3 cases of pancreas cancer, and 2 cases of GB cancer. Benign disease was 1 case of benign bile duct stricture.
3) The most common indication was palliative drainage of obstruction secondary to malignant tumor in 16 patients.
4) Decline in serum bilirubin level was found in 13 patients with the most rapid decline within first week after the procedure.
5) Complication rate of the procedure was 20%.
Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation after induction of anesthesia with thiopental are frequently associated with hypertension and tachycardia. The transient circulatory response are innocuous in healthy patients but detrimental to those with ischemic heart disease or increased ICP.
The effect of sublingual and intranasal nifedipine was studied in 51 patients undergoing elective surgery. Patients were allocated randomly to receive sublingual or in intranasal nifedipine 10mg 5 minutes before induction. Anesthesia was induced thiopintal 5mg/kg and tracheal intubation was facliitated with succinylcholine 2mg/kg. The systolic, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and rate-pulse product were recorded before the induction, 0, 2, 8, 13 minutes after intubation and skin incision.
The results were as follows :
1) Significant attenuation of increase systolic BP in intranasal group compared to control group immediately after intubation.
2) Significant attenuation of increase in diastolic BP in intranasal group compared to control group.
3) Heart rate was significantly increased intranasal group and sublingual group compared to control group.
4) Slight obtundation of increase in rate-pulse product in sublingual and intranasal group, but not significant.
In conclusion, intranasal nifedipine was effective method to attenuate the hypertensive response to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
Hypercarbia during anesthesia are releated to the severity of airway obstruction, and to the increase of carbon dioxide production and rebreathing.
Even when ventilation appears to be adequate, rebreathing may cause hypercarbia when the dead space of the apparatus is excessive, when very low gas flows(<3.0 L/min) are used in Jackson-Ress or Bain circuits, or as a result of defective carbon dioxide absorption in a circle system.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of head position and intubation method on the arterial blood gas analysis values.
Arterial blood gas analysis (PH, PaCO2, PaO2, oxygen saturation and base excess) were performed at 30 minutes after the endotracheal intubation, 5 minutes before the end of surgery and 30 minutes after endotracheal extubation.
The results were obtained as follows ;
1) At 30 minutes after the endotracheal intubation, the PH, PaCO2, base excess values in group 2 were significantly different from the values in group 1 and 3, the PaCO2 value was highly significant increased in group 2 but the PaO2 and oxygen saturation values had no statistical significance in any group.
2) At the 5 minutes before the end of surgery, the PH, PaCO2, PaO2 values in group 2 were significantly different from the values in group 1 and 3, but the oxygen saturation and base excess values had no satistical signigicance in any group.
3) At 30 minutes after the endotracheal extubation, the PH, PaCO2, PaO2, oxygen saturation, base excess values had no satistical significance in any group
The author investigated to select final items of a Korean Defense Inventory for standardization during the period from Feburary 19 to March 10, 1990 at Seoul.
The number of subjects were 528 who were sampled by the proportional stratified sampling method. The final items of Korean Defense Inventory were selected by the satistics for item difficulty, item standard deviation, corrected item-total correlation, Guttman split-half reliability coefficients.
The results were as follows :
1) Among the prliminary items 262, 200 items were finally selected for standard test which were composed of 10 items by 20 ego defense mechanism scales.
2) The range of each scales mean was from 2.64 to 3.34 and the individual items deviated from .69 to 1.25.
3) The corrected item-total correlation coefficients were adequate for all items except 13 of them and the Guttman split-half reliability coefficients were satisfactory for all scales.
4) Factor analysis extracted four factors of which result was consistant with other research results. Factor 1 was "maladaptive defense mechanism" which were composed of projection, displacement, dissociation, action-out, regression, passive-aggressive behavior, somatization, identification, brag. Factor 2 was "mature defense mechanism", controlling altruism, distortion, anticipication, rationalization, sublimation, humor. Factor 3 was "excessive inhibited defense mechaism" which were suppression and reaction-formation. Factor 4 was "reality-evasive defense mechaism" which were denial and evasion.
Cholesteatoma is a form of squamous metaplasia resulting in a collection of keratin composed of desquamated epithelial cells and occurs extremely rarely in the urinary tract.
Cholesteatoma of the renal plvis was first described by Ebstein in 1982. Since the fewer than 30 cases have been reported until now in the literatures.
The authors experienced a cholesteatoma of the renal pelvis in 42 years old female patient who had been suffered from intermittent right flank pain, and reported the case with review of the literatures.
In 1967, Mehregan et al described a new and distinct clinicopathologic entily that called reactive pergorating collagenosis. This rare disease is classfied with a group of disorders that involve the transepithelial elimination of hestochemically altered dermal tissue. In reactive perforating collagenosis, minor trauma such as an insect bite, scratch, or pliodrbaceous infection alters the collagen fibers in the dermis. We report here a case of reactive perforating collagenosis in a 54-year-old female patient without any associated disseases of specific family history.
We present a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising in arsenic keratosis occuring in the hand and foot of 63-year-old male.
He had past history of arsenic ingestion and about fifteen years ago, several verrucous papules developed on the hand and foot. But on left sole, aggravating erosive lesion developed. The histopathologic study showed finding of squamous cell carcinoma. Excision and skin graft was done and we are following now.
We present herein a case of allergic granuloma due to cosmetic tattoo in eyebrow which developed in a 45-year-old female. She was seen with itching erythematous hard papules and plaques on the tattooing site.
Histopathologic findings reveled allergic granulomatous infiltration and brown pigment, and quantitative analysis by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometer were done with brown and black dye biospy specimen. 0.03 ppm chrome was found in the biospy specimen patch test was showed strong positive reaction to potassium dichromate.
We have tried intralesional injection of triamcinolone for 10 months with 3 weeks interval.