In cholestatic rats, effects of phenobarbital or cholic acid on hepatic microsomal cytochrome p-450 and b5 were investigated. The total contents of both cytochrome p-450 and cytochrome b5 were decreased after bile duct ligation and the administration of estradiol. When cholic acid or phenobarbital was adminstrated in cholestatic rats, the decrease of cytochrome p-450 was prevented. The effects of cholic acid or phenobarbital on both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation of AAF in cholestatic rat hepatic microsomal fraction were studied. N-hydroxylation of AAF in bile duct ligated rat liver microsomes was reduced by 34%, but ring-hydroxylation was increased by 51%. In estradiol administrated rat, both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation of AAD was increased by 20 to 25%. In cholic acid administration, both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation was increased by about 10%. N-hydroxylation of AAF in phenobarbital treated rats was reduced more than ring-hydroxylation was reduced compared to the bile duct ligated group. Estradiol treated group which administrated with cholic acid or phenobarbital exhibited inhibited effects of N-hydroxylation.
The objective of this paper is to test the reinfectivity of
Through analizing the medical records of 33,656 outpaitients in Sudong Health Subcenter and the payment rate of Community Health Organization membership fee during the nine years from 1972 to 1980 in the area of Sudong Myun, which is consisted with 12 Rie, or 22 villages, Namy angju Gun, the following results were obtained; 1. The annual utility rate of healthh subcenter of Su-dong Myun was increased until 1978 such as 314 in 1972 (started), 459 in 1974, 685 in 1976, and 1, 033 in 1978 per 1,000 people. However, since 1979 the rate was shown decreasing tendency such as 849 in 1979 and 774 in 1980. 2. The annual utility rates of health subcenter according to the source medical fee payment were the highest rate of 1,875 per 1,000 in the group of medical insurance, and 794 in the group of national mdeicaid program and 782 in the group of community health organization member. 3. The membership fee of the community health organization (annual and family base) was raised from \480 in 1974 (starting year) to \6,000 in 1980. And the payment rate was also incrased from 58.8% in 1974 to 72.9% in 1980. 4. It seems that the utility rate of health subcenter by villiage people is co-related to both of the living distance from the health subcenter and the level of payment rate of membership fee of each village base.
The present study was done to define the morphological characteristics of nenurons in the rat neostriatum. The rats were perfused with 1% paraformaldehyde and 2% glutaraldehyde fixative in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. Tissues from caudate nucleus were postfixed with 2% osmium tetroxide in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. and dehydrated in graded ethanol and aceton, and embedded in Epon 812. The polymerization was carried out in a 60℃ oven. The ultrathin sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined with a Siemens Elmiskop IA. Four morphologically differenttypes of neurons were classified. (1) The large neurons were often elongated or spindle shapes, measured 25~30µm in diameter. They had an indented nucleus and contained large amount of cytoplasm with many stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum, concentration of ribosomes and rich Golgi cisternae. (2) The medium-sized, polygonal neurons were pyramid or polygonal shapes, measured 14~20µm in diameter. All neurons of this type had a spherical, unindented nucleus and moderate cytoplasm of pale cytoplasm with relatively small amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and riboromes. (3) The medium sized, ovoid neurons were the most common neostriatal cells. These neurons were ovoid or spherical shapes, measured 12~20µm in diameter. They contained small quantities of Golgi cister in the dark cytoplasm. (4) The small neurons were the least common cells in the striatum. They had a distinctive nucleus, usually with a single indentation and contained little Glogi apparatus and few cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum.
This report represents a bacteriological investigation of the biliary tract disease correlated to clinical data and their pathologic findings at the Ewha Womans University Hospital from Oct. 1977 to May 1980. In this report, 50 cases of adbominal surgery for biliary tract diseases were examined with bacterial culture from the gall bladder bile and the common duct bile. The following results were obtained: 1. Of 50 cases in which the bile was cultured, 28 cases (56%) had positive bile culture. 2. The differences of the positive culture rate between calculous and non-calculous patients indicated no significant differences. (57.6% : 52.9%) 3. 92.9% of patients with choledocholithiasis had positive bile culture. Only 39.1% of patients with cholelithiasis had positive bile culture. 4. Higher positive culture rate obtained in common duct bile than gall bladder bile. (51.3% : 47.7%) 5. Isolated organisms were mainly so called enteric bacterias. 6. In sensitivity tests of isolated organisms to the antibiotics, organisms were highly sensitive to Kanamycin, Panimycin, Colimycin and Gentamicin.
The impression gathered from the literature on epidural hematoma at the vertex is that knowledge of this hematoma is still scanty. Thest hematomas are rarely described as specific pathological entities. For this reason we thought it worthwhile to review the cases reported in the available literature. Seven cases of vertex epidural hematomas enccuntered in patients admitted over a 3-year period at the Ewha Womans University Hospital are presented. Clinical and neuroadiological findings, treatment and results are reported.
The author present statistical observation of 111 cases of tinnitus with pure tone audiometry from Jan. 1, 1978 to Dec. 31, 1980 in department of otolaryngology, EWHA Womans University Hospital. The result were as follow: 1. Male to female ratio was as 1.1: 1 and peak age incidence was in the age group 21 to 30. 2. Most frequent duration for tinnitus was 1 month to 1 year. 3. Patient who complained tinnitus was only 10.0% in cases of tinnitus and patient who complained tinnitus with hearing impairment was 72.1% in the cases of tinnitus. 4. The affected site in the tinnitus, in order of frequency were; Both ears 38.8% Left ear 32.4% Right ear 28.8% 5. The drum finding, in order of frequency were; Intact 40.3% Retraction 41.6% Perforation 11.0% 6. The degree of hearing loss in audiometry were; Normal 26.0% Moderate severe 23.5% Moderate 20.8% 7. The classification of hearing loss were Sensorineural 28.6% Mixed 27.8% Conductive 15.7% 8. The shape of hearing impairments were High tone loss 46.9% Flat 30.2% Low tone loss 13.6% Mid tone loss 9.3% 9. The occurence of C5 dip was 15.8% in cases of tinnitus.
The incidence of mental illness in the modern society has been increasing and the use of the tranquilizer for the treatment of these illnesses has been increasing also. The side effects of the tranquilizer are reportedly, minimal and the long term use of the medicine is widely practised in this field. But the question of its effect on cardiovascular system has been discussed previously and the level of cholesterol and triglyceride was found to increase in patients who have been on the tranquilizer for a long period of time. The current study was undertaken to find out the effect of tranquilizer(chlorpromazine, thioridazine, perphenazine, haloperidol, and pimozide) given to the animals for 4 weeks. And the results are summarized as follow: 1) In the animal group given chlorpromazine, thioridazine, and perphenazine, the level of total serum cholesterol was increased and the activity of microsomal HMG-Co A reductase was also increased. However, in the group given haloperidol and pimozide, there was no increase of cholesterol level or activity of microsomal HMG-Co A reductase. 2) The correlation of serum total cholesterol level and the activity of HMG-Co A reductase in the liver and brain was significant. From the Above results, it could be concluded that the effect of the long term use of tranquilizer on the cadiovascular systerm should be reevaluated.
A malignant mixed mesodermal tumor of the bladder from 70-year-old woman is presented. Malignant mixed mesodermal tumor is a designation applied to carcinosarcoma characterized by the presence of heterologous mesenchymal elements. The tumor tends to be large, bulky, intraluminal tumors that grows rapidly and infiltrates widely. The tumor occurs predominantly in elderly men, and aggresive surgical treatment is indicated because of the poor prognosis. Histologically this neoplasm was composed of epithelial components of transitional and squamous cell carcinoma, and mesnechymal components of fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and osteogenic sarcoma.
The tumor of the corpus callosum is a rare tumor with a incidence of 0.6 to 4.9% among all intracranial tumors. We report a case of astrocytoma of corpus callosum in 39 year-old man with complaints of headache, recent memory disturbance and urinary incontinence. The tumor located in the corpus callosum is soft consistency with light-grey color and the microscopic finding reveals astrocytoma in grade II.
This is to report a surgical correction of the small lower jaw in a child. The ll-yr-old girl had sufferred from micrognathic facial disfigurement forming bird-shape chin. The rcentgenologic exam disclosed hypoplastic ascending ramus & condyle of the Rt. mandible. The early arrest of the mandibular growth might be induced by infection or trauma of the temporomandibular joint within 5years after birth. The orthognathic surgery in a child bas been usually delayed until the completion of bone growth, and the handicapped child should have been patient of impaired jaw function and unfaborable appearance. In this case, the horizontal sliding osteotomy in the mandibular body was attempted to lengthen the body and to move the chin forwardly. Reporting this case with review of literature, the following points may be noted; 1. The horizontal osteotomy in ther mandibular body could be approached intra-orally without extensive hemorrhage or neurologic complications. 2. circum-mandibular wiring was of value to immobilize the bony segments, without any interference of masticcatory or phonetic function during the bone healing. 3. The occlusion and opening of the jaw were not disturbed by this procedure and the appositional further growth could be expected. 4. The sliding reposition of the inferior body lengthened the mandible as long as 10mm and extened the facial height as high as 4mm in vertical direction. Therefore, the augmentaion surgery of the mandibular body may not be abandoned until the complete growth of the jaw.