Experiences in the adjuvant chemotherapy with adriamycin on two cases of osteogenic sarcoma of the femur and tibia and one case of Ewing's sarcoma of the femur are presented.
The two cases of the osteogenic sarcoma were treated by a combination of radical amputation and chemotherapy.
One case of the Ewing's sarcoma was treated by the megavoltage radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
One patient with the osteosarcoma died of late pulmonary metastasis 13 months after the diagnosis and treatment, however, this patient had discontinued hie chemotherapy in three months. And also his initial amputation was delayed four months from initial diagnosis because of his hesitation.
Other two cases of osteogenic and Ewing's sarcoma are carrying on normal active daily life without local recurrance or pulmonary metastasis 11-17 months after the diagnosis of the osteogenic and Ewing's sarcoma respectively.
The observation and follow up period of our cases are too short to permit definite conclusions. However, preliminary results and the review of the literatures strongly support the possibility that adjuvant chemotherapy has improved the prognosis of the patients with the malignant bone tumors.
The effects of vitamin B complexes on both ring and N-hydroxylation of 2-ace-tylaminofluorene by rat hepatic microsomal fraction were studied.
In the presence of thiamine-Hcl during incubation, the total hydroxy-AAF was increased by 50.3%. 0.1mM and 1.0mM riboflavin inhibited only total hydroxy-AAF with 56.7% and 85.0 whereas N-hydroxy AAF was increased to some extent. 1.0mM niacin did not have much effect on the total hydroxy-AAF, but 0.1mM niacin decreased the total dydroxy-AAF by 28.6%. Presence of p-amino-benzoic acid, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxal-Hcl or vitamin B12 inhibited the total hydroxy-AAF to some extent. But the radio of ring-and N-AAF hydroxylation was not changed by these vitaminn B complexes.
Our present results suggest that vitamin B complexes were not effective in vitro metabolism of 2-AAF to N-hydroxy AAF(activation step of AAF) by a cytochrome p-450 dependent mixed function oxidase system.
Quantitative analysis of the activities of phosphatase in ovariectomized rat uterus was carried out.
1. The activities of total phosphatase were decreased by ovarian steroids (except progesterone treated group at pH 9).
2. The ratio of acid: alkali, neutral phosphatase was 4 : 1.
3. Among total enzymes, the proportion of Mg++ - dependent phosphatase was much higher than the other specific enzyme.
4. The activities of alkali, acid phosphatase were decreased by cystein, but the activity of neutral phosphatase was increased.
5. At the neutral media, the experimental group treated with progesterone and estradiol-17β on day 1 appeared the following special figures.
(1) The activity of total phosphatase was low.
(2) K+ - dependent phosphatase was negligible.
(3) Mg++ - dependent phosphatase transformed into Mg++ - independent phosphatase.
(4) The activity of phosphatase was stimulated by cystein.
6. These results means the fact that phosphatase activity is affected by ovarian steroids, and by pH.
A clinical analysis was mode on the 106 cases of the pelvic fracture and summarized as follows.
1) The most frequent cause of pelvic fracture was the automobile accident with 77(72.7%) out of 106 cases.
2) The most common type of pelvic fracture was the fracture of single ramus of public bone in 45.2% of patient. Malgaigne fracture were eleven (10.4%) including four of verticak shear type and three lateral compression type.
3) The 76 cases (68.3%) out of 106 pelvic fracture had been accompanied other injuries elsewhere. 47 of those had fractures of other bone or dislocations and rest of them had soft tissue injuries.
4) The 21 cases had hematuria including nine cases of bladder or urethral injuries. Two cases out of six urethary injury had the late complication of urethral stricture.
5) The severe internal hemorrhage had complicated on nine cases. No surgical intervention was done, however, two of them were expired due to uncontrolable internal hemorrhage.
The etiology of congenital hydronphrosis are obstruction of urinary tract, underdevelpment of ureteral musculature and abnormality of nerve innervation in fetal life. The onset of symptom congenital hydronephrosis appears later and there are irreversible change of renal paranchyme in most cases. Therefore require early diagnosis and treatment. We experienced a case of congenital hydronephrosis containing about 1,500cc of hydronephorotic fluid, which was caused by congenital ureteropelvic junction stenosis and report this case with review of lite rature.
Gastroshisis is a rare congenital defect demanding urgent surgical correction. It is a full thickness cleft of the abdominal wall next to the insertion of the cord through which the intestines are eviserated. The characteristics which differentiate gastroschisis from omphalocele are the extra-umbilical location of the abdominal wall defect, the normal insertion of the umbilical cord, and the abscence of a covering sac or its ruptured remnants.
The child had unevenful postoperative course and has grow up normal and healthy. This paper is concerned with our experience of a survival case and reviewed the embryo-logy, pathology, associated anormalities, and the current concepts in the management of gastroschisis in the literatures.
A case of electric cataracts in both eyes were presented. A 23 years old electric mechanic whose left was touched to a 22,000 voltage of alternating current eletric line 26 September 1979, has been unconscious for 24 hours and amnesic for 6 days.
Also he got burnt second or third degree on the neck, face, both hands and forearms, and both lower extremities and superficial burns of the other body surface.
He had developed gradual decreasc of the visual acuity. When the author examined the patient's visual acuity and intra ocular pressure on 1 November 1979, the right eye was 0.15 (0.3X-SPH 2.00D), the left eye 0.4 (GL.B.N.) and 19mm Hg/5.5 on both eyes, and there were thread like and diffuse opacity on the anterior and posterior subcapsular areas.
These finding were more pronounced in the right eye. The vision was dropped to H.M./30cm in the right eye and F.C./20cm in the left eye. The extracapsular lens extraction was done for the right eye without any complication on February 1, 1980.
The vision was obtained 0.01(±0.6X+SPH 12.00D) on the right eye and 0.01(±0.9X+SPH 12.00D) on the left eye one month after the operation and there were no complications.
Initial report of Milkman's syndrome was in 1930 with the characteristic findings of multiple, symmetrical, spontaneous, pseudofractures as a mild type of osteomalacia. However, the exact cause of the disease is not clearly defined yet. A case report was made on the cases of Milkman's syndrome of 24 and 44 year old women. Both of them had pseudofracture on proximal part of femur bilaterally and normal walking were disturbed due to pain. The younger patient had additional looser's zone on the ulna and the older case had on the scapula and rib. They are responded well to the treatment with Vitamin D2 and D3 50,000 I.U. Daily each. The looser's zone had disappeared completely or almost all on radiological examination in seven to ten months of treatment.