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Volume 44(3); July 2021


Publication Ethics Part 2: Copyright
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):51-54.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.51
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Review Article


Type 1 diabetes requires lifelong insulin therapy because insulin-secretion capability is diminished. Glycemic control and glucose monitoring are important to prevent type 1 diabetes complications. Diabetes technologies have developed rapidly; continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) are now common and greatly aid glycemic control, especially in children and adolescents. The National Health Insurance Service has provided partial reimbursements for both CGM and CSII devices since 2019 and 2020, respectively; the devices are thus expected to become more popular. CGM reduces the frequency of hypoglycemia and the level of glycated hemoglobin. CSII affords more precise glycemic control than multi-dose insulin therapy. CSII showed reduced frequency of hypoglycemia and improved metabolic outcome without an increase in the body mass index z-score. Technological advancement of combined CGM and CSII will eventually serve as an artificial pancreas. The National Health Insurance Service should fund not only the devices but also education of patients and caregivers. In addition, healthcare providers must be continuously updated on new diabetes technologies.


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  • Tailored Meal-Type Food Provision for Diabetes Patients Can Improve Routine Blood Glucose Management in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Crossover Study
    Dong Hoon Jung, Jae Won Han, Hyeri Shin, Hee-Sook Lim
    Nutrients.2024; 16(8): 1190.     CrossRef
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Original Articles

Clinical Characteristics, Treatment Delivery, and Cisplatin Eligibility in Korean Patients Initially Diagnosed with Urothelial Carcinoma
Kwonoh Park, Jong Kil Nam, Bon Jin Koo, Hyun Jung Lee, Tae Un Kim, Hwaseong Ryu, Yun Jeong Hong, Seungsoo Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Sung Woo Park
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):63-69.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.63

The aim of this study was to examine the clinical presentation, treatment delivery, and cisplatin eligibility of Korean patients with urothelial carcinoma (UC) in a real-world setting.


We performed a retrospective cohort study of patients initially diagnosed with UC from March 2013 to June 2018. Creatinine clearance >60 mL/min and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (0-1) were adopted as cisplatin eligibility criteria.


This study included 557 eligible patients. Median age was 71.0 years (range, 33-94 years), and males were dominant (80%). Primary tumor sites were: upper genitourinary tract, 18%; bladder, 81%; and urethra, 0.4%. Initial disease status was non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (313, 56%), diffuse infiltrating non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (19, 3%), cTanyN0 upper tract UC (75, 13%), cT2-4N0 bladder UC (82, 15%), TanyN1-3 UC (36, 7%), or initially metastatic UC (32, 6%). At the time of analysis (June 2019), following treatments were delivered to 134 patients with localized UC: radical operation with or without perioperative treatment (89, 67%), definitive chemoradiation (7, 5%), and palliative surgery or supportive care only (36, 28%). In total, 89 patients had metastatic UC, including those with recurrent disease (n=57), and 34 (38%) of the 89 were eligible for cisplatin.


Clinical presentations in East Asian UC patients were consistent with those of previous studies in other countries, except for a relatively high incidence of upper genitourinary tract. Our results can serve as a benchmark for further advances and future research for treatments of UC in East Asian patients.


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  • Undertreatment in patients with advanced urothelial cancer: systematic literature review and meta-analysis
    Mairead Kearney, Liu Zhang, Elizabeth Hubscher, Mihaela Musat, Sharada Harricharan, Thomas Wilke
    Future Oncology.2024; 20(16): 1123.     CrossRef
  • Four versus six cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy for advanced Urothelial carcinoma in the era of immune checkpoint inhibitors: A retrospective cohort study (FOCUS, KCSG-GU23-08)
    Kwonoh Park, Eo Jin Kim, Jin Young Kim, Hyojeong Kim, Inkeun Park, Joo-Hwan Park, Byeong Seok Sohn, Hyo Jin Lee, Jungmin Jo, Seok Jae Huh, Jae Lyun Lee
    Current Problems in Cancer.2024; 53: 101149.     CrossRef
  • Phase II study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with four cycles of dose‐dense MVAC followed by radical cystectomy in Korean patients with muscle‐invasive or locally advanced urothelial carcinoma of bladder
    Kwonoh Park, Hyun Jung Lee, Tae Un Kim, Hwaseong Ryu, Yong Kan Ki, Yun Jeong Hong, Jong Kil Nam
    Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology.2023; 19(6): 739.     CrossRef
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Workplace Violence and Gender Equality: Country Level Data in European Countries and Korea
Yeogyeong Yoon, Kyunghee Jung-Choi
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):70-79.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.70

The purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of workplace violence in European countries and Korea, and to determine the relationship between the prevalence of workplace violence and gender equality in each country. The level of gender equality was used as a proxy for the sensitivity to and awareness of workplace violence.


This study included 30,032 Europeans from the 6th European Working Conditions Survey and 39,675 Koreans from the 5th Korean Working Conditions Survey. Workplace violence included verbal abuse, unwanted sexual attention, threats, and humiliating behaviors over the past month and physical violence, sexual harassment, and bullying or harassment over the past year. The prevalence of workplace violence was standardized using the direct standardization method. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between the prevalence of workplace violence and Gender Gap Index (GGI) adjusted for the Gini coefficient, unemployment rate, and share of temporary employment.


Countries with a high GGI showed a higher prevalence of workplace violence. Even after adjusting for the Gini coefficient, unemployment rate, and share of temporary employment, the positive correlations between the GGI and workplace violence over the past month (r=0.475, P=0.019) and workplace violence over the past year (r=0.692, P=0.001) were still significant.


This study is significant in that it addressed the issue of underreporting violence despite data limitations. Public intervention should be considered to increase sensitivity to workplace violence and prevent workplace violence.


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  • Una Revisión del Acoso Laboral y Estrategias de Prevención en las Organizaciones (A Review of Workplace Harassment and Prevention Strategies in Organizations)
    Asunción Argudo-García, Yadira Armas-Ortega, Karen Guillén-Alvarado, Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
    SSRN Electronic Journal .2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Case Reports
More Effective Way to Perform Complete Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Patients in Kummell’s Disease: A Case Report
Seung Hee Yoo, Ji Seon Chae, Minjin Lee, Bo Kyung Kang, Hahck Soo Park, Won-Joong Kim
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):80-83.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.80

An 84-year-old woman visited our pain clinic with complaints of low back pain and severe radiating pain in the right lower extremity during walking. The patient demonstrated subacute compression fracture of L3 with vacuum change in lumbar spine plain radiographs and MRI which suggest Kummell’s disease. Despite our conservative treatments, she had little back pain relief. Therefore, we planned a percutaneous vertebroplasty. Manual compression could help perform percutaneous vertebroplasty more effectively by expanding the vertebral body. In addition, the spontaneous recovery of vacuum cleft width using negative pressure could help perform the technique more effectively. We successfully performed percutaneous vertebroplasty using these combination therapies for our patient.

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Omphalomesenteric Fistula Presenting with Meconium Discharge from the Umbilicus
Yun-Hee Lee, Ka Hyun Lee, Ji-Won Han, Su Jin Cho
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):84-88.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.84

The omphalomesenteric duct is an embryologic connection between the midgut and yolk sac, which typically disappears at 5th to 7th week of gestation. Failure of the obliteration process can lead to omphalomesenteric duct remnants. We report a case of a neonate with a patent omphalomesenteric duct fistula opening to the umbilicus presenting with meconium sprouting from the umbilical stump. Segmental resection of the ileum and end to end anastomosis were conducted. The patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative day without any complications, and no abnormalities were observed at the outpatient clinic follow-up up to 5 months after surgery. Here we describe the case and a review of the literature.


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  • Demographics, Clinical Presentation, and Surgical Procedures Performed for the Persistent Vitellointestinal Duct During Infancy: A Systematic Literature Review of the Past Fifty Years from 1971 to 2021
    Rajendra K. Ghritlaharey
    Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth.2024; 17(2): 262.     CrossRef
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Use of Olive Oil for the Treatment of a Phytobezoar: A Case Report
Hyun Hwa Choi, Yongil Kim
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):89-92.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.89

A bezoar, a mixture of various undigested foreign substances in the gastrointestinal tract, causes intestinal obstruction at times. We report a case of non-surgical treatment in old age patient. An 89-year-old female presented with epigastric pain, general weakness, and intermittent melena for 1 month. There were episodic attacks of vomiting. An abdominal computed tomography scan showed a 5×4 cm, firm, atypically shaped mass at the stomach body and duodenal bulb with interspersed gas. Endoscopy showed a mass of fiber impacting the antrum pylorus, and the endoscopist failed to remove the bezoar at the first attempt. We subscribed olive oil for few days to make the bezoar small, and eventually, it was fragmented and removed without surgery. A phytobezoar is not uncommon disease required surgical removal if obstructive system developed. Ingestion of olive oil would be a helpful substitute for immediate operation in case of phytobezoar.

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Differentiating between Intestinal Tuberculosis and Crohn’s Disease May Be Complicated by Multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Seung Wook Hong, Sang Hyoung Park, Byong Duk Ye, Suk-Kyun Yang
Ewha Med J 2021;44(3):93-96.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12771/emj.2021.44.3.93

Differentiating between intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn’s disease (CD) remains a challenge for gastroenterologists. In Asia, where the prevalence of tuberculosis is relatively high and the incidence of CD is rapidly increasing, this issue is crucial. Here we report a case that was initially misdiagnosed as CD, subsequently showed no response to empirical first-line anti-tuberculosis medication, and was finally diagnosed with multidrug-resistant ITB. This case reminds physicians that multidrug-resistant ITB may complicate distinguishing between ITB and CD.


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  • Is Multidrug-resistant Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Important? If So, What Is Our Strategy?
    Seong-Eun Kim
    The Ewha Medical Journal.2021; 44(4): 148.     CrossRef
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