Lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels have been determined innormal and diabetes. The abnormalities of lipoprotein were investigated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the serum and the 3 major lipoprotein classes for diabetes. HDL cholesterol levels were lower in the diabetes compared to the normals. VLDL triglyceride levels also elevated in the diabetes. There were significant shifts in the distribution of lipoprotein cholesterol, with an increase in LDL cholesterol and decrease in HDL cholesterol. The results of this study suggest that diabetes may be associated with changes in both lipoprotein triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The electrohoretic patterns of VLDL and HDL in diabetes showed the abnormal pattern in comparison to normal.
The authors studied 50 controls(25 male and 25 female) and 79 diabetes mellitus patients(38 male and 41 female) who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from June, 1983 to May, 1984 to investigate the disorders of lipid metabolism, hemoglobin A1c and their correlaton. The results were as follows: 1) Age incidence was highest in the 6th decades. 2) Mean fasting blood sugar was 191.9±82.29mg% and postprandial 2hour blood sugar was 278.81±118.19mg% in male diabetes mellitus patients, and 196.48±68.94mg% and 261.16±85.84mg% in female diabetes mellitus patients. After control diabetes mellitus blood sugar levels were decreased significantly. 3) Hemoglobin A1clevels at fasting and postprandial 2 hour were significantly higher than those of controls. And Hemoglobin A1c level were progressivly decreased after 3 months' controlling of diabetes mellitus. 4) Pre-β and β-lipoprotein, triglycerides and cholesterol were significantly higher than those of controls but α-lipoprotein was lower than that of controls. After 6 months of diabetic control, pre β-lipoprotein, triglycerides and cholesterol were decreased. 5) Between Hemoglobin A1c and fasting blodo sugar had positive correlation, an cholesterol and hemoglobin A1c also had positive correlation, but those were not statistically significant.
The author reviewed 31 cases of splenectomy between January 1975 and June 1984, at the department of surgery, college of medicine, Ewha womans'university. The results of analysis are summerized as follow; 1) The highest incidences of age range were 3rd and 4th decades, and male to female ratio was 1.6:1. 2) The causes of traumatic splenic injury were traffic accident(58.33%), violence (25%) and falling down(16.67%) in order of frequency. 3) The traumatic injury was composed of mutiple injury(58.33%) and single splenic injury (41.67%). The most common associated injury was intraabdominal bleeding(58.33%) and rib fracture was 16.67% as extraabdominal injury. 4) The hematologic findings on admission were as follow; 1. The value of hemoglobin was below 10mg/dl in 66.67%. 2. The hematocrit level was below 35% in 33.33%. 3. The leukocyte count was above 15000/mm3 in 50%. 5) The abdominal paracentesis were performed in 10 cases and 7 cases(70%) showed the positive findings. 6) The time interval between injury and operation was within 8 hours in 8 cases(66.67%). 7) The incidence of postoperative complication was 16.13%, and the rate of wound infection, atelectasis and intestinal obstruction was 0.65% in each. 8) The seasonal distribution suggested that spletic injury was more prevalent in summer(58.33%). 9) The motality was 1 case(3.23%) but this was not associated with traumatic injury.
From march 1980 to August 1983, fourteen patients with fractures of the clavicle were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with threaded steinman pin at department of orthopadic surgery of Ehwa university hospital. The results were as followings; 1) Average duration of union of the fractures was 8.9 weeks. 2) Non-union was occured in one case, which was united by autogenous bone graft. 3) By open reduction and internal fixation, abnormal external appearance, such as bony protrusion and shortening was not noted and with early motion of the shoulder joint, disturbance of the joint function was minimized. 4) Open reduction and internal fixation in fractures of the clavicle was recommended in severe comminuted fracture, clinical non-union and heavy worker.
Bananced anesthesia was termed because each intravenous compound employed was selected and administrated for a specific action, e.g.m analgesia, sedation, amnesia and muscle relaxation. This technique is a safe, simple technique that has no demonstrable toxic effects on liver or kidneys. The cardiovascular system remains stable during anesthesia. The method has proved useful in aged and poor risk patients. In using this technique, fentanyl and droperidols are used commonly. Unfortunately, we could not get the commercially available fentanyl and droperidol in Korea. So the present author have used meperidine or morphine as substitute for fentanyl, diazepam as substitute for droperidol since 1977. The author analyzed the anesthetic records of 10,456 cases in relation with the years, sex, age, operation site, dosages per body weight and operation time during the period of 1977 to 1983. The result are as follows: 1) Of the total 14,078 cases, 74.3%(10,456 cases) was the balanced anesthesia and showed increasing tendency annually. 2) The ratio of males to female was 1:1.9. 3) The most common age group was 3rd decades. 4) The most common operation was Cesarean section. 5) The mean dosages for meperidine was 0.89mg/kg/hr and diazepam was 0.17mg/kg/h.
A case of hypokalemic familial periodic paralysis is presented and the litures are reviewed. A 15-year-old boy was admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital with chief complaints of paralysis of both extremities and trunk on awaking in the morning. He had a history of quadriplegia, 8 months ago. Laboratory study revealed a hypokalemia(1.6mEq/L) and biopsy specimen taken from the gastrocnemius muscle showed mild vacuolization. After treatment with potassium chloride, paralysis was completely recovered.
The authors experienced three cases of posterior hip dislocations associated with femoral head fractures which are very rare condition. One of them was treated with closed method and the others were treated with surgical method. The result of treatment in three cases was good.
I have experienced two cases of non-ossifying fibroma in the metaphysis of the proximal tibia and metaphysis of the distal femur. Roentgenologic studies showed loculated cyst-like bony defect and they were treated with complete curettage. The historical studies revealed them to typical non-ossifying fibroma, and the patients have been showing good conditions po-stoperatively.