BALB/c mice were used and divided into 2 experimental groups ; group 1, infected with a single dose of 50
The results obtained in this study are summarised as following:
1) Average number of worm recovered was 13.1 in group 1 and 15.7 in group 2, respectively, throughout the examination. Mean number by week after reinvection in group 2 revealed a slight increase, ranging from 3.0 to 9.0, comparing with those in group 1.
2) In control mast cells were found in the mesenterium, but not in the bile duct, small intestine and lymphnodes. No mast cells were found in the small intestine in groups 1 and 2. In group 1 nast cells showed a moderate appearance degree at the 3rd week and persisted for 2-4 weeks in the bile dust, mesenterium and lymphnodes. Group 2 shoeed a moderate or marked degree ehich persisted for longer period after reinfection in the tissues.
3) Average percentage of degranulating cells in the mesenterium was 9.1% in control and 26.3% in froup 1, respectivley, throughout the examination and 51.7% during 6 weeks after reinfection in group 2. The peak was 36.7% at the 3rd week after primary infection in groups 1 and 2. In group 2, the percentage of degranulating cells increased promptly and markedly to 77.3% at the 1st week after reinfection.
4) Chronological of appearance degree of mast cells and percentage of degranulating cells in the tissues, particularly in the bile duct showed an obvious tendency to parallel to chronological change of number of worm recovered in the liver.
From the adove results, it is strongly suggested that mast cells in mice infected with
Patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis(HD) potentially have an increased risk of exposure to viral hepatitis. The reported prevalence of antiHCV in hemodialysis patients varied widely form 7.6-54% according to dialysis center and there were there were many reports that showed the correlation between the prevalence of antiHCV and duration of HD or transfusion amount.
Fifty-four patients on regular hemodialysis at our hospital were evaluated for the presence of hepatitic C antibody(antiHCV) with the comparison of various parameters such as duration of HD, amount of transfusion, past history of hepatitis, serologic markers of hepatitis B and current liver function. AntiHCV using second-generation enzyme linked immunosorbant assay were found in six of 54HD patients(11.1%). Among six antiHCV(+) percent four patients were found to have HCV-RNA in their plasma detected by PCR. The percent of male patients were significantly higher in antiHCV(+) group(66.7 vs 31.3%, p<0.05). The positivity of antiHCV did not correlated with the duration of HD and amount of transfusion(p>0.05), but prevalence increased over 2 years (5.9% in 1991, 11.1% in 1993) and HBsAg prevalence remained unchanged(9.8% in 1991, 9.3% in 1993).
Therefore, regular follow-up of liver function test and use of separate machine for antiHCV positive patients may be needed to prevent the transmission of the hepatitis C virus during the hemodialysis process itself.
The authors explored childhood and later physical and sexual abuse experiences in 53 female psychiatric inpatients using objective measures.
All subjects were interviewed and administered the life experiences questionnaire and the SCL-90-R and obtained the data on diagnoses, suicidal symtoms and psychotropic medications.
Forty-two(79.2%) of the 53 women reported a history of abuse at some time during their lives. Thirty(56.6%) of them experienced abuse before age 16 and twelve(22.6%) of them experienced abuse at age 16 or later.
The most frequent perpetrators of physical abuse were family members(father before age 16, husband at age 16 or later). The most frequent perpetartors of sexual abuse were not family memebers(strangers before age 16, boy friend at age 16 or later).
The SCL-90-R scores from abused subjects before age 16 within the inpatient psychiatric norms(mean±SD=50±10), but the scores of interpersonal sensitivety, paranoid ideology, psychoticism, global severity index of SCL-90-R subjects.
The abused subjects before age 16 had more diagnoses of depression and schizophrenia and suicidal symptoms and they were given psychotropic medications more often.
Taken together, these findings suggest that childhood abuse experiences were correlated with severity of adult psychiatric symtoms.
Chronic maxillary sinusitis is one of the most common disorder in pediatric otolaryngology and it is remained also the major problem restrict to management. Management of the children with chronic maxillary sinusitis is a through search for underlying etiologic anatomical, systemical and local factor. As one of etiologic factors, hypertrophied tonsils and adenoid cause obstruction of narrow ansopharynx and stagenation and infection of paranasal sinus. But chronic maxillary sinusitis is remained uncontrolled disease in spite of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, maxillary antrum prncture and irrigation, and antibiotic therapy.
This follow up research was performed in 104 cases that received tonsillectomy and adenoedectomy at department of otolaryngology, Ewha University Hospital during last 5 years(from 1986 January to 1990 December), they showed chronic maxillary sinusitis by preoperative PNS X-ray.
The result was that improvement of chronic maxillary sinusitis was noted in 57% at survey study and in 63% at PNS x-ray study after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
was effective in treating chronic maxillary sinusitis in children.
We reviewed IUI(28 cases), IPI(5 cases), POST(4 cases), GIFT(6 cases), performed in EWHA Woman's University Hospital from 1988 March to 1993 June. And the results were as follows.
1) The mean ages of patients were 29.9±3.7(IUI), 30.7±2.6(IPI), 29.3±1.2(POST), 30.3±4.3(GIFT) and the durations of infertility were 3.7±1.9(IUI), 3.0±1.9(IPI), 2.3±0.9(POST), 3.4±1.7(GIFT) years.
2) The major causes of infertility in IUI were tubal factor(9 cases), unexplained infertility(5 cases), in IPI and IUI tubal factor was 2 cases, and in GIFT, unexplained in fertility was 5 cases.
3) The major method of ovulation induction was clomiphene citrate in IUI, and FSH/hMG in IPI, POST and GIFT.
4) The result of pregnancy were 2 cases in IUI(7.1%), 1 case in IPI(20%), POST 1 case(25%), and 2 case in GIFT(33.%).
Video-assisted thoracoscopy has recently evolved as an alternative to thoracotomy for several thoracic disorders. Spontaneous pneumothorax may be idealy srited for thoracoscopic management. We compared our results with thoracoscopic management of spontaneous pneumothorax in 19 patients with a group of 11 patients previously subjected to axillary mini-thoracotomy. Indications of operation, sex distribution, and age were similar. There were no clinical significant differences in hospital stay, duration of chest tube, duration of operation, and amounts of parenteral analgesies between two group.
Although the video-assisted thoracoscopic bullectomy was sasfe, effective, and newly developed, bullectomy by axillary mini-thoracotomy was acceptible also with excellent results for the patients.
Two groups of patients were studied to evaluate the hemostatic effects of high-does aprotinin in open heart operations. Aprotinin group patients(n=8) received aprotinin during entire surgical procedure. The other group patients(n=10) were served as control. Two groups were homogenous for base variables and for cardiopulmonary bypass duration. Post operative bleeding was lower in aprotinin group(mean, 599ml) than control group(886ml, p<0.05). The need for banked blood decreased in aprotinin group(aprotinin group mean, 106ml ; control group mean, 387ml). Perioperative hemoglobin & platelet counts were similar each other.
We concluded that the use of high-does aprotinin was safe and effective. It decreased blood loss and reduced the need for banked blood in open heart operations.
The exact mechanism by which flexor tendons heal after injury is still not completely clear. Understanding the response of tendon to injury and repair is important to the practicing surgeon who seeks better clinical results. This stuty was intended to determine the course of tendon healing and the gain of tensile strength in the circumstance of normal conditions.
Flexor tendons on both lower extermities were divided and repaired with mersilene 4-0 in rabbits and after 2,4,6,8, weeks we obtained the pieces of tendons and have studied the histologic changes and measured tensile strength as time passed.
Histologically fibrobalst-like cells were proliferated on the epitenon and migrated into the suture site and produced collagen fibers in the central area. Tensile strength was proportionately increased until 8 weeks and well correlated with histologic findings.
In conclusion, healing of the repaired tendon was initiated on the surface area and gained tensile strength with time passed.
Reports suggesting that the tendon itself could play is a significant part in the repair process without provision of microcirculation. To investigate the importance of nutritive environment in the healing of reconstructed tendons, the morphology of sutured free tendons in the synovial fluid of the knee joint, without resstablishment of micrecirculation,was studied in rabbits.
The strip of flexor tendon was harvested and divided 2 pieces and repaired with interrupted suture. The knee joit then opened medially through a small incision and repaired tendon strip was transplanted into the open knee joint. After 2 weeks(n=10), 4 weeks(n=10), 6 weeks(n=10) and 8 weeks(n=10), the sutured tendon was removed from the joint and examined histology and measured tensile strength.
Mactoscopically the surface of all piece was smooth and glistening. Fibroblasts were appeared in the sutured gap and produced collagen fiber and after 6 weeks many portions of collagen fibers were maturated. The gain of tensile strength was proportional to the time till 8 weeks.
The findings indicate that diffusion of nutrients may be important for the survival and reconstresstablishment of the microcirculation.
The authors report 16 cases of large cranial base meningiomas operated on during the 7-year period from August 1986 through August 1994.
These minigiomas were 4 cases of olfactory groove, 4 cases of tuberculum sellas, 1 case of cavernous sinus, 2 cases of sphenoid ride(medial), 3 cases of tentorium, 1 case of intratemporal fossa and 1 case of petroclival area. These were 14 women(87%) and 2 men(13%) with a mean age of 48 years(mage 17 to 65 years).
Microsurgical technque with recent advance sugical approach assisted in removal of tumor tissues with preservation of vital structures. The grading of tumor removal by Simpson grading system were followings ; grade I 4 grade II 8 cases, grade III 2 cases grade IV 2 cases. There were 4 deaths(25%) ; one from pulmonary edema, one from myocardiac ischemia, one from sepsis and from brain swelling. Only one patient died from the cause related to his tumor. Overall 6(44%) of patients are doing well and 5(31%) have significant disability.
Pancreatic pseudocyst is one of the most common compications of pancreatitis or pancreatic injury. It can occur at any site in ted abdomen but rarely in the liver. The ultrasound and computed tomography are invaluable imaging techniques for the detection of a pseudocyst We have recently experienced an uncommon case of pseudocyst in 54-year-old man, who had complained of severe epigastric pain and fever. The pseudocyst in the left hepatic lobe was diagnosed by abdominal sonography and computed tomography with clinical and laboratory findings. It was treated successfully by percutaneous catheter drainage.
Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in childhood and 20 percent of Rhabdomyosarcoma in children arise in the urogenital. The paratesticular rhabdomyo-sarcoma is a highly malignant neoplasm with early invasion and metastases, which has retroperitoneal metastases in about half of the patient at time of dignosis. However, the survival rates have been improved greatly by using multimoaltherapy.
We report a case of paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma with brief review of the literatures.